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Advocates for Community-Based Training-Education for Women (ACTEW) fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-087
  • Fonds
  • 1 December 1985-31 December 2008
This fonds is comprised of textual records related to Advocates for Community-Based Training-Education for Women. It mainly reflects ACTEW's administration, organizing strategy, meeting minutes, grant applications, correspondence, and publications.
Ce fonds est constitué de documents textuels relatifs à l’Advocates for Community-Based Training-Education for Women. Il contient des documents administratifs, des documents stratégiques, des procès-verbaux de réunions, des demandes de subventions, de la correspondance et des publications.

Advocates for Community-based Training and Education for Women (ACTEW)


  • CA ON0034 10-164
  • Fonds
  • 2002-2019
Le fonds AFFESTIM comprend les documents historiques de l'association et informent sur son administration, ses finances, son adhésions, ses partenariats, ses publications et ses activités depuis sa création en 2005. Le fonds comprends actuellement les documents couvrant les mandats de Claire Deschênes première présidente de l'AFFESTIM jusqu'en 2010 et secrétaire-trésorière jusqu'en 2018, de Liette Vasseur présidente de 2011 à 2013, d’Anne Roy présidente de 2013-2014, de Marie Laroche présidente de 2015-2018.
The AFFESTIM collection includes the historical documents of the association and informs about its administration, its finances, its memberships, its partnerships, its publications and its activities since its creation in 2005. The collection currently includes the documents covering the mandates of Claire Deschênes première president of AFFESTIM until 2010 and secretary-treasurer until 2018, Liette Vasseur president from 2011 to 2013, Anne Roy president from 2013-2014, Marie Laroche president from 2015-2018.

Association de la francophonie à propos des femmes en sciences, technologies, ingénierie et mathématiques

Alice de Wolff fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-074
  • Fonds
  • 1981-1987
This fonds contains material primarily related to de Woolf's attendance at the Summer School for Women Organizing, and the subsequent conferences she helped to coordinate: ASWAC's "Women Organize Alberta" and OISE's "Women and the State." These files include de Woolf's rough notes, correspondence, and documents related to conference planning such as workshop descriptions, agendas, and minutes. The fonds also contains 17 issues of the ASWAC newsletter.
Ce fonds contient des documents qui témoignent principalement de la participation d’Alice de Woolf dans plusieurs organisations de femmes, ainsi qu’à des conférences qu'elle a aidé à coordonner : "Women Organize Alberta" de l'ASWAC et "Women and the State" de l'OISE. Ces dossiers comprennent des notes manuscrites d’Alice de Woolf, de la correspondance et des documents relatifs à la planification des conférences, tels que des descriptions d'ateliers, des ordres du jour et des procès-verbaux. Le fonds contient également 17 numéros du bulletin ASWAC.

de Wolff, Alice

Andrej Kučera fonds

  • CA ON0034 20-012
  • Fonds
  • 1926-1972
This fonds consists of documents relating mostly to Andrej Kučera’s work in the Slovak League of America and the Canadian Slovak League (CSL) in Winnipeg and publications collected by the Kučera family during a span of approximately thirty years. It contains correspondence, articles, secretary's and financial report, publications, a booklet, account ledgers, membership, secretary and protocol books.

