This file contains the originals of the following documents: questionnaires, survey and project introduction letters, Canadian tour letters, letter from Nancy Adamson, CWMA stationery letterheads, news update "Looking Forward, Reaching Back - Women's Archives in Canada Project," donation slips, raffle tickets, preliminary survey slips, project advertisement to be included in women's publications, and press release about the project.
This file contains a news update about the Women's Archives in Canada project, a letter with an ad about the project to be run in women's publications, and a press release about the project.
This file contains introduction letters announcing the start of the CWMA survey of archival collections and the tour to meet with interested individuals and organizations in Ontario.
This file contains a survey kit sent to organizations including: news update about the Women's Archives in Canada project, questionnaire, material collection policy, instructions for organizations on how to preserve their materials, and Canadian Women's Movement Archives leaflet.
This file contains a press release announcing the start of the CWMA survey of archival collections and the cross-Canada tour to meet with interested individuals and organizations; it also includes a copy of the questionnaire sent to organizations about their materials.