
4420 Archival description results for Ontario

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Ottawa Women's Lobby (OWL) fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-183
  • Fonds
  • 1975-2018
Fonds consists of briefs, statements, press releases, brochures, correspondence, minutes, agendas, pamphlets, photographs, clippings, print-outs of Wikipedia and Encyclopedia pages, and various other materials pertaining to the activities of the Ottawa Women's Lobby (OWL). The fonds is divided into three series: Public Statements, Operations and Administration, and Photographs, Clippings, and Print-outs.
Le fonds comprend des mémoires, des déclarations, des communiqués de presse, des brochures, de la correspondance, des procès-verbaux, des ordres du jour, des brochures, des photographies, des coupures de presse, des impressions de pages Wikipédia et de l'Encyclopédie et divers autres documents relatifs aux activités du Lobby des femmes d'Ottawa (FLO). Le fonds est divisé en trois séries : Déclarations publiques, Opérations et administration, et Photographies, Coupures de presse et imprimés.

Ottawa Women's Lobby (OWL)

Shirley E. Greenberg fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-185
  • Fonds
  • 1960-2017

This fonds contains records resulting from Shirley E. Greenberg’s involvement in women’s liberation and research into women’s legal equality. The fonds contains significant administrative records from groups such as the University of Ottawa Chapter of the National Association of Women and the Law, the Ottawa Women’s Resource Group and the Ottawa Women’s Centre Association. The fonds includes pamphlets, advertisement and notices promoting these groups.

The fonds contains records resulting from Shirley E. Greenberg’s research into women’s legal equality, such as briefs submitted to government as well as news clippings and publications on family law, divorce and child custody. The fonds includes publications from women’s feminist collectives and publications devoted to radical feminism and socialist feminism, such as Hogtown Press. The bulk of the records date from 1972-1977.


Ce fonds contient des documents résultant de l'implication de Shirley E. Greenberg dans la libération des femmes et la recherche sur l'égalité juridique des femmes. Le fonds contient d'importants documents administratifs provenant de groupes tels que le chapitre de l'Université d'Ottawa de l'Association nationale de la femme et du droit, l'Ottawa Women's Resource Group et l'Ottawa Women's Centre Association. Le fonds comprend des brochures, des annonces et des avis faisant la promotion de ces groupes.

Le fonds contient des documents résultant des recherches de Shirley E. Greenberg sur l'égalité juridique des femmes, tels que des mémoires soumis au gouvernement ainsi que des coupures de presse et des publications sur le droit de la famille, le divorce et la garde des enfants. Le fonds comprend des publications de collectifs féministes et des publications consacrées au féminisme radical et au féminisme socialiste, telles que Hogtown Press. La majeure partie des documents date de 1972-1977.

Greenberg, Shirley E.

Fern Martin (Lanark County Interval House) fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-191
  • Fonds
  • 1979-2005

This collection provides a comprehensive look at Lanark County Interval House's mission to support victims of violence, particularly women and children. It includes detailed program notes and documents outlining their services and support strategies from 1979-2005. The collection features columns examining the impact of male violence on women, drawing insights from personal narratives and community engagements. It also commemorates Interval House's milestones and advocacy efforts, reflecting its commitment to enhancing support for abuse victims.

Additionally, the collection showcases themed scrapbooks with newspaper clippings on sensitive topics such as child abuse, family violence, sexual violence, battered women, and harassment cases, offering detailed insights and contextual information on these critical issues.

Furthermore, the collection highlights the t-shirt designs of Pakenham Rural Route, serving as Fern Martin's entrepreneurial endeavor. It includes design stencils, catalogues detailing product options, and a 1993 purple t-shirt, illustrating her dedication to promoting awareness.

Martin, Fern

Donna F. Johnson Fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-197
  • Fonds
  • 1990 - 2000
This fonds delves into the initiatives of the Women's Urgent Action and Women's Memorial Society, focusing on addressing violence against women and highlighting the contributions of Donna F. Johnson, a key figure in the creation of the Women's Monument. In response to the tragic 1989 Polytechnique Shooting, Johnson organized numerous vigils and played a role in the monument's establishment in Minto Park, Ottawa. It encompasses her 1998 conference paper, "How One Canadian Community is Responding to the Murder of Women," presented at the International Conference on Family Violence in Singapore. This work showcases the Women's Urgent Action group's proactive effort in combating male violence and addressing femicide. Spanning from 1990 to 2000, this fonds includes press notes, budgeting notices, and collaborative presentation ideas for monument planning and various vigils honoring women. Throughout, it provides insights into the community's efforts to minimize violence and honor its victims. The collection maintains its original order, inspired by the tabs of a binder created by the donor, Donna Johnson, showcasing monument preparation, vigil planning, and long-term initiatives to honor affected women.

Johnson, Donna F.

Ottawa Valley Health Libraries Association (OVHLA) fonds

  • CA ON0034 30-008
  • Fonds
  • 1975-2015
The fonds consists of records documenting the activities of the Ottawa Valley Health Libraries Association (formerly the Ottawa-Hull Health Libraries Group) a chapter of the Canadian Health Libraries Association. The fonds consists of constitutions and by-laws, meeting minutes and reports, membership information and correspondence.

Ottawa Valley Health Libraries Association

Results 4411 to 4420 of 4420