This file contains a "Ottawa-Carleton Legal Handbook for Battered women" by Nancy Declerq. The pamphlet was prepared as a project of the Preventive Law Program Student Legal Aid Society, published with the assistance of grants from the Department of Justice and the Ontario Legal Aid Plan.
This file contains handwritten notes, a summary of recommendations by the Social Planning Council of Ottawa - Carleton on Family crisis and the police.
This file contains correspondence, notes, meeting notes, discussions and conversations reports, guidelines. It includes a report on "Police Response to Wife Assault - A description and evaluation of Satisfaction of Services Received by Victims of Wife Assault".
The fonds consists of records originating from the Toronto Women's Place. The records include a history of the organization, lists of women's groups and members, information and referral sheets, as well as newsletters and magazines featuring information about Women's Place. -- Le fonds est constitué de documents provenant du Toronto Women's Place. Les documents comprennent un historique de l'organisation, des listes de groupes de femmes et de membres, des fiches d'information et d'orientation, ainsi que des bulletins et des magazines contenant des informations sur le Women's Place.
This fonds consists of records related to the development of day care services in Ontario mostly in the 60s and 70s. This records correspond to the period when Margaret Kidd moved to Ottawa and worked on child-development issues, including the establishment of nursery schools. -- Ce fonds est constitué de documents relatifs au développement des services de garde en Ontario, principalement dans les années 60 et 70. Ces documents correspondent à la période où Margaret Kidd s'est installée à Ottawa et a travaillé sur les questions de développement de l'enfant, y compris la création d'écoles maternelles.
This fonds consists of records related to various committees and groups at the University of Toronto that were working for gender equality and against violence against women, mostly about sexual assault, in the late 80s. -- Ce fonds est constitué de documents relatifs à divers comités et groupes de l'Université de Toronto qui travaillaient pour l'égalité des sexes et contre la violence à l'égard des femmes, principalement les agressions sexuelles, à la fin des années 80.
The fonds consists of records collected and received by Linda Brisken and related to her involvement with various women's councils, centres and programs. Also includes records related to women's studies programs. -- Le fonds comprend des documents recueillis et reçus par Linda Briskin et relatifs à son implication dans divers conseils, centres et programmes de femmes. Il comprend également des documents relatifs aux programmes d'études féminines.
The fonds consists of Nancy Webb's scrapbook completed for a Social Science class in the Women's Studies program at York University taught by Dr. Meg Luxton. The fonds includes related supplemental materials. -- Le fonds comprend l'album de Nancy Webb réalisé dans le cadre d'un cours de sciences sociales du programme d'études féminines de l'Université York enseigné par le Dr Meg Luxton. Le fonds comprend des documents complémentaires connexes.