Kučera, Andrej

Andrej Potocký fonds

  • CA ON0034 20-005
  • Fonds
  • 1907-2003
This fonds consists of documents relating to Andrej Potocký's life in Canada, involvement in the Canadian Slovak League (CSL) and Kanadský Slovák, including its administration, finances, events, membership, reorganization, incorporation, events, membership, donation to the Red Cross, Slovak personalities, history, culture, immigration and Church's action on Slovakia's right to independence.
It contains constitutions, by-laws, pledges of loyalties, reports, receipts, chronologies, a proclamation, renewals of insurance certificates, forms, collection sheets for funds, insurance and fire policies, telegrams, memoranda, newspaper clippings, articles, agreements, a mandate, meetings' minutes, proceedings, Senate of Canada Bill no. 15: an Act to Incorporate Canadian Slovak League, a response guide, petitions, black and white photographs, ribbons, a colour photographs, twenty-five stamps, resolutions, pleas, a CSL Great Bazar ticket, a greeting card, a commemorative postcard, book excerpts, notes, flyers, a booklet, account of events, a plane ticket, a news release, accounts books, scrapbooks, a diploma, pamphlets, letters, texts, obituaries and lists.
Some of the newspaper clippings were taken from the following newspapers: The Daily Times Journal, Fort William Times-Journal, Nová vlasť, The Chronicle Journal, Northwestern Ontario Catholic, Winnipeg Free Press, Daily Times, Jednota, Slovenskí jezuiti v Kanade, Port Arthur Daily Times, Ensign, Slovenskej Jednoty v Spojených štaroch a v Kanade, Slovák v Amerike, Macedonia Newspaper, The Plain Dealer, Kanadský Slovák, Zenska Jednota, The Globe and Mail, Slovenský Kurier, The Catholic world, Kalendár Jednota, Free Press Weekly Prairie Farmer, Čzeskoslenský svet, Labour, Times Journal, Svet v praze, Slovenskej Bratstvo, Slovák v Kanade, Toronto Daily Star and the Slovak World Congress (SWC) Bulletin.

Potocký, Andrej

Ann B. Denis fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-193
  • Fonds
  • 1966 - 2009

The fonds largely consists of papers, abstracts and seminar presentations authored or co-authored by Ann B. Denis. The fonds also includes 6 readings booklets for courses taught by Denis at the University of Ottawa between 1997 and 2008, and 2 plaques awarded to her by the University of Ottawa.


Le fonds se compose principalement d'articles, de résumés et de présentations de séminaires dont Ann B. Denis est auteur ou co-auteur. Le fonds comprend également 6 livrets de recueils de textes pour des cours enseignés par Denis à l'Université d'Ottawa et 2 plaques qui lui ont été décernées par l'Université d'Ottawa.

Denis, Ann B.

Anne Molgat fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-097
  • Fonds
  • 1975 - 1996
Ce fonds contient des documents collectés par Anne Molgat durant ses activités et implications dans diverses organisations durant le début des années 1990. Il comprend notamment des documents reliés à son implication dans le Comité national d'action pour le status des femmes, EGALE Égalité pour les gais et les lesbiennes, ALGO Association des lesbiennes et ds gais de l'Outaouais, ACMF Archives Canadiennes du Mouvement des Femmes.
This fonds contains documents collected by Anne Molgat during her activities and involvements in various organizations in the early 1990s. It includes documents relating to her involvement with the National Action Committee on the Status on Women, EGALE Equality for gays and lesbians everywhere, ALGO Association of Lesbians and Gays of Ottawa, CWMA Canadian Women Movement Archives.

Molgat, Anne

Anne Vespry fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-147
  • Fonds
  • [1985]-1991
The fonds consists of records related to the Woman's Common operations from 1985 to 1991.

Vespry, Anne

Annette Clough fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-151
  • Fonds
  • 1974-1995
This fonds consists of documents and objects relating to Annette Clough's involvement in feminist organizations in Toronto and Vancouver from the 1960s to the 1990s. It consists of photographs, negatives, and political buttons.
Ce fonds est constitué de documents et d'objets qui témoignent de l'implication d'Annette Clough dans des organisations féministes à Toronto et à Vancouver, des années 1960 aux années 1990. Il comprend des photographies, des négatifs et des macarons.

Clough, Annette

Arthur Bray fonds

  • CA ON0034 30-003
  • Fonds
  • 1913-1998
Fonds consists of a variety of records pertaining to Arthur Bray's writings and research into UFOs and UFO-related topics including correspondence, clippings, pamphlets, essays, reports, declassified material, photographs, drawings, course material, specimens from Les Ecureuils Iron Mass and more.

Bray, Arthur

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