
Andrej Potocký fonds
印刷プレビュー 表示:

Andrej Potocký fonds

  • CA ON0034 20-005
  • Fonds
  • 1907-2003
This fonds consists of documents relating to Andrej Potocký's life in Canada, involvement in the Canadian Slovak League (CSL) and Kanadský Slovák, including its administration, finances, events, membership, reorganization, incorporation, events, membership, donation to the Red Cross, Slovak personalities, history, culture, immigration and Church's action on Slovakia's right to independence.
It contains constitutions, by-laws, pledges of loyalties, reports, receipts, chronologies, a proclamation, renewals of insurance certificates, forms, collection sheets for funds, insurance and fire policies, telegrams, memoranda, newspaper clippings, articles, agreements, a mandate, meetings' minutes, proceedings, Senate of Canada Bill no. 15: an Act to Incorporate Canadian Slovak League, a response guide, petitions, black and white photographs, ribbons, a colour photographs, twenty-five stamps, resolutions, pleas, a CSL Great Bazar ticket, a greeting card, a commemorative postcard, book excerpts, notes, flyers, a booklet, account of events, a plane ticket, a news release, accounts books, scrapbooks, a diploma, pamphlets, letters, texts, obituaries and lists.
Some of the newspaper clippings were taken from the following newspapers: The Daily Times Journal, Fort William Times-Journal, Nová vlasť, The Chronicle Journal, Northwestern Ontario Catholic, Winnipeg Free Press, Daily Times, Jednota, Slovenskí jezuiti v Kanade, Port Arthur Daily Times, Ensign, Slovenskej Jednoty v Spojených štaroch a v Kanade, Slovák v Amerike, Macedonia Newspaper, The Plain Dealer, Kanadský Slovák, Zenska Jednota, The Globe and Mail, Slovenský Kurier, The Catholic world, Kalendár Jednota, Free Press Weekly Prairie Farmer, Čzeskoslenský svet, Labour, Times Journal, Svet v praze, Slovenskej Bratstvo, Slovák v Kanade, Toronto Daily Star and the Slovak World Congress (SWC) Bulletin.


Andrej Potocký: the person and his writings

This series consists of documents on Andrej Potocký and various subjects, among others, Slovak history and Slovak communities and personalities. It contains articles by Andrej Potocký and members of the Slovak community.

Potocký, Andrej, 1893-1996 - 100th birthday and death

  • CA ON0034 20-005-S1-F1
  • ファイル
  • 26 October 1992-30 June 1993, 26 November 1996-11 January 1997
  • 上位の階層Andrej Potocký fonds

This file consists of documents relating to Andrej Potocký's 100th birthday and death in 1996. It contains articles by Joseph Staško and Štefan Hreha and obituaries published in the newspapers Jednota, Kanadský Slovák and The Chronicle-Journal and the program of a celebration of the Eucharist.

Kanadský Slovák and Jednota - Articles and correspondence (1 of 2)

These files consist of documents relating to Andrej Potocký's articles on Slovak history and personalities published in Kanadský Slovák and Jednota and correspondence with Jozef Paučo, John Stimec, Marián Jankovský, Štefan Reištetter, Lydia Matusky, Ján Lukáč and Imrich Stolárik. They contains draft of articles and letters.

Kanadský Slovák and Jednota - Articles and correspondence (2 of 2)

These files consist of documents relating to Andrej Potocký's articles on Slovak history and personalities published in Kanadský Slovák and Jednota and correspondence with Jozef Paučo, John Stimec, Marián Jankovský, Štefan Reištetter, Lydia Matusky, John Lukáč and Imrich Stolárik. They contains draft of articles and letters.

Canadian Slovak League (CSL)

"This series consists of documents detailing Andrej Potocký's involvement in the Canadian Slovak League (CSL), among others, its administration, finances, membership, reorganization, incorporation and amalgamation with the Canadian Slovak Congress and the Slovak Heritage Foundation Youth Council, donation to the Canadian Red Cross, the opening of Montréal's Canadian Slovak Cultural Centre and Toronto's Sts. Cyril and Methodius Jubilee's celebrations.

It contains constitutions, by-laws, forms, reports, pledges of loyalty, collection sheets for funds, lists, receipts, insurance and fire policies, no. 47, 48 and 50 issues of the Canada Gazette, telegrams, memoranda, drafts, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, agreements, a mandate, meetings' minutes, proceedings, a proclamation, Senate of Canada Bill no.15: an Act to Incorporate Canadian Slovak League, a chronology, a renewal of insurance certificate, a response guide, petitions, three black and white photographs, resolutions, pleas, programs, an invitation to a Université of Montréal's graduation, poems, speeches, a Great Bazar of the CSL ticket, a greeting card, notes, excerpts from the book Prečo komunizus, flyers, a booklet, accounts of events, a plane ticket, a news release and an account book"

Administrative documents

"This sub-series consists of the Canadian Slovak League (CSL)'s beginnings, administration, reorganization, incorporation, amalgamation with the Canadian Slovak Benefit Society and financial situation, the First Catholic Slovak Union (Jednota), the Canadian Slovak Congress and Slovak Heritage Foundation and Youth Council.

It contains constitutions, by-laws, membership, a CSL's Junior Branch's application for juvenile benefit certificate and Simpson-Sears Toronto forms, reports, a pledge of loyalty, a collection sheets for funds, bond lists, letters, receipts, fire and insurance policies, including some from Eagle Fire Company, Toronto Insurance Company and O'Brien Agency Limited, no. 47, 48 and 50 issues of the Canada Gazette, financial statements, a telegram, a memorandum, drafts of a notice published in the Canada Gazette and ""An act to incorporate the CSL"", notes, a First Catholic Slovak Union pamphlet, a photocopied newspaper clipping, the CSL and Canadian Slovak Benefit Society's amalgamation agreement, the Canadian Slovak Congress' by-laws and Slovak Heritage Foundation and Youth Council's first annual report, mandate and draft of by-laws."

Constitution, by-laws and membership

This file consists of documents relating to Canadian Slovak League (CSL) and the CSL's junior order's constitutions, by-laws, membership between 1933 and 1939 and fundraising. It contains English and Slovak versions of the CSL constitutions, by-laws, membership forms and reports, a pledge of loyalty, lists of fees and a collection sheet for funds.

Reorganization of Canadian Slovak League (CSL) and incorporation under a special Act of Parliament - Correspondence and related material (2 of 2)

  • CA ON0034 20-005-S2-SS1-F10
  • ファイル
  • 14 February 1953-5 May 1954
  • 上位の階層Andrej Potocký fonds

These files consists of documents relating to the Canadian Slovak League (CSL)'s reorganization and incorporation under an Act of Parliament and the CSL's financial situation. They contain letters, a draft of a notice published in the Canada Gazette, lists of funds, financial statements, a telegram, a memorandum, the provisional draft of "An act to incorporate the CSL" and notes.
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