This file consists of documents collected by the Canadian Women's Studies Association (CWSA) relating to the the Canadian Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL)'s incorporation, new resource material and the 1985 annual meeting. It contains by-laws, new literature and literature order, an editorial by Michele Landsberg, a list of abortion facts, an article on infanticide, the speech Why my abortions were no dilemma, CARAL's personal policy for full-time and part-time employees, the booklet What every Canadian should about abortion!, correspondence, articles, a reply to Kennet I. Segel's article on abortion in the Summer issue of Viewpoints, a registration form, flyers, a support sheet, G.S.A. funding formula for organization, a list of speaking engagements, newspaper clippings and a Dr. Morgentaler and the courts chronology.
This file contains material related to a CCLOW workshop, including reports and articles presented at the workshop, workshop agendas and a list of delegates, workshop reports, and correspondence before and after the workshop.
This poster features a timeline of significant events related to abortion and reproductive rights in Manitoba. It is a pale yellow poster with black text
This file contains a paper presented to the National Consultation on Career Development at Ottawa in January 24th, 1995, by Benjamin Levin, Ph. D., associate professor of the department of Educational administration and Foundations at the University of Manitoba.
This fonds consists of records from and collected by the Manitoba Action Committee on Status of Women. It contains correspondence, reports, articles, resource information on various organizations in Manitoba (mostly in Winnipeg). It also includes records from a research project on women's health, employment and abortion organized during summer 1980. -- Ce fonds est constitué de documents recueillis par le Manitoba Action Committee on Status of Women. Il contient de la correspondance, des rapports, des articles et des renseignements sur diverses organisations au Manitoba (principalement à Winnipeg). Il comprend également des documents relatifs à un projet de recherche sur la santé, l'emploi et l'avortement des femmes organisé au cours de l'été 1980.
This collection consists of material related mostly to Same Damn Bunch Manitoba. This group with a charitable status started in 1975 during the International Women Year. This collection contains also records from other actions for women which took place in Manitoba. It includes records regarding “Our Time is Now”, a Canadian women’s music and cultural festival held in Winnipeg over the Labour Day weekend in the 80s. -- Cette collection se compose de documents liés principalement à Same Damn Bunch Manitoba. Ce groupe à caractère caritatif a été créé en 1975 à l'occasion de l'Année internationale de la femme. Cette collection contient également des documents relatifs à d'autres actions en faveur des femmes qui ont eu lieu au Manitoba. Elle comprend des documents concernant "Our Time is Now", un festival de musique et de culture pour les femmes canadiennes qui s'est tenu à Winnipeg pendant le week-end de la fête du travail dans les années 80.