George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology - Affirmative Action Committee
- CA ON0034 10-001-S1-F1047
- File
- 1974-1990
Part of Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
This file contains mainly newsletters and periodicals. The file contains the October 1987, May 1988 and October 1988 issues of the “Affirmative Action Advisory Committee Newsletter.” The file also contains the January 1974 issue of the periodical, “Day Care News.”
The file further contains a George Brown College booklet, a pamphlet on sexual harassment, a business card and a flyer promoting a seminar: “Incest and Child Abuse: Social and Counselling Issues.”
The file also contains a copy of Witticisms newsletter (March 1981, Vol,1, No.1). Women Involved in Today from George Brown College.