Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
General material designation
- Graphic materials
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Other title information
Title statements of responsibility
Title notes
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Reference code
Edition area
Edition statement
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Statement of scale (cartographic)
Statement of projection (cartographic)
Statement of coordinates (cartographic)
Statement of scale (architectural)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Dates of creation area
Physical description area
Physical description
7 photographs : 6 b&w ; 1 col.
Publisher's series area
Title proper of publisher's series
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Archival description area
Name of creator
Biographical history
In 1970, Dr. Mikuš was a co-founder of the Slovak World Congress. Throughout his career, he was an active member of numerous other professional, political, and nationalist Organizations on which he served in many capacities.
Dr. Mikuš has been a very prolific writer throughout his long career as a diplomat, a jurist, a lobbyist, a professor, and a political activist. He has published a dozen books, many pamphlets and booklets. He has contributed to at least three books published in collaboration with other authors, and has produced an impressive number of articles in learned journals, Slovak periodicals and American newspapers. As a recognized authority in the many fields of History, in Political Science, and in issues of International Law, Dr. Mikuš conducted many seminars and delivered numerous conferences. His contribution has been significant.
In 1995-1996, Dr. Mikuš left the United States. After a short stay in France, he returned to his native Slovakia. He passed away in 2005.
Custodial history
Scope and content
The Jozef A. Mikuš fonds consists of various documents personally collected by Dr. Mikuš over a lifetime of activities as a diplomat, a jurist, a political activist, an immigrant, a teacher, an officer in various nationalist and political associations, and as a simple citizen. It is very much a “personal” collection of documents that reflects Dr. Mikuš’ views and interests on a multitude of topics, and bears witness to his lifetime involvement in the political history of his country of origin, Slovakia, in the life and struggles of his countrymen, the Slovak people, and in the social and political life of his country of adoption after World War II, the United States of America. Gravitating around these major focal points are documents on a variety of subjects from religion to economy, from freedom of speech to education, political parties to arts and culture, famous politicians to nationalist writers, from nuclear arms to aid programs.
This fonds contains handwritten notes, holograph and typed manuscripts, galley proofs, and printed texts of Dr. Mikuš’ published and unpublished works: books, articles, conference and symposium addresses, book reviews, and special contributions for Anniversaries, In Memoriam, and Commemorations, letters, newspaper clippings, articles, excerpts from condemnation charges, speeches, declarations, orbituaries, photocopied cheques, invoices, receipts, addresses, meetings' minutes, financial statements, guidelines, lists, announcements, certificates, forms, agendas, resumes, pamphlets, booklets, information and fact sheets, funeral, business, Easter, prayer, birthday and Christmas cards, postcards, maps, programs, news and press releases, photographs, book reviews, syllabi, memoranda, newsletters, insurance policies, catalogues, reports, chronologies, a poetry collection, grant application, income tax forms, statements of assets, flyers, telegrams, premium notices, an identification card, stickers, an Unclaimed Funds Network (UFN)'s sweepstake rules, papers, questionnaires, periodicals, journal, government documents, petitions, condensed version of book The inheritor: a tale of KGB espionage in America, resolutions, proceedings, biographical notes and references, transcripts, short biographies, a copy of the book Slovakia in blood and shackles, a call to order, footnotes, appeals, statistics, constitutions, a charter, personal accounts, poems, a leaflet, invitation, terms of references, a manifesto, a message, souvenir books, essays, an organizational Chart, letterheads, a document sleeve, a protocol, an interview and the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights' preamble.
The fonds has been divided in six series: Writings and publications, Correspondence, Personal files, Organizations, Periodicals, and Topical files.
Notes area
Physical condition
Immediate source of acquisition
Language of material
- Czech
- English
- French
- German
- Russian
- Slovak
- Spanish
Script of material
Location of originals
Availability of other formats
Restrictions on access
Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication
Finding aids
Associated materials
Alternative identifier(s)
Standard number area
Standard number
Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
Genre access points
Control area
Description record identifier
Institution identifier
Rules or conventions
Level of detail
Dates of creation, revision and deletion
Language of description
Script of description
Data for Dr. Mikuš’ biographical sketch was collected from:
Perréal, R. & J.A. Mikuš. La Slovaquie. Une nation au coeur de l’Europe. Lausanne, Editions l’Age d’Homme, 1992. p. 252-253.
Stolarik, M. Mark. “Memorandum” to Christine Banfill & Hera Arevian. University of Ottawa, August 9, 1995.
Various documents from Series III. Personal Files of the present Fonds.