Newfoundland and Labrador



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Hierarchical terms

Newfoundland and Labrador

BT Canada

Newfoundland and Labrador

Equivalent terms

Newfoundland and Labrador

  • UF Labrador

Associated terms

Newfoundland and Labrador

67 Archival description results for Newfoundland and Labrador

4 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Local Council of Women - St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador

This file consists of documents relating to the organization’s everyday activities, its meetings, its housing support options and its involvement in International Women's Year.

The file contains meeting minutes, lists of Local Council of Women's members, by-laws, correspondence and forms. The file also contains a petition and the September 1972 issue of “Local Council of Women's Newsletter.”

National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) / Comité canadien d'action sur le statut de la femme (CCA) - Correspondence, 1977-1993 (1 of 2)

These files consist of correspondence and material relating to fundraising, meetings, a pro-choice campaign, an employment strategy for women and the Toronto Transit Commission's equal employment opportunity.

The files contain correspondence, discussion points, statements, notes and a nomination call for the 1979-1980 executive committee.

The files also contain a statement for reimbursement, an invoice, a course description, an outline and a report.

National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) / Comité canadien d'action sur le statut de la femme (CCA) - Correspondence, 1977-1993 (2 of 2)

These files consist of correspondence and material relating to fundraising, meetings, a pro-choice campaign, an employment strategy for women and the Toronto Transit Commission's equal employment opportunity.

The files contain correspondence, discussion points, statements, notes and a nomination call for the 1979-1980 executive committee.

The files also contain a statement for reimbursement, an invoice, a course description, an outline and a report.

National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) / Comité canadien d'action sur le statut de la femme (CCA) - Correspondence, 1984-1988

This file consists of correspondence relating to the Bonnie Robichaud case, to free trade, to unemployment insurance and to an office cleaner strike.

The file also relates to pay equity and to funding for sexual harassment training for the Canadian Employment and Immigration Union.

It contains correspondence, press clippings, briefs, an article, a paper, a leaflet, a petition, a memorandum and a press release.

National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) / Comité canadien d’action sur le statut de la femme (CCA) - Organizational Review Committee, 1988-1989

This file consists of documents relating to the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC)'s Organizational Review Committee.

It contains meeting minutes, memoranda, correspondence, notes, and the Organizational Review Report 1988-1989. The file also contains an attendance list and the text, “The NAC Organizational Review in Short.”

National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) / Comité canadien d’action sur le statut de la femme (CCA) - Position on federal politics

This file consists of documents relating to the 1992 referendum and to organization positions on federal politics.

The file contains questions for Liberal leadership candidates, correspondence, memoranda, budgets, agendas, reports, fact sheets and NAC's constitution with appended regulations.

The file also contains a press release, a small biography of Paul Martin and a NAC Referendum campaign evaluation.

Results 1 to 10 of 67