St. John's



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St. John's

55 Archival description results for St. John's

55 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

1997 annual conference Literacies and communications across cultures: rewriting women's studies for the new millenium - Meetings

This file consists of documents relating to the planning of the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s annual general and executive meetings held during the 1997 Learned Societies Congress. It contains email, a letter, a business card and a list of past members of the CWSA's executive committee.

1997 annual conference Literacies and communications across cultures: rewriting women's studies for the millenium - Report

This file consists of documents relating to reports of the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s annual conference Literacies and communications across cultures: rewriting women's studies for the millennium. It contains reports, correspondence, a financial report for the Newsletter and travel claims payment form.

Newsletter, Winter 1999 issue - Planning

This file consists of documents relating to the planning and publication of the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s Winter 1999 issue of its Newsletter. It contains the 1998 annual general meetings' minutes, call for papers, emails, past presidents' reports, an advertisement for rates, notes, flyers, monthly report of account postage charge, correspondence, the booklet Aid to scholarly publications programme = Programme d'aide à l'édition savante, draft with annotations and an original copy of the Winter 1999 issue of the CWSA's Newsletter.
Results 51 to 55 of 55