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10 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-002
  • Fonds
  • 1957-1994
This fonds consists of the administrative records of the Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) from its beginnings in the early 1970s as part of the Women's Information Centre (WIC) until its demise in 1992. It includes meeting minutes, for both CWMA and WIC, and administrative documents on human resources planning and day-to-day log books. It also contains financial documents such as accounting books and bank accounts, as well as correspondence and project/funding proposals. Also included are resources such as newspaper clippings and articles on various subjects, listed alphabetically, which were used as a reference by the members of CWMA.
Ce fonds est constitué des documents administratifs des Archives du Mouvement Canadien des Femmes (AMCF), depuis ses débuts au début des années 1970 au sein du Centre d'information pour les femmes jusqu'à sa disparition en 1992. Il comprend des procès-verbaux de réunions, tant pour la collection AMCF que pour le centre d’information pour les femmes, ainsi que des documents administratifs sur la planification des ressources humaines et des carnets de bord quotidiens. Il contient également des documents financiers tels que des livres comptables et des comptes bancaires, ainsi que de la correspondance et des propositions de projets/de financement. On y trouve également des ressources telles que des coupures de presse et des articles sur divers sujets, classés par ordre alphabétique, qui ont été utilisés comme référence par les membres de l'AMCF.

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Patrice LeClerc fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-133
  • Fonds
  • [1980-1989]

This fonds consists of interviews with Florence Bird, Micheline Dumont, Doris Anderson, and other women, which relate to the Royal Commission on the Status of Women, the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, and the Canadian Charter of Rights. Interviews and recordings were conducted by Patrice LeClerc in the late 1980s, in preparation for her thesis.

Cette collection est constituée d'entretiens avec Florence Bird, Micheline Dumont, Doris Anderson et d'autres femmes, portant sur la Commission royale d'enquête sur le statut de la femme, le Comité national d'action sur le statut de la femme et la Charte canadienne des droits. Les entretiens et les enregistrements ont été réalisés par Patrice LeClerc à la fin des années 1980, dans le cadre de sa thèse.

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Verna Rowena Conant fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-010
  • Fonds
  • 1915-1984
This fonds consists of scrapbooks created by Verna Rowena Conant (Mrs. Gordon D. Conant) regarding the history of women in Ontario during the 20th century. They document facts and historical events focusing on women in Canada, including the "Voice of Women", the Women’s Canadian Club, the Princess Alice Foundation, Canadian Women’s Voluntary Services, National Council of Women Provincial and Local and Women at War.
Ce fonds est constitué d'albums créés par Verna Rowena Conant (Mme Gordon D. Conant) concernant l'histoire des femmes en Ontario au cours du 20e siècle. Ils documentent des faits et des événements historiques portant sur les femmes au Canada, y compris la " Voix des femmes ", le Women's Canadian Club, la Princess Alice Foundation, les Canadian Women's Voluntary Services, le National Council of Women Provincial and Local et les Femmes à la guerre.

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Second Wave Feminism Oral History collection

  • CA ON0034 10-106
  • Fonds
  • 2007-2012
Fonds contains records and interviews relating to the gathering of oral history interviews across Canada for the Second Wave Archival Project. Items include audio oral history interviews, transcripts for interviews conducted in Ontario, descriptive metadata spreadsheets and administrative documents.
Le fonds contient des documents et des entrevues relatifs à la collecte d'entrevues d'histoire orale à travers le Canada pour le projet d'archives de la seconde vague féministe. Les documents comprennent des entrevues audios d'histoire orale, des transcriptions d’entrevues réalisées en Ontario, des feuilles de calcul de métadonnées descriptives et des documents administratifs.

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Fonds Cécile Grenier

  • CA ON0034 30-023
  • Fonds
Le fonds Cécile Grenier témoigne de ses recherches, de ses activités et de son implication dans le dévelopement de programmes d'éducation physique pour les filles. Il comprend de la correspondance, des plans de cours, de la documentation et des albums de photographies.
The Cécile Grenier fonds bears witness to her research, activities and involvement in the development of physical education programs for girls. It includes correspondence, lesson plans, documentation and photo albums.

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L’udovít Kandra fonds

  • CA ON0034 20-003
  • Fonds
  • 1938-01-01 - 1983-12-31

The fonds consists of documents relating to Kandra's carrier as a writer and personnel documents.

