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Judy Rebick fonds
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Judy Rebick fonds

  • CA ON0034 10-049
  • Fonds
  • 1985-1997
The Judy Rebick fonds reflects mostly on Rebick's work as president of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) as well as her research into issues impacting the status of women. The first series, NAC presidency, contains the organization's lobbying records as well as records pertaining to the organization's everyday administrative activities. The second series, Resource material, consists mostly of news clippings, briefs, communiques, correspondence and papers pertaining to subjects that impacted women such as employment equity, the Meech Lake Accord, and federal cuts to women's programs. These records were collected personally by Rebick.
Le fonds reflète principalement le travail de Judy Rebick en tant que présidente du National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC). Il témoigne de ses recherches sur les questions ayant un impact sur le statut des femmes. La première série, Présidence du CNA, contient les dossiers de lobbying de l'organisation ainsi que les dossiers relatifs aux activités administratives quotidiennes de l'organisation. La deuxième série, Ressources documentaires, se compose principalement de coupures de presse, de mémoires, de communiqués, de correspondance et de documents portant sur des sujets touchant les femmes tels que l'équité en matière d'emploi, l'Accord du lac Meech et les coupures fédérales dans les programmes destinés aux femmes. Ces documents ont été recueillis personnellement par Rebick.

Rebick, Judy

NAC presidency

This series consists of both administrative and lobbying records pertaining to Judy Rebick's presidency of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC). The series includes records from several NAC Annual General Meetings (AGMs) as well as positions of women's organizations on the Constitutional debates and the federal government's proposed Meech Lake Accord. The records reflect on the organization's efforts to oppose federal funding cuts to women's programs and to develop strategic positions during Canada's debate on constitutional reform.

Aboriginal [Indigenous women's groups]: Constitution

This file consists mostly of correspondence related to Indigenous groups' position on the Constitutional debate as well as related news clippings. The file includes two addresses by the Native Women's Association of Canada: "Aboriginal Women, Self Government, The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the 1991 Canada Package on the Constitution" and "Aboriginal Women's Rights: Speech Notes for Teressa Nahanee of the Squamish Nation Constitutional Consultant Native Women's Association of Canada." The file includes the Quebec Native Women's Association's "Presentation to Hearings of The First Nations Constitutional Circle."

Constitution [of Canada: concerns from women's groups] : (1 of 2)

The file contains records related to women's groups' position on Canada's proposed constitutional reform. The file contains NAC press releases, memoranda, correspondence, notes, responses from other organizations, an Equality Eve booklet, and "Minutes ... of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on A Renewed Canada."

Constitution [of Canada]: Social Charter (2 of 2)

The file contains press releases, notes, and correspondence related to a proposed Social Charter to be entrenched in Canada's Constitution. The file also includes papers and briefs relating to Canada's proposed Constitutional reform.

Election 1993

The file contains records related to the 1993 federal election campaign and to women's issues. The file contains NAC's "Voters' Guide,' correspondence regarding a prospective federal leaders' debate on women's issues, and news clippings related to the Charlottetown Accord. The file originally contained copies of resources for the election.

Election 1988

The file contains records relating to NAC's "Women Vote Day" campaign, including correspondence, notices, and lists of cross-country activities. The file includes news clippings relating to the federal election and to leaders' debates.

Executive: [Administrative records] (1 of 3)

The file contains administrative records of the NAC Executive, including activity reports, Executive briefing notes, and policy guidelines. The file includes table officers' meeting minutes, constitutional amendments to resolutions passed at the NAC 1993 AGM and notes from orientation sessions.
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