Nova Scotia



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Nova Scotia

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Nova Scotia

153 Archival description results for Nova Scotia

3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

1995 annual conference Equity and justice in women's studies and feminist practice = Équité et justice dans les études et pratiques féministes - Publication of conference proceedings

This file consists of documents relating to the Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada (HSSFC)'s views of the Association of Canadian Publishers and the publication of Équité et justice: études et pratiques féministes conference proceedings by l'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). It contains emails, two letters and a table of content.
It also contains a copy of the bound and published conference proceedings.

2003 Annual general meeting (AGM) - Minutes

This file consists of documents relating to the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s 2003 annual general meeting held during the conference Conflict and cooperation: feminist voices in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It contains 2002 AGM's minutes, an agenda, treasurer's and annual book prize reports, slate of candidates for the CWSA's board of directors, a blank membership form and a flyer on nomination for the 2003/2004 CWSA/ACEF Book Prize.

Women in Development 1986

This file contains material about the Canadian Council for International Co-Operation (CCIC) (proposed structure, leaflet, newsletter), agenda, minutes and other materials from meetings of the Working Group on Women and Development (Toronto, Halifax, and Montreal 1986), material from the Ottawa Women and Development group (participant list with contact information, meetings, Workshop on Feminism and Development), material supporting the legalization of free-standing abortion clinics (OCAC, CARAL), material on the Women-Environment-Sustainable Development Project, news clippings, reference materials, correspondence, and leaflets.

Nova Scotia Archives (4 of 4)

This file contains correspondence, material sent by groups (such as historical information), completed data entry forms, survey tracking information, printouts of database records with editing annotations, pilot project correspondence, and finding aids and descriptions for the following records: The Margaret Beaton Foundation for Women, The Nova Scotia Home Economics Association (Cape Breton Branch), Canadian Federation of University Women (Cape Breton Branch), Catholic Women's League of the Diocese of Antigonish, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (Louisbourg Chapter), Women Unlimited, and Cape Breton Transition House.

Nova Scotia Archives (3 of 4)

This file contains completed preliminary questionnaires, completed data entry forms, photocopies of news clippings and magazine articles, pilot project correspondence, description of women's groups records from Public Archives of Nova Scotia, list of Nova Scotia groups, and finding aids for the following records: "A Woman's Place" Collection, Women's Information, Resource, and Referral Service (Halifax), Women's International Peace Conference, Young Women's Christian Association, University Women's Club of Halifax, Canadian Federation of University Women (Halifax Branch), Zonta Club of Halifax, Muriel Duckworth Collection, Nova Scotia Women's Action Committee, and New Glasgow Local Council of Women

Nova Scotia Archives (1 of 4)

This file contains completed data entry forms, survey tracking information, correspondence, completed questionnaires, finding aid for Muriel Duckworth collection, and printouts of database records with editing annotations.
Results 31 to 40 of 153