It contains handwritten notes, drafts, holograph and typed manuscripts, galley proofs, printed texts and newspaper clippings.

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Lou Nelson fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-034
  • Fonds
  • 1958-2000
The fonds consists of diaries, agendas, correspondence, memorabilia and other records that document the life of Lou Nelson, particularly her activities as a feminist activist in the Vancouver feminist movement and with the Press Gang. The fonds is divided into five series: Diaries, Agendas, Correspondence, Subject Files, and Memorabilia.
Le fonds est constitué de journaux intimes, d'agendas, de correspondance, de souvenirs et d'autres documents qui témoignent de la vie de Lou Nelson, en particulier de ses activités en tant que militante féministe au sein du mouvement féministe de Vancouver et du Press Gang. Le fonds est divisé en cinq séries : Journaux intimes, Agendas, Correspondance, Dossiers thématiques et Souvenirs.

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Canadian Slovak League (CSL) fonds

  • CA ON0034 20-017
  • Fonds
  • 1926-2001
This fonds consists of documents giving an overview of the history of the Canadian Slovak League (CSL), its day-to-day functioning, its support of Slovak-Canadian communities and its publicity of Slovak events and activities. It contains correspondence books, account ledgers, membership lists, letters, notes, resolutions, statements, photocopied newspaper clippings and Grand Bazaar of the CSL's admission ticket, collection sheets for funds, meetings' minutes, presidents' messages, telegrams, lists, census documents, certificates, tables of content, a keynote address, announcements, budgets, Slovak League of America Congress' rights, the poem Rola ma vola, a plea on behalf of Slovak refugees or displaced persons, reports, receipts, a certification, posters of Slovak personalities Martin Rázus, Milan Rastislav Štefánik, Andrej Hlinka and Jozef Tiso and flags.

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Andrej Potocký fonds

  • CA ON0034 20-005
  • Fonds
  • 1907-2003
This fonds consists of documents relating to Andrej Potocký's life in Canada, involvement in the Canadian Slovak League (CSL) and Kanadský Slovák, including its administration, finances, events, membership, reorganization, incorporation, events, membership, donation to the Red Cross, Slovak personalities, history, culture, immigration and Church's action on Slovakia's right to independence.
It contains constitutions, by-laws, pledges of loyalties, reports, receipts, chronologies, a proclamation, renewals of insurance certificates, forms, collection sheets for funds, insurance and fire policies, telegrams, memoranda, newspaper clippings, articles, agreements, a mandate, meetings' minutes, proceedings, Senate of Canada Bill no. 15: an Act to Incorporate Canadian Slovak League, a response guide, petitions, black and white photographs, ribbons, a colour photographs, twenty-five stamps, resolutions, pleas, a CSL Great Bazar ticket, a greeting card, a commemorative postcard, book excerpts, notes, flyers, a booklet, account of events, a plane ticket, a news release, accounts books, scrapbooks, a diploma, pamphlets, letters, texts, obituaries and lists.
Some of the newspaper clippings were taken from the following newspapers: The Daily Times Journal, Fort William Times-Journal, Nová vlasť, The Chronicle Journal, Northwestern Ontario Catholic, Winnipeg Free Press, Daily Times, Jednota, Slovenskí jezuiti v Kanade, Port Arthur Daily Times, Ensign, Slovenskej Jednoty v Spojených štaroch a v Kanade, Slovák v Amerike, Macedonia Newspaper, The Plain Dealer, Kanadský Slovák, Zenska Jednota, The Globe and Mail, Slovenský Kurier, The Catholic world, Kalendár Jednota, Free Press Weekly Prairie Farmer, Čzeskoslenský svet, Labour, Times Journal, Svet v praze, Slovenskej Bratstvo, Slovák v Kanade, Toronto Daily Star and the Slovak World Congress (SWC) Bulletin.

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Fonds Ray Ellenwood

  • CA ON0034 30-019
  • Fonds
  • 1971-[1975], 2008
Le fonds Ray Ellenwood contient 18 pages de notes et de correspondence entre Ray Ellenwood et Jacques Baron entre 1971 et 1974. Les notes et la correspondence portent notamment sur le sujet d'études de Ray Ellenwood qui travaillait à cette époque sur une thèse de doctorat (Comparative Literature) sur André Breton et Freud.

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