Breast Cancer interview Judith Quinlan 2014
- CA ON0034 10-188-F1-I1
- Item
- 2014
Part of Judith Quinlan fonds
Audio interview with Judith Quinlan (interviewee) in 2014 by Dr. Lorna Boschman (Interviewer). The interview covers Judith Quinlan’s experience with breast cancer treatment and care, demographic information, Judith's life as a lesbian and political activist. The interview occurs with Judith at the age of 65 in Honeymoon Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. At the time of the interview, Judith is a retired physiotherapist working part-time while also teaching choir to youth, setting up an arts center, doing theatre and art. The interview is part of the Cancer’s Margins arts and community-based research study. The study examined how LGBT2Q people diagnosed with breast or gynecologic cancer have access to, locate and share cancer knowledge, and their experiences with care, support, and treatment. During the study, Dr. Boschman was the project coordinator and was the post-doctoral fellow to Dr. Mary Bryson at the University of British Columbia who was the Principle Investigator of Cancer’s Margins in BC. Lorna Boschman also co-designed and led the Cancer’s Margins Digital Storytelling Workshop with Mary Bryson.