- CA ON0034 10-001-S1-F100
- Ficheiro
- 1983-1986
Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
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Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
Gay Alliance Towards Equality (GATE) - Promotional material
Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
This file consists of promotional documents relating to the Gay Alliance Towards Equality’s events and activities.
It contains a statement of principles, organization pamphlets and pamphlets from the Gay Alliance Towards Equality (GATE). The file contains correspondence, flyers, press releases and news clippings.
This file also contains a calendar of events, the brief: “The Homosexual Minority and the Ontario Human Rights Code” and discussion papers.
This file includes the 1975 and 1977-1978 issues of the newsletter, “Gay Rising.”
Gay and Lesbian World Travel Expo
Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
Gay Canada: a national directory and travel guide for men and women
Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
This file consists of documents relating to the Gay Community Appeal, its finances, publications and events.
The file contains correspondence, project funding guidelines, flyers for various events and pamphlets for the Tri-Aid Charitable Foundation and GCA. The file includes a statement of revenues and expenses, Fruit Cocktail souvenir programs and an application form for project funding.
The file includes the winter 1984 and summer 1985 issues of “Gay Community Appeal of Toronto's Newsletter.”
Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection
Parte de Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection