- CA ON0034 10-107
- Fonds
- [189?], 1902, 1919-1938, 1940, 1953, 1969, [1980-2009]
Backhouse, Constance
1 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Backhouse, Constance
Part of Constance Backhouse fonds
20th Century Canadian Statutes: Prostitution [sex work]
Part of Constance Backhouse fonds
Canadian debates: Protective labour legislation and sessional papers
Part of Constance Backhouse fonds
[Agnes] Machar: PLL [Protective labour legislation] case
Part of Constance Backhouse fonds
Critique: [Protective labour legislation?]
Part of Constance Backhouse fonds
Protective Labour Legislation: Secondary [sources]
Part of Constance Backhouse fonds
Part of Constance Backhouse fonds
Canadian cases: Divorce/adultery
Part of Constance Backhouse fonds
Prostitution [sex work]: Secondary material (1 of 2)
Part of Constance Backhouse fonds