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6537 Archival description results for Canada

Gay Community Centre

This file consists of documents relating to the Gay Community Centre meetings, its financial situation and its publicity for activities such as: Metamorphosis, The Harvest Dinner and the Spring Affair Open Dance.

It contains meeting minutes, statements of receipts and disbursements, statements of profit and loss and statements of assets, liabilities and surplus. The file includes flyers, pamphlets and the draft of a Metamorphosis pamphlet.

Gay Community Calendar

This file consists of documents relating to Gay Community Calendar's "923-Gays: A 24 Recorded Message." The file contains documents concerning the organization's financial situation and its Community Brunch. It contains correspondence, a financial report and flyers.

Gay Community Appeal

This file consists of documents relating to the Gay Community Appeal, its finances, publications and events.

The file contains correspondence, project funding guidelines, flyers for various events and pamphlets for the Tri-Aid Charitable Foundation and GCA. The file includes a statement of revenues and expenses, Fruit Cocktail souvenir programs and an application form for project funding.

The file includes the winter 1984 and summer 1985 issues of “Gay Community Appeal of Toronto's Newsletter.”

Gay Asians Toronto

This file contains flyers promoting the "Talking Sex" workshop, as well as "Celebr-Asian" and "Celebration '84" events. The file contains a letter inviting members to the Gay Asians Toronto anniversary celebration.
Results 6521 to 6530 of 6537