This file consists of correspondence by members of the Women's Health Education Network relating to subjects such as a Women's Health Education Network's survey and updates. It contains two letters and a questionnaire.
This file consists of documents relating to the Women's Employment Outreach's workshop A career in life insurance, unemployment and contact information. It contains leaflets, brochures, a business card and an excerpt of the report Unemployment : it's impact on body and soul and a phone number list.
This file consists of documents relating to the Halifax Women's Employment and Counselling Service's services and activities such as the workshop From waitressing to welding. It contains press clippings, a business card, an article, posters and a brochure.
This file consists of documents relating to the Women's Calendar Collective's activities and workshop Women and technological change. It contains calendars a blank survey questionnaire and a poster.
This file consists of documents relating to the 1985 Bi-National Conference, summer courses studies and workshops, 1983 annual general meeting and Canadian women in writing. It contains correspondence, course and workshop programs, an application form, a fact sheet, an annual report, minutes, cross country contact list, a networking resource file application form and a summary of the report on conference evaluation.
This file consists of promotional and other documents relating to the Woman and Film Festival held in Toronto in 1973. It contains a postcard, a catalogue, programs, leaflets, a letter, an initial press release and a list of tour co-coordinators.