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11 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Pamela Andrews collection

  • CA ON0034 10-067
  • Fonds
  • [198- ?]-2000
This collection consists of various documents collected by Pamela Andrews and related to the feminist movement. It contains pamphlets, a brochure, programs of a benefit concert, of a workshop theatre productions and other materials from various organizations including the Assaulted Women’s Hotline, the DisAbled Women’s Network (DAWN) and the Midwifery Task Group. It also includes photocopied press clippings related to the Direct Action Group’s statements of resistance regarding the Litton bombing and 14 buttons from organizations pertaining mostly to women’s rights and issues such as health, birth control and abortion.
Cette collection se compose de divers documents collectés par Pamela Andrews et liés au mouvement féministe. Elle contient des brochures, le programme d'un concert de bienfaisance et d'un atelier de production théâtrale et d'autres documents provenant de diverses organisations, dont Assaulted Women's Hotline, DisAbled Women's Network (DAWN) et Midwifery Task Group. Il comprend également des photocopies de coupures de presse relatives aux déclarations de résistance du Direct Action Group concernant l'attentat à la bombe de Litton et 14 macarons portant principalement sur des thématiques liées aux droits des femmes, à la santé, au contrôle des naissances et à l'avortement.

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INWES fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-125
  • Fonds
  • 1964-2014
This fonds consists of material relating to the International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists (INWES). It contains correspondence and notes, minutes, reports, and financial documents related to INWES conferences and meetings. It also contains documents related to ICWES conferences, affiliated organizations and conferences, and individual members of note.
Ce fonds est constitué de documents relatifs au Réseau international des femmes ingénieurs et scientifiques (INWES). Il contient de la correspondance et des notes, des procès-verbaux, des rapports et des documents financiers relatifs aux conférences et aux réunions de l'INWES. Il contient également des documents relatifs aux conférences de l'ICWES, aux organisations et conférences affiliées et aux membres individuels.

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Jozef A. Mikuš fonds

  • CA ON0034 20-001
  • Fonds
  • [1784]-1998

The Jozef A. Mikuš fonds consists of various documents personally collected by Dr. Mikuš over a lifetime of activities as a diplomat, a jurist, a political activist, an immigrant, a teacher, an officer in various nationalist and political associations, and as a simple citizen. It is very much a “personal” collection of documents that reflects Dr. Mikuš’ views and interests on a multitude of topics, and bears witness to his lifetime involvement in the political history of his country of origin, Slovakia, in the life and struggles of his countrymen, the Slovak people, and in the social and political life of his country of adoption after World War II, the United States of America. Gravitating around these major focal points are documents on a variety of subjects from religion to economy, from freedom of speech to education, political parties to arts and culture, famous politicians to nationalist writers, from nuclear arms to aid programs.

This fonds contains handwritten notes, holograph and typed manuscripts, galley proofs, and printed texts of Dr. Mikuš’ published and unpublished works: books, articles, conference and symposium addresses, book reviews, and special contributions for Anniversaries, In Memoriam, and Commemorations, letters, newspaper clippings, articles, excerpts from condemnation charges, speeches, declarations, orbituaries, photocopied cheques, invoices, receipts, addresses, meetings' minutes, financial statements, guidelines, lists, announcements, certificates, forms, agendas, resumes, pamphlets, booklets, information and fact sheets, funeral, business, Easter, prayer, birthday and Christmas cards, postcards, maps, programs, news and press releases, photographs, book reviews, syllabi, memoranda, newsletters, insurance policies, catalogues, reports, chronologies, a poetry collection, grant application, income tax forms, statements of assets, flyers, telegrams, premium notices, an identification card, stickers, an Unclaimed Funds Network (UFN)'s sweepstake rules, papers, questionnaires, periodicals, journal, government documents, petitions, condensed version of book The inheritor: a tale of KGB espionage in America, resolutions, proceedings, biographical notes and references, transcripts, short biographies, a copy of the book Slovakia in blood and shackles, a call to order, footnotes, appeals, statistics, constitutions, a charter, personal accounts, poems, a leaflet, invitation, terms of references, a manifesto, a message, souvenir books, essays, an organizational Chart, letterheads, a document sleeve, a protocol, an interview and the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights' preamble.

The fonds has been divided in six series: Writings and publications, Correspondence, Personal files, Organizations, Periodicals, and Topical files.

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Collection Manuscrits français

  • CA ON0034 30-005
  • Collection
  • 1790, [Avant 1814]-[Avant1974]
La collection Manuscrits français regroupe des oeuvres, parfois inédites, et la correspondance de quelques soixante-quinze auteurs français de renom dont Gustave Flaubert, Victor Hugo, George Sand, George Ribemont-Dessaignes et Jacques Baron. L’ensemble des documents représente de nombreux courants littéraires dont le romantisme, le réalisme, le symbolisme et le surréalisme.

