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Joanie Vance fonds
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Joanie Vance fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-115
  • Fonds
  • 1970-1986
This fonds contains records related to Joanie Vance's work as the National Assistor for Canadian Rape Crisis Centres, including her work journal, reports on her activities submitted to Health and Welfare Canada, correspondence with regional representatives of Canadian RCCs, correspondence with community members and supporters, material from National Conferences, drafts and final copies of important projects, information on rape legislation, and more. Through this fonds, researchers can learn about the early difficulties encountered by Rape Crisis Centres across the country, and their efforts to coordinate nationally in order to educate the public and to influence policy on a larger scale.
Ce fonds contient des documents relatifs au travail de Joanie Vance en tant qu'assistante nationale des Centres canadiens d'aide aux victimes de viol, y compris son journal de travail, des rapports sur ses activités soumis à Santé et Bien-être social Canada, de la correspondance avec des représentants régionaux des Centres canadiens d'aide aux victimes de viol, de la correspondance avec des membres de la communauté et des sympathisants, des documents provenant des conférences nationales, des ébauches et des copies finales de projets importants, de l'information sur la législation en matière de viol, et plus encore. Grâce à ce fonds, les chercheurs peuvent en apprendre davantage sur les premières difficultés rencontrées par les Centres d'aide aux victimes de viol à travers le pays, et sur leurs efforts pour se coordonner à l'échelle nationale afin d'éduquer le public et d'influencer les politiques à plus grande échelle.

Vance, Joanie

RCC Projects and Initiatives

This series contains material related to the establishment of a National Network for Canadian Rape Crisis Centres, including the initial grant proposal submitted to Health and Welfare Canada. This series also contains copies of Joanie Vance's projects, completed in her capacity as the National Assistor for Canadian RCCs. Documents include "How to Start a Rape Crisis Centre" and "How to Write a Grant Application," as well as reports on the National Assistor's activities and relationship to the wider network.

Evaluation of Demonstration Project

This file contains the Ottawa-Hull Rape Crisis Centre Progress Report, a report by the evaluation consultant of the first year of the Ottawa-Hull Rape Crisis Centre, information about the purpose of the evaluation, the Ottawa Rape Crisis centre National Component Demonstration Survey, and other related material

Offender Profiles

This file contains profiles of sexual offenders identified only by their first name and age

Montreal Rape Crisis Centre

This file contains a review of the Montreal Rape Crisis Centre, information about Joanie Vance's involvement in the early days of the Montreal RCC, a questionnaire on the National Conference, and related correspondence

SCSP Grant

This file contains material related to the Student Community Service Program Grant administered by the Secretary of State Women's programme
Results 1 to 10 of 66