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4 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Collection Manuscrits français

  • CA ON0034 30-005
  • Collection
  • 1790, [Avant 1814]-[Avant1974]
La collection Manuscrits français regroupe des oeuvres, parfois inédites, et la correspondance de quelques soixante-quinze auteurs français de renom dont Gustave Flaubert, Victor Hugo, George Sand, George Ribemont-Dessaignes et Jacques Baron. L’ensemble des documents représente de nombreux courants littéraires dont le romantisme, le réalisme, le symbolisme et le surréalisme.

Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-002
  • Fonds
  • 1957-1994
This fonds consists of the administrative records of the Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) from its beginnings in the early 1970s as part of the Women's Information Centre (WIC) until its demise in 1992. It includes meeting minutes, for both CWMA and WIC, and administrative documents on human resources planning and day-to-day log books. It also contains financial documents such as accounting books and bank accounts, as well as correspondence and project/funding proposals. Also included are resources such as newspaper clippings and articles on various subjects, listed alphabetically, which were used as a reference by the members of CWMA.
Ce fonds est constitué des documents administratifs des Archives du Mouvement Canadien des Femmes (AMCF), depuis ses débuts au début des années 1970 au sein du Centre d'information pour les femmes jusqu'à sa disparition en 1992. Il comprend des procès-verbaux de réunions, tant pour la collection AMCF que pour le centre d’information pour les femmes, ainsi que des documents administratifs sur la planification des ressources humaines et des carnets de bord quotidiens. Il contient également des documents financiers tels que des livres comptables et des comptes bancaires, ainsi que de la correspondance et des propositions de projets/de financement. On y trouve également des ressources telles que des coupures de presse et des articles sur divers sujets, classés par ordre alphabétique, qui ont été utilisés comme référence par les membres de l'AMCF.

Sans titre

The Women's Liberation Bookmobile fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-015
  • Fonds
  • 1974-1975
The fonds consists of documents relating to the creation and the tour of the Women's Liberation Bookmobile also know as the Cora Bookmobile.
Le fonds est constitué de documents relatifs à la création et à la tournée du Bibliobus de la libération des femmes, également connu sous le nom de Bibliobus Cora.

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The Feminist News Service fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-016
  • Fonds
  • 1974-1975
This fonds contains mock-ups of news packets for the Feminist News Services and one poster entitled 'Sisters'.
Ce fonds contient des maquettes de dossiers d'information pour le Feminist News Services et une affiche intitulée "Sisters".

Sans titre

Morris Kates fonds

  • CA ON0034 30-027
  • Fonds
  • 1940, 1944-2010
This fonds consists of material related to Morris Kates’ musical compositions, as orchestral works, chamber music, choral works. It contains original handwritten and printed scores. It includes Morris Kates’ correspondence with friends, students, and colleagues. The fonds gives also highlight on Morris Kates’ career as biochemist. It contains records on his scientific research works, as his thesis, articles, lab notes, conference proceedings with his presentations, photos from scientific travel and laboratory, certificates.

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Service Office Retail Workers Union of Canada (SORWUC) Local 7

  • CA ON0034 10-062
  • Fonds
  • 1970-198-
This fonds consists of the administrative records of the conception of the Service Office Retail Workers Union of Canada (SORWUC) Local 7 in Ottawa from its beginnings in 1982 as part of reason for change particularly addressing inequality faced by women in the workplace in various aspects. It features correspondence, advertisements to join the union, pieces of bargaining and negotiation, member contact information. Also included are resources such as newspaper clippings, pamphlets, booklets, buttons, and articles on various subjects as used and promoted by members of SORWUC.

Service, Office and Retail Workers of Canada (SORWUC)

L’udovít Kandra fonds

  • CA ON0034 20-003
  • Fonds
  • 1938-01-01 - 1983-12-31

The fonds consists of documents relating to Kandra's carrier as a writer and personnel documents.

It contains handwritten notes, drafts, holograph and typed manuscripts, galley proofs, printed texts and newspaper clippings.

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Business and Professional Women's Club of Ottawa fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-028
  • Fonds
  • [193-?]-1996
This fonds consists of documents relating to the Business and Professional Women's Club of Ottawa (BPWCO)'s administration, committees, finances, events such as Biennial Conventions, Annual Provincial Conferences, programs and workshops, views on various women's issues such as minimum wage, equality and abortion. It contains mostly textual material such as correspondence, speeches, procedures, publications, reports, budgets, and newspaper clippings, in addition to some photographs and certificates.
Ce fonds comprend des documents qui témoignent de l'administration du Business and Professional Women's Club of Ottawa (BPWCO), de ses comités, de ses finances, d'événements tels que les congrès, les conférences provinciales annuelles, les programmes et les ateliers, les points de vue sur diverses questions relatives aux femmes telles que le salaire minimum, l'égalité et l'avortement. Il contient principalement des documents textuels tels que de la correspondance, des discours, des procédures, des publications, des rapports, des budgets et des coupures de presse, ainsi que des photographies et des certificats.

Sans titre

Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection

  • CA ON0034 10-001
  • Collection
  • 1905-2014, predominant 1960-2014
This collection contains records in various formats; including original organizational records, posters, buttons, t-shirts, flyers, publications, etc., from more than 2,000 Canadian women’s organizations, conferences and individuals. The records date from 1960 up until the mid-1990s and were collected by the Collective of the Canadian Women's Movement Archives.
Cette collection contient des documents de différents formats, y compris des documents organisationnels, des affiches, des macarons, des t-shirts, des dépliants, des publications, provenant de plus de 2 000 organisations de femmes canadiennes, de conférences et d'individus. Les documents datent de 1960 jusqu'au milieu des années 1990 et ont été collectés par le Collectif des archives du Mouvement canadien des femmes.

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Toronto Wages for Housework Committee fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-008
  • Fonds
  • 1966-1986, predominant 1973-1986
The Toronto Wages For Housework Committee (WFH) fonds contains mostly textual documents, two posters and one group of photograph negatives. It contains WFH administrative documents as well as flyers, speeches, pamphlets, and correspondence with related organizations such as Wages Due Lesbians, Women Against Rape, Family Benefits Working Group, and Wages For Housework groups in Canada and internationally. Also included are newspaper clippings which illustrate the Wages for Housework campaign during the 1970s.
Le fonds du Toronto Wages For Housework Committee contient principalement des documents textuels, deux affiches et un ensemble de négatifs photographiques. Il contient des documents administratifs de l’organisme ainsi que des dépliants, des discours, des brochures et de la correspondance avec des organisations connexes telles que Wages Due Lesbians, Women Against Rape, Family Benefits Working Group, et des groupes Wages For Housework au Canada et à l'étranger. On y trouve également des coupures de presse qui illustrent la campagne Wages for Housework au cours des années 1970.

Sans titre

Résultats 1 à 10 sur 25