Fonds Bernard-Paul Robert

  • CA ON0034 30-022
  • Fonds
  • 1802-[1979]

Le fonds Bernard-Paul Robert comprend de la correspondance, des notes, des textes et des plans de cours enseignés dans plusieurs institutions post-secondaires dont l’Université d’Ottawa, l’Université de Montréal et l’Université de Sherbrooke. Il comprend également des articles utilisés dans ses recherches et la rédaction d’ouvrages sur plusieurs sujets dont le surréalisme et Charles Baudelaire, des coupures de presse et autres documents. Le fonds contient également de la correspondance, des textes, articles et autres documents sur la poétesse Henriette Charasson sur laquelle Bernard-Paul Robert a dédié un ouvrage et une thèse de doctorat.

Ce fonds comprend des documents textuels (correspondance, coupures de presse, notes et autres documents), iconographiques (photographies, dessins et affiches) et des objets (une valise, un signet, une pièce d’argent et une maquette). Il est divisé en 6 séries: Serie 1: Education, enseignement, publication; Série 2: Matériel de référence; Série 3: Henriette Charasson; Série 4: Henry Dérieux; Série 5: Documents iconographiques; Séries 6: Objets.

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Zoe Clayton Bieler fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-146
  • Fonds
  • 1879-2000
This fonds contains documents relating the life and work of Zoe Clayton Bieler. It includes personal correspondence, cards, and photographs. It also contains documents relating to her work as a journalist, such as news clippings, press badges, and press photos. There are also photos of her family friends, as well as items from her time as a student at the University of British Columbia, including her undergraduate degree diplomas, her articles written as part of the student newspaper, the Ubyssey, and several of her student papers. There is also information, records, and correspondence from her daughter, Caroline Bieler Brettell, relating to the book she wrote about her mother, "Writing Against the Wind: A Mother's Life History.

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Constance Backhouse fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-107
  • Fonds
  • [189?], 1902, 1919-1938, 1940, 1953, 1969, [1980-2009]
The fonds contains notes created by Constance Backhouse while researching the legal history of women in Canada and racism within the legal system. The materials were likely created during Backhouse's creation of monograph-length published works.

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Patricia Anne (Pat) Staton fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-160
  • Fonds
  • 1890-1998

The fonds consists of research material acquired by Pat Staton while co-writing the monograph work, "Speak With Their Own Voices: A Documentary History of the Federation of Women Teachers' Association of Ontario and the Women Elementary Public School Teachers of Ontario."

Le fonds est constitué de documents de recherche acquis par Pat Staton lors de la co-rédaction de la monographie "Speak With Their Own Voices : A Documentary History of the Federation of Women Teachers' Association of Ontario and the Women Elementary Public School Teachers of Ontario".

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Collection de périodiques Archives des Femmes / Women's Archives Periodicals Collection

  • CA ON0034 10-P
  • Collection
  • 1895-2018, Predominantly 1970-2010
The Archives and Special Collections has the largest collection of feminist publications in Canada, comprising of periodicals and newsletters produced by feminist groups and associations across Canada. It currently stands at just over 1400 titles and includes national publications like Branching Out and Broadside, as well as newsletters from smaller groups like Open Door, and Rural Lesbian Newsletter of British Columbia, etc. These periodicals represent women from diverse regions of the country, and cover social action in all its forms, and include subjects such as women’s health, the right to abortion, child-care services, as well as literature, art, culture, and assistance for immigrants. The coverage of these periodicals varies from several years of issues to other times just one or two issues.

Canadian Women's Movement Archives (CWMA) collection

  • CA ON0034 10-001
  • Collection
  • 1905-2014, predominant 1960-1992
This collection contains records in various formats; including original organizational records, posters, buttons, t-shirts, flyers, publications, etc., from more than 2,000 Canadian women’s organizations, conferences and individuals. The records date from 1960 up until the mid-1990s and were collected by the Collective of the Canadian Women's Movement Archives. Material dated after 1992 was added after the CWMA collection was donated to the University of Ottawa Library (see Immediate Source of Acquisition for more detail).
Cette collection contient des documents de différents formats, y compris des documents organisationnels, des affiches, des macarons, des t-shirts, des dépliants, des publications, provenant de plus de 2 000 organisations de femmes canadiennes, de conférences et d'individus. Les documents datent de 1960 jusqu'au milieu des années 1990 et ont été collectés par le Collectif des archives du Mouvement canadien des femmes.

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