Fonds 10-097 - Anne Molgat fonds

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Anne Molgat fonds

General material designation

  • Multiple media

Parallel title

Other title information

Title statements of responsibility

Title notes

Level of description


Reference code

CA ON0034 10-097

Edition area

Edition statement

Edition statement of responsibility

Class of material specific details area

Statement of scale (cartographic)

Statement of projection (cartographic)

Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

Statement of scale (architectural)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

92, 9 cm of textual records
57 photographs
25 negatives
76 slides
10 postcards
9 posters
4 t-shirts
1 armbands
1 medal
11 buttons
1 condom and lubricating jelly
29 audiocassettes

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Archival description area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Anne Molgat a vécu plusieurs années en Ontario, province dans laquelle elle a contribuer à l’épanouissement de la communauté franco-canadienne. Elle a travaillé dans plusieurs organismes non gouvernementaux où elle s’est impliquée notamment en communication et en développement communautaire. Anne Molgat s’est impliquée en particulier dans le domaine de la création littéraire, et en particulier dans la promotion d’écrits de la communauté francophone de l’Ouest. Elle a également été une militante du Comité National d’Action sur le Statut des Femmes / CNA (National Action Committee on the Status of Women / NAC). Elle a écrit un article avec Joan Grant-Cummings, une des présidentes du CNA, sur les 25 premières années du comité (Molgat, Anne with Joan Grant-Coummings, An Action That Will Not Be Allowed to Subside NAC’s First Twenty-Five Years, Second edition, Toronto, NAC). Elle a été un membre actif du collectif des Archives Canadiennes du Mouvement des Femmes (ACMF). De retour au Manitoba sa province natale, Anne Molgat est directrice administrative des Éditions du Blé, à Saint-Boniface, une maison d’édition communautaire fondée en 1974 et dont le mandat est de publier en français des œuvres de qualité, dans tous les genres, par des auteurs du Manitoba ou de l’Ouest.
Anne Molgat lived for several years in Ontario, where she contributed to the development of the Franco-Canadian community. She has worked in several non-governmental organizations, in particular in communications and community development. Anne Molgat has been particularly involved in the field of literary creation, and especially in promoting the writings of the Canadian Western Francophone community. She has also been an activist with the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC). She wrote an article with Joan Grant-Cummings, one of the NAC's presidents, on the NAC’s first 25 years (Molgat, Anne with Joan Grant-Coummings, An Action That Will Not Be Allowed to Subside NAC's First Twenty-Five Years, Second edition, Toronto, NAC). She was an active member of the Canadian Archives of the Women's Movement (CAWM) collective. Now back in Manitoba, Anne Molgat is Managing Director of Éditions du Blé, in Saint-Boniface, a community publishing house founded in 1974, whose mandate is to publish in French quality works in all genres by Manitoba and Western authors.

Custodial history

Anne Molgat a été membre du collectif des Archives Canadiennes du Mouvement de Femmes. Avant l 'acquisition de la collection CWMA par les Archives et collections spéciales de l'Université d'Ottawa en 1992, les documents collectés par les membres du collectif au cours de leurs activités et implications étaient directement intégrés dans la collection ACMF. Après l 'acquisition de la collection ACMF par l'Université d'Ottawa en 1992, les documents donnés ultérieurement n'ont plus été intégrés dans la collection CWMA qui est restée inchangée, mais ont contribué à former des fonds d'individus ou d'organisations, Ainsi les documents donnés par Anne Molgat après l'acquisition de la ACMF par l'Université ont formé le fonds Anne Molgat.
Anne Molgat was a member of the Canadian Women's Movement Archives collective. Prior to the acquisition of the CWMA collection by the University of Ottawa Archives and Special Collections in 1992, documents collected by members of the collective in the course of their activities and involvement were incorporated directly into the CWMA collection. After the acquisition of the CWMA collection by the University of Ottawa in 1992, the documents subsequently donated were no longer incorporated into the CWMA collection, which remained unchanged, but contributed to the formation of individual or organizational fonds. Thus, the documents donated by Anne Molgat after the acquisition of the CWMA by the University formed the Anne Molgat fonds.

Scope and content

Ce fonds contient des documents collectés par Anne Molgat durant ses activités et implications dans diverses organisations durant le début des années 1990. Il comprend notamment des documents reliés à son implication dans le Comité national d'action pour le status des femmes, EGALE Égalité pour les gais et les lesbiennes, ALGO Association des lesbiennes et ds gais de l'Outaouais, ACMF Archives Canadiennes du Mouvement des Femmes.
This fonds contains documents collected by Anne Molgat during her activities and involvements in various organizations in the early 1990s. It includes documents relating to her involvement with the National Action Committee on the Status on Women, EGALE Equality for gays and lesbians everywhere, ALGO Association of Lesbians and Gays of Ottawa, CWMA Canadian Women Movement Archives.

Notes area

Physical condition

Immediate source of acquisition


Language of material

Script of material

Location of originals

Availability of other formats

Restrictions on access

Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

Finding aids

Associated materials

Related materials


Alternative identifier(s)

Standard number area

Standard number

Access points

Place access points

Name access points

Genre access points

Control area

Description record identifier

Institution identifier


Rules or conventions




Level of detail


Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Language of description

  • French

Script of description


Accession area