Literary Archives and Other Fonds / Archives littéraires et autres fonds



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  • High level local term for uOttawa ARCS collection / Terme local de haut niveau pour la collection ARCS uOttawa

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Literary Archives and Other Fonds / Archives littéraires et autres fonds

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Literary Archives and Other Fonds / Archives littéraires et autres fonds

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Literary Archives and Other Fonds / Archives littéraires et autres fonds

12 Descrição arquivística resultados para Literary Archives and Other Fonds / Archives littéraires et autres fonds

12 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos

Morris Kates fonds

  • CA ON0034 30-027
  • Fonds
  • 1940, 1944-2010
This fonds consists of material related to Morris Kates’ musical compositions, as orchestral works, chamber music, choral works. It contains original handwritten and printed scores. It includes Morris Kates’ correspondence with friends, students, and colleagues. The fonds gives also highlight on Morris Kates’ career as biochemist. It contains records on his scientific research works, as his thesis, articles, lab notes, conference proceedings with his presentations, photos from scientific travel and laboratory, certificates.

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Mary Bishop collection

  • CA ON0034 30-028
  • Arquivo
  • 1975-2020
The collection consists of more than 450 theatre programs, season calendars, visitor guides, ticket stubs and magazines from 1977 to the present. Over more than 50 years, Canadian actors as Martha Henry, Sandra Oh, Shirley Douglas, Keifer Sutherland, Christopher Plummer, Richard Monette, Brent Carver, Maggie Smith, Heath Lamberts, Brian Bedford, William Hutt, but also major Canadian director and playwrights are represented in this collection.

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