Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
Claire Deschênes
General material designation
- Sound recordings (electronic)
Parallel title
Other title information
Title statements of responsibility
Title notes
Level of description
Reference code
CA ON0034 10-122-F2
Edition area
Edition statement
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Statement of scale (cartographic)
Statement of projection (cartographic)
Statement of coordinates (cartographic)
Statement of scale (architectural)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Dates of creation area
September 22, 2023 (Creation)
Physical description area
Physical description
1 sound recording (wav) : 1 h., 19 min., 43 sec.
Publisher's series area
Title proper of publisher's series
Parallel titles of publisher's series
Other title information of publisher's series
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Note on publisher's series
Archival description area
Name of creator
Custodial history
Scope and content
Il s’agit d’une entrevue avec Claire Deschênes, professeure émérite de l’Université Laval. Dr. Deschênes est une pionnière connue internationalement pour ses recherches en génie, notamment en génie mécanique, mais également pour son engagement pour l’égalité des femmes en sciences et en génie. Première femme professeure de génie à l’Université Laval, elle y enseigne de 1989 à 2019, et y fonde le Laboratoire de Machines Hydrauliques (qui a aussi pour abréviation LAMH). Elle a également été la première détentrice de la Chaire pour les femmes en sciences et génie du Québec. Membre de l’Ordre du Canada (2019), détentrice du Prix du Québec Lionel-Boulet (2020), Chevalière de l’Ordre national du Québec (2021), elle est récipiendaire de doctorats honorifiques de l’Université d’Ottawa (2016) et de l’Université Sherbrooke (2019). Depuis 2017, elle est directrice de la revue interdisciplinaire Recherches féministes. L’entrevue est conduite par Marie Noël.
This is an interview with Claire Deschênes, Professor Emeritus at Laval University. Dr. Deschênes is a pioneer known internationally for her research in engineering, particularly mechanical engineering, but also for her commitment to women's equality in science and engineering. The first woman professor of engineering at Université Laval, she taught there from 1989 to 2019, and founded the Laboratoire de Machines Hydrauliques (also abbreviated LAMH). She was the first holder of the Quebec Chair for Women in Science and Engineering. She is also a Member of the Order of Canada (2019), holder of the Prix du Québec Lionel-Boulet (2020), Chevalière de l'Ordre national du Québec (2021), and a recipient of honorary doctorates from the University of Ottawa (2016) and Université Sherbrooke (2019). Since 2017, she has been director of the interdisciplinary journal Recherches féministes. The interview was conducted by Marie Noël.
This is an interview with Claire Deschênes, Professor Emeritus at Laval University. Dr. Deschênes is a pioneer known internationally for her research in engineering, particularly mechanical engineering, but also for her commitment to women's equality in science and engineering. The first woman professor of engineering at Université Laval, she taught there from 1989 to 2019, and founded the Laboratoire de Machines Hydrauliques (also abbreviated LAMH). She was the first holder of the Quebec Chair for Women in Science and Engineering. She is also a Member of the Order of Canada (2019), holder of the Prix du Québec Lionel-Boulet (2020), Chevalière de l'Ordre national du Québec (2021), and a recipient of honorary doctorates from the University of Ottawa (2016) and Université Sherbrooke (2019). Since 2017, she has been director of the interdisciplinary journal Recherches féministes. The interview was conducted by Marie Noël.