This file consists of documents relating to the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s 2002 annual general meeting held in Toronto, Ontario. It contains notes, draft of AGM minutes, a memorandum and January 1-December 31, 2001 financial statement.
This file contains correspondence on the Sistren tour 1981 (budget and funding), a project proposal for supplementary funding, Sistren pamphlets and other promotional material.
This file contains national and local committee reports of the Canadian Sistren tour and includes budgets, expenditures, promotional material, press releases, correspondence, and news clippings.
This file contains material about the Canadian Council for International Co-Operation (CCIC) (proposed structure, leaflet, newsletter), agenda, minutes and other materials from meetings of the Working Group on Women and Development (Toronto, Halifax, and Montreal 1986), material from the Ottawa Women and Development group (participant list with contact information, meetings, Workshop on Feminism and Development), material supporting the legalization of free-standing abortion clinics (OCAC, CARAL), material on the Women-Environment-Sustainable Development Project, news clippings, reference materials, correspondence, and leaflets.
This file contains a exemplar of the publication " Title Unknown" published at Toronto in 1975 for the International Women's Year and the Festival of Women and the Arts.
The fonds consists of documents relating to the creation and the tour of the Women's Liberation Bookmobile also know as the Cora Bookmobile. - Le fonds est constitué de documents relatifs à la création et à la tournée du Bibliobus de la libération des femmes, également connu sous le nom de Bibliobus Cora.
This collection consists of documents related to the membership and resource material held at York University's Nellie Langford Rowell Library. This collection includes documents collected by the Library staff on women's organizations, publication houses, individuals and subjects detailing activities, meetings and events. It contains correspondence, membership cards, meetings' minutes, agendas, reports, booklets, leaflets, flyers, donations and subscription forms, black and white and colour photographs, posters, buttons, the videotape Don't give us military solutions! by Voice of Women, the tape Feminism as a political movement by Juliet Mitchell, magazines, articles, newspaper clippings and notes. - Cette collection se compose de documents relatifs aux membres et aux ressources documentaires conservés à la bibliothèque Nellie Langford Rowell de l'Université York. Cette collection comprend des documents recueillis par le personnel de la bibliothèque sur des organisations féminines, des maisons de publication, des individus et des sujets détaillant des activités, des réunions et des événements. Elle contient de la correspondance, des cartes de membres, des procès-verbaux de réunions, des ordres du jour, des rapports, des brochures, des dépliants, des formulaires de dons et d'abonnement, des photographies en noir et blanc et en couleur, des affiches, des macarons, la cassette vidéo Don't give us military solutions ! de Voice of Women, la cassette Feminism as a political movement de Juliet Mitchell, des magazines, des articles, des coupures de journaux et des notes.