
4357 Archival description results for Ontario

17 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Women in action Join in

Poster with pink and white text, pale purple background, showing blue, pink and green photographs of women playing sport.

Toby Brooks fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-141
  • Fonds
  • 1974, [1978]-9 January 1992
The fonds consists of records related to Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH), and specifically to the Regional Coordinating Committee to end Violence Against Women. It includes records related to communication between Ottawa Interval House and Ottawa Police, and also communication between (OAITH) and the Ontario Police Commission. This fonds highlights the efforts made to advocate change in the legal process to end violence against women as well as police intervention regarding domestic violence in the 1980s.
Le fonds comprend des documents relatifs à l'Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH), et plus particulièrement au Regional Coordinating Committee to end Violence Against Women (Comité régional de coordination pour mettre fin à la violence contre les femmes). Il comprend des documents relatifs à la communication entre la Maison d'intervention d'Ottawa et la police d'Ottawa, ainsi qu'à la communication entre l'OAITH et la Commission de police de l'Ontario. Ce fonds met en lumière les efforts déployés pour préconiser des changements dans le processus juridique afin de mettre fin à la violence contre les femmes, et d’améliorer l’intervention politicère en matière de violence domestique dans les années 1980.

Brooks, Toby

Ottawa-Carleton legal handbook for battered women

This file contains a "Ottawa-Carleton Legal Handbook for Battered women" by Nancy Declerq. The pamphlet was prepared as a project of the Preventive Law Program Student Legal Aid Society, published with the assistance of grants from the Department of Justice and the Ontario Legal Aid Plan.
Results 4331 to 4340 of 4357