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11 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Nancy Webb fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-175
  • Fonds
  • [1984]-1985
The fonds consists of Nancy Webb's scrapbook completed for a Social Science class in the Women's Studies program at York University taught by Dr. Meg Luxton. The fonds includes related supplemental materials.
Le fonds comprend l'album de Nancy Webb réalisé dans le cadre d'un cours de sciences sociales du programme d'études féminines de l'Université York enseigné par le Dr Meg Luxton. Le fonds comprend des documents complémentaires connexes.

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Betty Joyce Carter fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-201
  • Fonds
  • 1973-2006
The fonds consists of records documenting the work of Betty Curran Carter as a social worker and her research on child welfare and sexual abuse and includes papers, theses, and a copy of her book. The fonds also includes materials related to a BC Human Rights that she launched related to pay equity as well as her later interest and gay and lesbian rights.

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"Enclave. Women's Monument Against Violence" project fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-200
  • Fonds
  • 1991-2006

Le fonds consiste en de la documentation collectée par l'artiste cj fleury et Mary Faught dans le cadre de la réalisation du projet Enclave. Le fonds comprend des documents textuels et des graphiques qui portent sur le déploiement du projet, son processus de création et sur sa réception auprès du public. Il inclut des descriptions du projet, des communications entre différentes parties prenantes, des communiqués et des coupures de presse.

Enclave est un monument public créé par cj fleury (artiste en arts visuels) en collaboration avec Mary Leigh Faught, (architecte paysagiste, AAPO, AAPC). L’œuvre est le résultat d’une commande pour la création d’un monument en hommage aux femmes violentées et assassinées par des hommes dans la région de la capitale nationale du Canada. Le projet a été lancé par Women’s Urgent Action, dont plusieurs membres travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les femmes victimes de violence dans les refuges et le système judiciaire. Le monument a été dévoilé le 6 décembre 1992, à l'occasion de la Journée nationale de commémoration et d'action contre la violence faite aux femmes.

Cj fleury et Mary Faught ont été invitées à présenter leur travail en lien avec le Monument des femmes contre la violence à la conférence nationale du Women’s Caucus for Art aux États-Unis, à la School for Studies in Art and Architecture de l’université Carleton, à l’université du Québec à Montréal, et au groupe de développement des arts du Conseil des arts de l’Ontario.


The fonds consists of documentation collected by artist cj fleury and Mary Faught as part of the Enclave project. The fonds includes textual documents and graphic materials on the deployment of the project, its creative process and its reception by the public. It includes descriptions of the project, some communication between various stakeholders, press releases and press clippings.

Enclave is a public monument created by cj fleury (visual artist) and Mary Leigh Faught (landscape architect, AAPO, AAPC). The work is the result of a commission to create a monument to women abused and murdered by men in Canada's National Capital Region. The project was initiated by Women's Urgent Action, several of whose members work closely with abused women in shelters and the justice system. The monument was unveiled on December 6, 1992, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

Cj fleury and Mry Faught were invited to present her work on the Women's Monument to Violence at the Women's Caucus for Art national conference in the U.S., at Carleton University's School for Studies in Art and Architecture, at the Université du Québec à Montréal, and at the Ontario Arts Council's Arts Development Group.

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Fonds du Collectif de la Revue L'Entrelles

  • CA ON0034 10-198
  • Fonds
  • 1979-1982
Le fonds du collectif de la revue l'Entrelles documente les activités de l'organisme de sa création en 1979 jusqu'en 1982. Il comprend des documents constitutifs et stratégiques, des comptes rendus de réunion, de la correspondance et des listes de contacts.
The fonds of the Entrelles magazine collective documents the activities of the organization from its creation in 1979 to 1982. It includes founding and strategic documents, meeting minutes, correspondence and contact lists.

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Donna F. Johnson Fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-197
  • Fonds
  • 1990 - 2000
This fonds delves into the initiatives of the Women's Urgent Action and Women's Memorial Society, focusing on addressing violence against women and highlighting the contributions of Donna F. Johnson, a key figure in the creation of the Women's Monument. In response to the tragic 1989 Polytechnique Shooting, Johnson organized numerous vigils and played a role in the monument's establishment in Minto Park, Ottawa. It encompasses her 1998 conference paper, "How One Canadian Community is Responding to the Murder of Women," presented at the International Conference on Family Violence in Singapore. This work showcases the Women's Urgent Action group's proactive effort in combating male violence and addressing femicide. Spanning from 1990 to 2000, this fonds includes press notes, budgeting notices, and collaborative presentation ideas for monument planning and various vigils honoring women. Throughout, it provides insights into the community's efforts to minimize violence and honor its victims. The collection maintains its original order, inspired by the tabs of a binder created by the donor, Donna Johnson, showcasing monument preparation, vigil planning, and long-term initiatives to honor affected women.

