Ján Juraj (George) Frajkor fonds
- CA ON0034 20-022
- Fonds
- 1947-2005
Frajkor, Ján Juraj (George)
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Ján Juraj (George) Frajkor fonds
Frajkor, Ján Juraj (George)
Gleiman family
Canadian Slovak League (CSL) fonds
Canadian Slovak League (CSL)
This fonds consists of documents related to the internal politics of the Slovak World Congress (SWC), Ján Okál's involvement in its organizations and some of the SWC's publications, predominantly the Bulletin.
It contains letters, memorandums, speeches, photocopied newspaper clippings, articles, certificates, proclamations, messages, drafts of articles, agendas, flyers, programs, bibliographies, booklets, notes, telegrams, lists, declarations, meetings' minutes, statements, invitations, membership cards and forms, transcripts of Free Radio Europe's broadcasts, petitions, order forms, funeral, greeting donation, birthday, thank-you and religious cards, some with salutations, colour and black and white photographs and negatives, posters, postage stamps, a ribbon, drawings, prayers, announcements, SWC's letterhead, questionnaires, by-laws, statutes, rules and regulations, exhibits' catalogues, aerogrammes, book reviews, a bibliographic card, position papers, opening remarks, notes for addresses, poems, press releases, excerpts from books and the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation's floor plan.
Okáľ, Ján
Slovak Studies Association (SSA) fonds
Slovak Studies Association (SSA)
Matisko family
Kučera, Andrej
This fonds consists of documents created, collected and/or received by Štefan Hreha after his arrival in Canada in 1936 reflecting his dedicated work as an editor for Kanadský Slovak, president of Branch 2 of the Canadian Slovak League in Montreal, and other activities as a writer and active member of the Slovak community in Canada.
It contains personal correspondence, articles, photographs and memorabilia as well as song lyrics, posters. It also contains documents relating to the Canadian Slovak League (CSL) including meeting minutes, Slovak publications, reports, invoices and budgets, press releases, reports, speeches and newspaper clippings.
Hreha, Štefan
Böhm, Emanuel
Potocký, Andrej