
Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) fonds
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Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-113
  • Fonds
  • 1985-2005
This fonds contains textual records related to FAFIA's lobbying and knowledge-sharing efforts during the first five years of their existence. During this time, FAFIA sought to ensure the federal government's implementation of international agreements made at United Nations conferences, including the Third UN World Conference on Women in Nairobi, Kenya, the Fourth UN World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, and related preparatory and follow-up conferences. FAFIA was primarily involved in the Beijing +5 follow-up conference held in New York City in the year 2000, which assessed international implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. In this fonds, researchers will find a wealth of information related to these world conferences, including proceedings reports, critiques, and participant evaluations, as well as FAFIA publications which detail Canada's failure to act in accordance with UN documents such as "The Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women," "The Beijing Platform for Action," and the "Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women." Researchers will also find documents detailing other countries' adherence to these agreements.
Ce fonds contient des documents textuels relatifs aux activités de lobbying de FAFIA au cours de ses cinq premières années d'existence. Pendant cette période, FAFIA a cherché à garantir la mise en œuvre par le gouvernement fédéral des accords internationaux conclus lors des conférences des Nations unies, notamment la troisième conférence mondiale des Nations unies sur les femmes à Nairobi, au Kenya, la quatrième conférence mondiale des Nations unies sur les femmes à Pékin, en Chine, et les conférences préparatoires et de suivi correspondantes. L’organisme a été principalement impliqué dans la conférence Pékin +5 qui s'est tenue à New York en 2000 et qui a évalué la mise en œuvre internationale de la plate-forme d'action de Pékin. Dans ce fonds, les chercheurs trouveront d’importantes d'informations relatives à ces conférences mondiales, notamment des comptes rendus, des critiques et des évaluations des participants, ainsi que des publications de FAFIA qui détaillent les défis rencontrés par le Canada pour agir conformément aux documents de l'ONU tels que les "Stratégies prospectives de Nairobi pour la promotion de la femme", la "Plate-forme d'action de Pékin" et la "Convention pour l'élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l'égard des femmes". Les chercheurs trouveront également des documents détaillant l'adhésion d'autres pays à ces accords.


Beijing Conference Prep

This series contains documents related to various organizations' preparation for the Fourth UN World Conference on Women, held in Beijing, China in September 1995. Researchers will find material about the 1994 Vienna NGO Forum, the 1994 Europe and North America preparatory conference, preparatory documents produced by Canadian, national, and international NGOs, and organizational efforts of the Canadian Beijing Facilitating Committee. Researchers will also find articles and reports detailing logistical difficulties of planning the women's NGO Forum in China.


North America and Europe (ECE) Regional Preparatory Conference, Vienna (1 of 4)

This file contains documents related to the 1994 Vienna NGO forum, which was held in preparation for the Fourth UN World Conference on Women. The file also contains documents related to the NGO forum which took place at the UN conference in Beijing in 1995, and a copy of The NGO Caucus at the High Level Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Fourth World Conference on Women.

Canadian Lead Groups Documents, Pre-Beijing (2 of 2)

This file contains documents produced in advance of the Fourth UN World Conference on Women, including a statement by the Canadian Labour Congress regarding legalizing same-sex marriage, a Platform for Action by the Canadian Advisory Council for the Status of Women, and a coordinated response to the platform for action prepared by the Canadian Beijing Facilitating Committee.

North America and Europe (ECE) Regional Preparatory Conference, Vienna (2 of 4)

This file contains documents related to the 1994 Europe and North American (ECE) preparatory conference held in advance of the 1995 UN Fourth World Conference on Women, and an NGO forum running parallel to the ECE conference which was open to non -profit women's organizations. The file includes records of a roundtable on women's reproductive and sexual health, a list of participants at the Vienna NGO forum, and other associated material.

North America and Europe (ECE) Regional Preparatory Conference, Vienna (4 of 4)

This file contains reports produced by the UN Economic and Social Council at the High Level Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Fourth World Conference on Women, including a draft report of the Vienna NGO Forum '94 Call to Action, a Regional Platform for Action, and other associated documents.

International and UN Documents, Pre-Beijing (2 of 4)

This file contains documents produced by various women's NGOs, including the Women's World Summit Foundation, Housewives in Dialogue, The Associated Country Women of the World, and a paper of the mothers' centers movement in Germany. Including these draft statements, the file also contains fact sheets and platforms prepared for the Fourth UN Women's Conference in Beijing, such as "Equality Between Men and Women in Sweden," the UNESCO Toronto platform for Action, and a resolution from the Canadian NGO caucus to Canada's secretary of state responsible for women.
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