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Claire Deschênes fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-195
  • Fonds
  • 1954-2022
Le fonds comprend des documents qui témoignent de la contribution de Claire Deschênes à l'avancement des femmes en STIM. Le fonds est composé de cinq séries qui documentent la vie personnelle de Claire Deschênes, son parcours scolaire et universitaire, ses implications au sein de la Chaire de recherche CRSNG pour les femmes en sciences et génie pour la section du Québec, ses implicaitons dans la comité des femmes en ingénierie de l'Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec, ses implications au sein de la chaire Claire-Bonenfant rattachée à l'Université Laval, ses implications au sein du comité-conseil CFSG Québec.
The fonds consists of records pertaining to Claire Deschênes' contribution to the advancement of women in STEM. The fonds is composed of five series documenting Claire Deschênes' personal life, her academic career, her involvement with the NSERC Research Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for the Quebec section, her involvement with the Women in Engineering Committee of the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec, her involvement with the Claire-Bonenfant Chair at Université Laval, and her involvement with the CFSG Quebec Advisory Committee.

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Lilith Finkler fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-194
  • Fonds
  • [196-]-2018
This fonds contains correspondence with familly, community groups members and friends in Canada, the United States and Israel. It includes material related to Lilith Finkler involvment in issues related to mental health law, disability and human rights, land use law and affordable housing.
Ce fonds contient de la correspondance de Lilith Finkler avec sa famille, des membres de groupes communautaires et des amis au Canada, aux États-Unis et en Israël. Le fonds contient des documents portant sur des thématiques telles que le handicap, la santé mentale, les droits de la personne, les droits au logement abordable, et à l’aménagement du territoire.

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Ann B. Denis fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-193
  • Fonds
  • 1966 - 2009

The fonds largely consists of papers, abstracts and seminar presentations authored or co-authored by Ann B. Denis. The fonds also includes 6 readings booklets for courses taught by Denis at the University of Ottawa between 1997 and 2008, and 2 plaques awarded to her by the University of Ottawa.


Le fonds se compose principalement d'articles, de résumés et de présentations de séminaires dont Ann B. Denis est auteur ou co-auteur. Le fonds comprend également 6 livrets de recueils de textes pour des cours enseignés par Denis à l'Université d'Ottawa et 2 plaques qui lui ont été décernées par l'Université d'Ottawa.

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Brenda Pauls (Nee Sinclair) and Noreen Stevens fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-192
  • Fonds
  • 1985, 1986, 1989, 2020
The fonds consists of material related to the early chapter of the Bold Print bookstore. It documents the planning and opening of the bookstore, as well as its first years of operations. It contains newspaper clippings, a photograph, design blueprints, branding/advertising materials, and profiles of key contributors to the creation of Bold Print.
Le fonds est constitué de documents relatifs aux débuts de la librairie Bold Print. Il documente la planification et l'ouverture de la librairie, ainsi que ses premières années d'activités. Il contient des coupures de presse, une photographie, des plans de conception, du matériel publicitaire et promotionnel en lien avec Bold Print.

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Fern Martin (Lanark County Interval House) fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-191
  • Fonds
  • 1979-2005

This collection provides a comprehensive look at Lanark County Interval House's mission to support victims of violence, particularly women and children. It includes detailed program notes and documents outlining their services and support strategies from 1979-2005. The collection features columns examining the impact of male violence on women, drawing insights from personal narratives and community engagements. It also commemorates Interval House's milestones and advocacy efforts, reflecting its commitment to enhancing support for abuse victims.

Additionally, the collection showcases themed scrapbooks with newspaper clippings on sensitive topics such as child abuse, family violence, sexual violence, battered women, and harassment cases, offering detailed insights and contextual information on these critical issues.

Furthermore, the collection highlights the t-shirt designs of Pakenham Rural Route, serving as Fern Martin's entrepreneurial endeavor. It includes design stencils, catalogues detailing product options, and a 1993 purple t-shirt, illustrating her dedication to promoting awareness.

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