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6549 Descripción archivística resultados para Canada

Abortion Caravan

This file contains proposals regarding the organization's goals and a brief on the Abortion Caravan, as well as newspaper clippings on the House's voting of abortion laws. The folder also contains reports and flyers on the women's liberation movement.

Gay Alliance for Equality

This file consists of documents relating to the planning of the Atlantic Gay Conference and to the Toronto bathhouse arrests. It contains newspaper clippings, correspondence, flyers and the October 5th, 1979 issue of the periodical, “Have You Heard?”

Gay Alliance Towards Equality (GATE) - Promotional material

This file consists of promotional documents relating to the Gay Alliance Towards Equality’s events and activities.

It contains a statement of principles, organization pamphlets and pamphlets from the Gay Alliance Towards Equality (GATE). The file contains correspondence, flyers, press releases and news clippings.

This file also contains a calendar of events, the brief: “The Homosexual Minority and the Ontario Human Rights Code” and discussion papers.

This file includes the 1975 and 1977-1978 issues of the newsletter, “Gay Rising.”

Gay and Lesbian Awareness (GALA)

This file consists of documents relating to Gay and Lesbian Awareness (GALA) activities, such as the Gay and Lesbian Week of Awareness, film screenings and an art show. The file contains news bulletins, calendars of events, a flyer, a press release and correspondence.

Gay Asians Toronto

This file contains flyers promoting the "Talking Sex" workshop, as well as "Celebr-Asian" and "Celebration '84" events. The file contains a letter inviting members to the Gay Asians Toronto anniversary celebration.
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