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Susan Moger fonds
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Susan Moger fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-035
  • Fonds
  • 1972-1989
This fonds contains mainly textual records relating to the Vancouver Women's Health Collective. It has one series and consists of workshop documents for issues such as menopause, breast cancer detection, premenstrual syndrome, vaginal and cervical health, and pap tests. It also contains 2 T-shirts; one New Democrat candidate and one for LEAF (Legal Education Action Fund).
Ce fonds contient principalement des documents textuels relatifs au Vancouver Women's Health Collective. Il comporte une série et se compose de documents d'ateliers sur des sujets tels que la ménopause, la détection du cancer du sein, le syndrome prémenstruel, la santé vaginale et cervicale, et les tests de Papanicolaou. Il contient également deux t-shirts, l'un représentatif d’un candidat néo-démocrate et l'autre du FAEJ (Fonds d'action pour l'éducation juridique).

Vancouver Women's Health Collective

Vancouver Women's Health Collective Series

Series consists of records from the Vancouver Women's Health Collective and includes information brochures and pamphlets about their services and on various health issues. The latter were used in workshops.

Self-Help Workshops: Menopause

File contains a booklet entitled "Fitness for the Older Canadian: Don't Take it Easy", some information sheets, and a workshop evaluation.

A Feminist Approach to Pap Tests

File contains a copy of Barnett, Robin and Rebecca Fox, "A feminist approach to Pap test", plus a supplement from Kinesis, February 1983


Series consists of t-shirts collected by Susan Moger.
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