This file consists of documents relating to the Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada (HSSFC)'s views of the Association of Canadian Publishers and the publication of Équité et justice: études et pratiques féministes conference proceedings by l'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). It contains emails, two letters and a table of content. It also contains a copy of the bound and published conference proceedings.
This file consists of documents relating to the planning of the Atlantis' 2005 launch celebrations and the CWSA's affiliation with Atlantis. It contains emails.
This file consists of correspondence relating to the publication of the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s fall 1987 newsletter. It contains two letters and a list of donors.
This file consists of documents relating to the planning and publication of the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s 1988 issue of its Newsletter. It contains the the 1988 treasurer's report, receipts and letters.
This file consists of documents relating to the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s Saskatchewan membership. It contains completed membership application and renewal forms, a mailing list, receipts, correspondence and a transmittal slip.
This file consists of documents relating to the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA)'s institutes' membership and corrections for the CWSA's members' booklet. It contains a mailing list, correspondence, completed membership application, renewal and purchase order forms, receipts, a statement of account, a library subscription order slip and a pamphlet,.