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Yanz, Lynda
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In Struggle!

This series contains records related to In Struggle!, a prominent group in the Canadian Marxist-Leninist movement. In Struggle! argued that all forms of exploitation and oppression could only be solved through through socialist revolution and the violent overthrow of bourgeois rule. They also argued that socialist revolution would be the task of the working class, also known as the revolutionary class, and that its primary enemies were the Canadian bourgeoisie and US imperialism. This series contains publications by In Struggle!, and documents related to their organization, mandate, significant meetings, and the eventual dissolution of the group.

Yanz, Lynda

International Women's Day Committee : Vancouver

This series contains material related to Yanz's work with the International Women's Day Committee (IWDC), a socialist-feminist group that participated in a wide variety of activist struggles, including reproductive rights, anti-racism, LGBTQ activism, and labour rights. The IWDC held biweekly meetings in Toronto from 1978 to 1987, and in 1987 changes its name to Toronto feminist Socialist Action (TFSA) to better differentiate the group from the International Women's Day Coalition, a larger group that organized events for International Women's Day. the IWDC sought to develop a specifically socialist-feminist policy and practice; for example, they offered picket line support for striking workers by organizing women's solidarity pickets, and argued that the liberation of women would require fundamental changes to the structure of society.

Yanz, Lynda

Women's Research Centre : Vancouver

This series contains documents related to the Women's Research Centre in Vancouver. The WRC sought to provide women with research and analysis that situated their daily life experience in a poliical context, and connected women's issues with labour disputes and workers' rights. For example, the WRC sought to provide information and support to women working in Northern BC (Fraser Lake, Kitimat, Burns Lake, etc.), and convened a Northern Women's Task Force on Single Industry Towns. They also sponsored workshops on services for immigrant women, and provided methodology on "how to study your own community."

Yanz, Lynda

Lynda Yanz fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-124
  • Fonds
  • 1970-1989
This fonds consists of documents created and collected by Lynda Yanz as a feminist and activist for the working class. Documents are related to her activities within the Women's Research Centre in Vancouver, the International Women's Day Committee in Vancouver, The International Women's Day Committee in Toronto and the In Struggle Group and periodical. It contains minutes of meetings, articles, reports, copies of the In Struggle! publication, and information about the relationship between socialism, communism, and feminism. This fonds also contains material related to labour union strikes by women workers, including hospital workers, factory workers, and postal workers.
Ce fonds est constitué de documents créés et recueillis par Lynda Yanz en tant que féministe et militante de la classe ouvrière. Les documents sont liés à ses activités au sein du Women's Research Centre de Vancouver, du Comité de la Journée internationale des femmes de Vancouver, du Comité de la Journée internationale des femmes de Toronto et du groupe et du périodique In Struggle. Il contient des procès-verbaux de réunions, des articles, des rapports, des exemplaires de la publication In Struggle ! et des informations sur les relations entre le socialisme, le communisme et le féminisme. Ce fonds contient également des documents relatifs à des grèves syndicales de travailleuses, y compris des travailleuses d'hôpitaux, d'usines et de postes.

Yanz, Lynda