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Mary Bishop collection

  • CA ON0034 30-028
  • Collection
  • 1975-2020
The collection consists of more than 450 theatre programs, season calendars, visitor guides, ticket stubs and magazines from 1977 to the present. Over more than 50 years, Canadian actors as Martha Henry, Sandra Oh, Shirley Douglas, Keifer Sutherland, Christopher Plummer, Richard Monette, Brent Carver, Maggie Smith, Heath Lamberts, Brian Bedford, William Hutt, but also major Canadian director and playwrights are represented in this collection.

Bishop, Mary

Nellie Langford Rowell Library collection

  • CA ON0034 10-014
  • Collection
  • [1955]-[200?]
This collection consists of documents related to the membership and resource material held at York University's Nellie Langford Rowell Library. This collection includes documents collected by the Library staff on women's organizations, publication houses, individuals and subjects detailing activities, meetings and events. It contains correspondence, membership cards, meetings' minutes, agendas, reports, booklets, leaflets, flyers, donations and subscription forms, black and white and colour photographs, posters, buttons, the videotape Don't give us military solutions! by Voice of Women, the tape Feminism as a political movement by Juliet Mitchell, magazines, articles, newspaper clippings and notes.
Cette collection se compose de documents relatifs aux membres et aux ressources documentaires conservés à la bibliothèque Nellie Langford Rowell de l'Université York. Cette collection comprend des documents recueillis par le personnel de la bibliothèque sur des organisations féminines, des maisons de publication, des individus et des sujets détaillant des activités, des réunions et des événements. Elle contient de la correspondance, des cartes de membres, des procès-verbaux de réunions, des ordres du jour, des rapports, des brochures, des dépliants, des formulaires de dons et d'abonnement, des photographies en noir et blanc et en couleur, des affiches, des macarons, la cassette vidéo Don't give us military solutions ! de Voice of Women, la cassette Feminism as a political movement de Juliet Mitchell, des magazines, des articles, des coupures de journaux et des notes.

Nellie Langford Rowell Library

Deborah Yaffe collection

  • CA ON0034 10-075
  • Collection
  • 1971-1998
This collection consists of publications, periodicals and textual records related to the women's liberation movement which was a main interest of Deborah Yaffe. The textual records part of the collection mostly consists of papers and articles, conferences materials, essays on projects and actions for women, various records on groups, organizations and women's issues subjects, such as abortion, rape, sexual assault, unions, and working women.
Cette collection se compose de publications, de périodiques et de documents textuels liés au mouvement de libération des femmes, qui était l'un des principaux centres d'intérêt de Deborah Yaffe. La partie textuelle de la collection se compose principalement de documents et d'articles, de documents de conférences, d'essais sur des projets et des actions en faveur des femmes, de divers documents sur des groupes, des organisations et des sujets relatifs aux femmes, tels que l'avortement, le viol, les agressions sexuelles, les syndicats et les femmes dans le monde du travail.

Yaffe, Debby (Deborah)

COVID-19 Telling Her-Stories collection / Collection COVID-19 Elle, ses histories

  • CA ON0034 10-177
  • Collection
  • 2020-
The fonds consists of content submissions from women on their experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. Submissions are in digital format only in text, image, sound and moving images.
Le fonds est constitué de documents soumis par des femmes sur leur expérience de la pandémie de COVID-19 au Canada. Les soumissions sont uniquement en format numérique, sous forme de texte, d'image, de son et d'image animée.

University of Ottawa Library COVID-19 Telling Her-Stories project / Bibliothèque uOttawa projet COVID-19 Elle, ses histories

Constitute! collection

  • CA ON0034 10-187
  • Collection
  • 1981-2019
The collection consists of audiovisual material and an archived website. The audiovisual files document interviews, talks, or events with women activists fighting for women's constitutional and human rights. Women activists featured in the collection come from Canada, Afghanistan, South Africa, Rwanda, and Uganda. The archived website is a multi-media educational resource from the International Women's Rights Project (IWRP). The records date from 1981-2019 and were collected by Susan Bazilli or IWRP. Some of the interviews and footage appear in IWRP's documentary film Constitute! while others document IWRP projects.
La collection se compose de matériel audiovisuel et d'un site web archivé. Les fichiers audiovisuels documentent des entretiens, des conférences ou des événements avec des militantes qui luttent pour les droits constitutionnels et les droits des femmes. Les militantes présentées dans la collection sont originaires du Canada, d'Afghanistan, d'Afrique du Sud, du Rwanda et d'Ouganda. Le site web archivé est une ressource éducative multimédia du Projet international pour les droits de la femme (IWRP). Les archives datent de 1981 à 2019 et ont été collectées par Susan Bazilli. Certaines interviews et séquences apparaissent dans le film documentaire Constitute ! de l'IWRP, tandis que d'autres documentent des projets de l'IWRP.

Bazilli, Susan

LOOT Oral History Project collection

  • CA ON0034 10-080
  • Collection
  • 1988-1990

In 1989, Becki Ross a PH.D student in sociology at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto began doing research for her thesis by conducting interviews with former members of the Lesbian Organization of Toronto (LOOT). In her interviews she specifically questioned what the political, social, racial and class structures were at LOOT and the reason for the disbanding of LOOT. She carried her interviews with twenty-eight members from 1988 to 1990.

