This collection contains records in various formats; including original organizational records, posters, buttons, t-shirts, flyers, publications, etc., from more than 2,000 Canadian women’s organizations, conferences and individuals. The records date from 1960 up until the mid-1990s and were collected by the Collective of the Canadian Women's Movement Archives. Material dated after 1992 was added after the CWMA collection was donated to the University of Ottawa Library (see Immediate Source of Acquisition for more detail). - Cette collection contient des documents de différents formats, y compris des documents organisationnels, des affiches, des macarons, des t-shirts, des dépliants, des publications, provenant de plus de 2 000 organisations de femmes canadiennes, de conférences et d'individus. Les documents datent de 1960 jusqu'au milieu des années 1990 et ont été collectés par le Collectif des archives du Mouvement canadien des femmes.
This file contains a mailing list, the organization's mandate and correspondence regarding the initial efforts of the organization. The file also includes a flyer regarding new developments in birth control, as well as newspaper clippings on the politics of access to birth control methods.
This file contains correspondence on the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord, as well as related newspaper clippings. The file also contains the committee members' list and a memorandum on the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord.
This file contains correspondence on the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord, as well as related newspaper clippings. The file also contains the committee members' list and a memorandum on the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord.