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Slovak Studies Association (SSA)
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Slovak Studies Association (SSA) fonds

  • CA ON0034 20-015
  • Fonds
  • 1964-2002
This fonds consists of documents collected by Professor Mark Stolárik during his work as Slovak Studies Association (SSA)'s secretary-treasurer and editor of Newsletter from 1977 to 1991, detailing the formative years and activities of the SSA, its work in worldwide Slovak studies in the academic world, the publications Newsletter and Slovakia and the SSA’s recognition as a non-profit scholarly organization. This fonds contains curriculum vitae, clippings, correspondence, by-laws, election results, biographical sketches, a draft of proposed by-laws, original copies of the SSA's Newsletter, various Internal Revenue Agency (IRS)'s forms, account ledgers, business cards, receipts, membership forms, expense reports, a minute book, books reviews, programs, flyers, leaflets, 15 photographs, 2 drawings, receipts, articles, photocopied newspaper clippings, abstracts, the Slavic Arts and Book catalogue, order forms, obituaries, a certificate of appreciation, guidelines, the booklet Slovak Heritage Festival: centennial dedicated to General Milan R. Štefanik and membership lists.

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