The fonds consists of content submissions from women on their experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. Submissions are in digital format only in text, image, sound and moving images. -- Le fonds est constitué de documents soumis par des femmes sur leur expérience de la pandémie de COVID-19 au Canada. Les soumissions sont uniquement en format numérique, sous forme de texte, d'image, de son et d'image animée.
University of Ottawa Library COVID-19 Telling Her-Stories project / Bibliothèque uOttawa projet COVID-19 Elle, ses histories
This zine is produced by QUIRK-E Ziners. It documents the experiences of the authors during COVID-19 in Vancouver, British Columbia in a compilation of written text and images. The Zine reads "Layout and editing: Val Innes, Photographs: credited throughout unless they are stock photos. QUEERING COVID is self published and printed by Qmunity in 2020." Part of the introduction page reads "This Zine was conceived because a group of Queer seniors, River Glen, Val Innes, Gayle Roberts, and Ellen Woodsworth, the Ziners in the Queer Imaging and Riting Kollective, thought our personal and shared experiences of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic needed to be documented."
This pdf with text and images describes the experience of Gail Lasiuk during the pandemic in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan working at the Health Sciences Supply Center (HSSC) at the University of Saskatchewan and as a member of the CUPE 1975 union. Dated September 2020. Gail Lasiuk's story reads "I am a 65 year old woman. I will continue to draw a pay cheque as long as I can, because like many Canadian workers, I cannot afford to retire. I am very grateful that I have a union looking out for me. I know that many Canadian women do not have unions. I know firsthand, that we need better income protections, work and training opportunities, higher wages, guaranteed sick days and other benefits for working people."
1 PDF submitted anonymously with text and redacted email. The PDF describes the experience of a woman in Canada navigating the complex emotional landscape of life and friendship during the COVID-19 pandemic after receiving an unwanted email. Dated 2020-10-15. Her story reads "Even the smallest of events, such as an email message, can crush one's fragile spirit. This personal reflection illustrates the complicated feelings of stress and shame and fear that accompany life in the pandemic, how men and women cope differently, and how important it is to strive to have faith in one another."
1 image and essay submitted by Christine Caletti describing her experience making PPE masks for vulnerable community members during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ottawa. Her story reads: "In the very early days of the Pandemic, when many people began sewing PPE, there became a shortage of elastic for making masks. A group of women in Ottawa put out a request for elastic and fabric to support their work in making PPE for vulnerable people in the Ottawa community. In the very early days of the Pandemic, when many people began sewing PPE, there became a shortage of elastic for making masks. A group of women in Ottawa put out a request for elastic and fabric to support their work in making PPE for vulnerable people in the Ottawa community. [...]"