With these interviews, Becki Ross was able to obtain an oral history of the organization, in which each member tells her point of view on the successes and failures of LOOT. With these and other documentation Becki Ross went on to write an article entitled “The House That Jill Built: Lesbian Feminist Organizing in Toronto, 1976-1980” as well as a book The House That Jill Built: A Lesbian Nation in Formation.

The Becki Ross’ Lesbian Organization of Toronto Oral History Project provides valuable information on the way in which LOOT functioned from its conception to its demise. She recorded interviews on 49 audio cassettes with prominent members of LOOT. The interviews provide candid information on the nature of LOOT and the way in which each member recalls and interprets the events surrounding LOOT and the lesbian community of Toronto. They discuss a variety of subjects such as the internal political and social functions at LOOT and its eventual demise. They also discuss several events in the Toronto area such as the Bi-national Lesbian Conference, Anita Bryant and the Body Politic article “Men Loving Boys Loving Men”.


En 1989, Becki Ross, étudiante en doctorat de sociologie à l'Institut d'études pédagogiques de l'Ontario de l'Université de Toronto, a commencé sa recherche en menant des entretiens avec d'anciens membres de la Lesbian Organization of Toronto (LOOT). Dans ses entretiens, elle a posé des questions spécifiques sur les structures politiques, sociales, raciales et de classe de LOOT et sur les raisons de la dissolution de LOOT. Elle a interrogé vingt-huit membres entre 1988 et 1990.

Grâce à ces entretiens, Becki Ross a pu obtenir une histoire orale de l'organisation, dans laquelle chaque membre donne son point de vue sur les succès et les échecs de LOOT. À partir de ces documents et d'autres, Becki Ross a pu rédiger un article intitulé "The House That Jill Built : Lesbian Feminist Organizing in Toronto, 1976-1980", ainsi qu'un livre intitulé The House That Jill Built : A Lesbian Nation in Formation.

Le projet d'histoire orale de la Lesbian Organization of Toronto de Becki Ross fournit des informations précieuses sur le fonctionnement de LOOT, de sa conception à sa disparition. Elle a enregistré des entretiens sur 49 cassettes audio avec des membres éminents de LOOT. Ces entretiens fournissent des informations franches sur la nature de LOOT et sur la façon dont chaque membre se souvient et interprète les événements entourant LOOT et la communauté lesbienne de Toronto. Ils abordent une variété de sujets tels que les fonctions politiques et sociales internes de LOOT et son éventuelle disparition. Elles évoquent également plusieurs événements survenus dans la région de Toronto, tels que la conférence binationale des lesbiennes, Anita Bryant et l'article de Body Politic intitulé "Men Loving Boys Loving Men" (Les hommes aiment les garçons aiment les hommes).

Lesbian Organization of Toronto (LOOT)

Collection de périodiques Archives des Femmes / Women's Archives Periodicals Collection

  • CA ON0034 10-P
  • Collection
  • 1895-2018, Predominantly 1970-2010
The Archives and Special Collections has the largest collection of feminist publications in Canada, comprising of periodicals and newsletters produced by feminist groups and associations across Canada. It currently stands at just over 1400 titles and includes national publications like Branching Out and Broadside, as well as newsletters from smaller groups like Open Door, and Rural Lesbian Newsletter of British Columbia, etc. These periodicals represent women from diverse regions of the country, and cover social action in all its forms, and include subjects such as women’s health, the right to abortion, child-care services, as well as literature, art, culture, and assistance for immigrants. The coverage of these periodicals varies from several years of issues to other times just one or two issues.

Barbara Cameron collection

  • CA ON0034 10-064
  • Collection
  • [1949]-[1979]
This collection consists of articles, papers, booklets, and pamphlets produced by the women's liberation movement in the United States (most of the records are from Boston) and in Canada (most of the records are from Toronto) in the 1970s.
Cette collection se compose d'articles, de documents, de livrets et de brochures produits par le mouvement de libération des femmes aux États-Unis (la plupart des documents proviennent de Boston) et au Canada (la plupart des documents proviennent de Toronto) dans les années 1970.

Cameron, Barbara

Teressa de Wolf collection

  • CA ON0034 10-083
  • Collection
  • 1971-1977
The collection pertains to a wide range of feminist issues such as education, health, human rights, International Women’s Year, women and the law, mental health, marriage, women in the work force, women’s studies programmes, status of women, ISIS/women and film, etc. They were most likely collected by T.W. Dewolf in the course of her career and relate mostly to events and organisations in British Columbia (Canada), between 1971 and 1977.
La collection porte sur un large éventail de questions féministes reliées à l'éducation, la santé, les droits de la personne, l'Année internationale de la femme, les femmes et le droit, la santé mentale, le mariage, les femmes sur le marché du travail, les programmes d'études féminines, le statut des femmes, ISIS/femmes et cinéma, etc. Ils ont probablement été collectés par T.W. Dewolf au cours de sa carrière et concernent principalement des événements et des organisations en Colombie-Britannique (Canada), entre 1971 et 1977.

De Wolf, Teressa

Sier[s?] Chin Photograph Collection

  • CA ON0034 10-145
  • Collection
  • [1974] - [199?]
This collection consists mostly of photographs used for publishing. The publication is not noted but it was likely National Action Committee on the Status of Women publications "Feminist Action" and "NAC Status of Women News. "The main subjects are young girls and children, working women, women and unions, a health care.
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