New York City



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New York City

New York City

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New York City

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New York City

11 Archival description results for New York City

11 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Wages Due Lesbians - Leaflets

This file consists of promotional documents relating to various activities such as a wages for housework meeting, a concert by Lorna Boschman, a "Support a lesbian mother fighting for custody of her children" benefit and a protest against welfare cuts. It contains leaflets.

Wages for Housework - Health

This file consists of documents relating to the Wages for Housework's role in the Maimonides Community Health Centre's struggle for wage increases, experience of working in nursing homes and union organizing and healthcare struggle in Toronto. It contains reports, an article, a paper and notes.

Wages for Housework - Prostitution

This file consists of documents, some by Wages Due Lesbian and Black Women for Wages for Housework, relating to Wages for Housework's support of prostitutes. It contains a position paper, fact sheet on the Younge Street crackdown, statements, press release, a press clippings and a leaflet.

Women's Liberation Movement

This series contains records related to Myrna Wood's activities in Toronto, Montreal and New York. It includes the essay "Sisters, Brothers, Lovers... listen", she co-wrote for the final conference of SUPA (Student Union for Peace Action) on Labor Day weekend 1967 in Goderich. It also contains the essay "Bread and Roses" written with Kathy McAfee calling for a movement to organize working class women. This series also highlights Myrna Wood's participation in a peace movement meeting with the Vietnamese National Liberation Front in Cuba.
Results 1 to 10 of 11