This file consists of documents relating to the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, its participation in the 1995 Learned Societies Congress, Jean Beaudrillard and its annual general meeting held in Montréal on June 6th, 1995. It contains notes, emails, a list of conference activities by session, a notice of meeting and a memorandum. These documents were originally inserted in page 9 of the booklet Membres = Members, 1993-1995.
This file consists of documents relating to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)'s Development Information Program. It contains two letters, a request for proposal (RFP) and a project proposal content form.
This file consists of documents relating to, among others, the Canadian Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL), the Feminist International Network of Resistance to Reproductive and Genetic Engineering (FINRRAGE), ethics of fetal tissue transplants, responses to a CARAL news editorial on prenatal diagnostic technique and pro-choice demonstrations. It contains a draft of a paper The emotional effects of induced abortion, a pamphlet, a call for paper for the journal Reproductive and genetic engineering: journal of international feminist viewpoints, articles, papers Prenatal diagnostics under attack again, notes, correspondence, flyers and a news release.
Ce dossier comprend des documents au sujet de réunions du comité exécutif de l'organisme Action éducation des femmes (AEF) tenues à Montréal sur l'organisation de la réunion du comité national, la publication du Bulletin et la représentation de l'AEF à la Conférence des droit de la personne et le congrès annuel de la Fédération des femmes canadiennes-françaises. Il contient des procès-verbaux, un ordre du jour, un formulaire, des notes et un plan d'action.
Ce dossier comprend des documents au sujet de la planification et les résultats de la conférence nationale sur la sécurité économiques des Québécoise Décisions 85. Il contient des coupures de presses photocopiées, des notes, un dépliant, un document de travail et un article "La décennie des femmes ou propos sur la récupération et les consultation populaires". Carole Landry et Lia Levesque sont mentionnées dans les dossiers.
This file consists of documents relating to a call for proposals for the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s annual conference Weaving alliances: feminist education and practice = Tisser les liens: éducation et pratique féministe held during the 1991 Learned Societies Congress. It contains flyers and 1991 conference proposal forms.
This file consists of correspondence and related material relating to the planning and funding of the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s participation at the 1990's Congress of Learned Society and the conference Weaving links: feminist education and practice. It contains letters.