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Barbara Cass-Beggs fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-158
  • Fonds
  • 1935-1968, [1979]
The fonds consists of material collected by Barbara Cass-Beggs on a variety of issues affecting women, predominantly related to labour and equal pay and marriage and divorce. Includes pamphlets and booklets, clippings, briefs and articles, as well as court and legislative proceedings.
Le fonds comprend des documents recueillis par Barbara Cass-Beggs sur une variété de questions touchant les femmes, principalement liées au travail et à l'égalité des salaires ainsi qu'au mariage et au divorce. Il comprend des brochures et des livrets, des coupures de presse, des mémoires et des articles, ainsi que des procédures judiciaires et législatives.

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Solveig Ryall fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-090
  • Fonds
  • [196-?]-[197-?]
This collection consists of photographs of protests taken by photographer, Solveig Ryall. The photographs document demonstrations such as a protest against a sexist Macleans Magazine article, a demonstration against a [pornographic?] organization, and a demonstration for legislation protecting women's rights.

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Fonds du Collectif de la Revue L'Entrelles

  • CA ON0034 10-198
  • Fonds
  • 1979-1982
Le fonds du collectif de la revue l'Entrelles documente les activités de l'organisme de sa création en 1979 jusqu'en 1982. Il comprend des documents constitutifs et stratégiques, des comptes rendus de réunion, de la correspondance et des listes de contacts.
The fonds of the Entrelles magazine collective documents the activities of the organization from its creation in 1979 to 1982. It includes founding and strategic documents, meeting minutes, correspondence and contact lists.

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Toronto Wages for Housework Committee fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-008
  • Fonds
  • 1966-1986, predominant 1973-1986
The Toronto Wages For Housework Committee (WFH) fonds contains mostly textual documents, two posters and one group of photograph negatives. It contains WFH administrative documents as well as flyers, speeches, pamphlets, and correspondence with related organizations such as Wages Due Lesbians, Women Against Rape, Family Benefits Working Group, and Wages For Housework groups in Canada and internationally. Also included are newspaper clippings which illustrate the Wages for Housework campaign during the 1970s.
Le fonds du Toronto Wages For Housework Committee contient principalement des documents textuels, deux affiches et un ensemble de négatifs photographiques. Il contient des documents administratifs de l’organisme ainsi que des dépliants, des discours, des brochures et de la correspondance avec des organisations connexes telles que Wages Due Lesbians, Women Against Rape, Family Benefits Working Group, et des groupes Wages For Housework au Canada et à l'étranger. On y trouve également des coupures de presse qui illustrent la campagne Wages for Housework au cours des années 1970.

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Rosemary Billings fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-136
  • Fonds
  • 1977-1987
The fonds consists of records created and collected by Rosemary Billings in her capacity as an executive member of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Canadian Women on the Constitution and the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) and relate to the creation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the guarantee for women's rights under Section 28. The records illustrate the work that Billings and her colleagues did to lobby the government to ensure that section 28 was not removed.
Le fonds comprend des documents créés et recueillis par Rosemary Billings en sa qualité de membre exécutif du Comité ad hoc des femmes canadiennes sur la Constitution et du Comité national d'action sur le statut de la femme (CNA). Ces documents portent sur la création de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés et sur la garantie des droits des femmes en vertu de l'article 28. Les documents illustrent le travail de Billings et de ses collègues pour faire pression sur le gouvernement afin que l'article 28 ne soit pas supprimé.

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Service Office Retail Workers Union of Canada (SORWUC) Local 7

  • CA ON0034 10-062
  • Fonds
  • 1970-198-
This fonds consists of the administrative records of the conception of the Service Office Retail Workers Union of Canada (SORWUC) Local 7 in Ottawa from its beginnings in 1982 as part of reason for change particularly addressing inequality faced by women in the workplace in various aspects. It features correspondence, advertisements to join the union, pieces of bargaining and negotiation, member contact information. Also included are resources such as newspaper clippings, pamphlets, booklets, buttons, and articles on various subjects as used and promoted by members of SORWUC.

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Nancy Miller Chenier fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-129
  • Fonds
  • 1974-1989
The fonds consists mostly of materials created by the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women as well as minutes of meetings from women's health organizations.
Le fonds se compose principalement de documents créés par le Conseil consultatif canadien sur la situation de la femme ainsi que de procès-verbaux de réunions d'organisations de santé des femmes.

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Linda Briskin fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-161
  • Fonds
  • 1970-1990
The fonds consists of records collected and received by Linda Brisken and related to her involvement with various women's councils, centres and programs. Also includes records related to women's studies programs.
Le fonds comprend des documents recueillis et reçus par Linda Briskin et relatifs à son implication dans divers conseils, centres et programmes de femmes. Il comprend également des documents relatifs aux programmes d'études féminines.

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Kristen Krismer fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-159
  • Fonds
  • 1977-1990
This fonds consists of records related to various committees and groups at the University of Toronto that were working for gender equality and against violence against women, mostly about sexual assault, in the late 80s.
Ce fonds est constitué de documents relatifs à divers comités et groupes de l'Université de Toronto qui travaillaient pour l'égalité des sexes et contre la violence à l'égard des femmes, principalement les agressions sexuelles, à la fin des années 80.

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Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-082
  • Fonds
  • 1973-[1994?]
Fonds consists primarily of reports and briefs, but also includes agendas, proposals, memos, newsletters, correspondence, news releases, background papers, booklets, pamphlets, and other material pertaining to the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women. The fonds is divided into three series: CACSW Reports / Briefs, Women’s Conference, and Posters.
Le fonds comprend principalement des rapports et des mémoires, mais aussi des ordres du jour, des propositions, des notes de service, des bulletins d'information, de la correspondance, des communiqués de presse, des documents d'information, des brochures, des dépliants et d'autres documents relatifs au Conseil consultatif canadien sur la situation de la femme. Le fonds est divisé en trois séries : Rapports / mémoires du CCCSF; Conférence des femmes; Affiches.

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