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Apenas descrições de nível superior British Columbia Anti-violence - Contre la violence
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The Advocacy Centre, Nelson District Community Resources Society fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-171
  • Fonds
  • [1995-1997]
Fonds contains records received by the Advocacy Center of Nelson District Community Resources Society from the Nelson Violence Against Women in Relationships Committee (VAWIR). The Nelson Violence Against Women in Relationship Coordination Committee (VAWIR) is a committee of service providers and representatives from sectors involved in preventing and responding to violence against women. The Advocacy Center was a member of this committee. Its goals were to improve collaboration, coordination and education around ending violence against women in Nelson. This fonds contains documents received by the Advocacy Center from the committee.
Le fonds contient des documents reçus par l'Advocacy Centre of Nelson District Community Resources Society, de la part du Nelson Violence Against Women in Relationships Committee (VAWIR). Le Nelson Violence Against Women in Relationship Coordination Committee (VAWIR) est un comité de prestataires de services et de représentants des secteurs impliqués dans la prévention et la réponse à la violence contre les femmes. L'Advocacy Centre était membre de ce comité. Ses objectifs étaient d'améliorer la collaboration, la coordination et l'éducation autour de l'élimination de la violence à l'égard des femmes à Nelson. Ce fonds contient les documents que l'Advocacy Centre a reçu du comité.

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