Ján Juraj (George) Frajkor was born in Montréal, Québec on February 8th, 1934. He is the son of Ján Frajkor and Mária Onderik, Slovak immigrants from the village of Juskova Voľa in Zemplín, Slovakia. In 1961, he earned a degree in English and Economics at Concordia University in Montréal, Québec. Afterwards, he completed further studies in various subjects including biology, organic chemistry, botany and East European studies at McGill University, the University of Montréal, Carleton University and the University of Ottawa.
From 1972 to 1999, Ján Juraj (George) Frajkor was a professor of journalism at Carleton University, a subject he also taught at Comenius University in Bratislava. In addition to his work as a professor, he worked as a reporter and editor at various news agencies such as the Penticton B.C. Herald, the Canadian Press News Agency and the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC). From 1999 to January 2011, Ján Juraj (George) Frajkor was also the Executive Director of Frajkor Enterprise.
A great supporter of the Canadian Slovak community, Ján Juraj (George) Frajkor has devoted his time and effort to various organizations. A member of the Canadian Slovak League (CSL) since the age of two, he has been its recording secretary and, from 2004 to 2007, its national president. He was also involved in the Slovak Canadian National Council (SCNC) and the Slovak World Congress (SWC). In addition to his work in various Slovak organization, Ján Juraj (George) has also published the newsletter "Slovotta" and was the chairman of the editorial committee of the newspaper "Kanadský Slovak," where he still publishes articles to this day.
Ray Ellenwood est né à Edmonton en Alberta en 1939. Il a obtenu un Mater en Anglais de l'Université d'Alberta, puis un doctorat en littérature comparative (Comparative Literature) de l'Université Rutgers, l'Université d'État du New Jersey, aux États Unis. Son projet de recherche doctoral portait sur André Breton et Freud. Il a voyagé en France pour effectuer des recherches et rencontrer des personnes impliquées dans l'histoire du surréalisme, dont Jacques Baron. Il a fait de nombreuses recherches et a beaucoup écrit sur la littérature, la traduction et les arts visuels. Il a été professeur à l’Université de York, à Toronto de 1972 à 2005. Il est, entre autres, l'auteur d’"Egregore: A History of the Montréal Automatist Movement" publié en 1991. Il a publié plusieurs articles concernant les signataires de "Refus global", ainsi que des traductions de "Refus global", et de la poésie. --- Ray Ellenwood was born in Edmonton, Alberta in 1939. He received his M.A. in English from the University of Alberta and his Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey, in the United States. His doctoral research project focused on André Breton and Freud. He traveled to France to research and meet with people involved in the history of Surrealism, including Jacques Baron. He has researched and written extensively on literature, translation and the visual arts. He was a professor at York University in Toronto from 1972 to 2005. He is, among others, the author of "Egregore: A History of the Montréal Automatist Movement" published in 1991. He has published several articles about the signatories of "Refus global", as well as translations of "Refus global", and poetry.
Born in Canada in 1945 to Jewish-Polish survivors of World War II, Judith Lermer Crawley grew up and went to school in Montreal, eventually obtaining an MA in English Literature. She bought a camera in the summer of 1968 and spent the better part of that summer in San Francisco in a publically funded city darkroom, where she experimented, practised, learned from others and taught herself photography. Upon her return to Montreal, she set up her own darkroom and continued to explore photography while teaching English Literature at Loyola College. With the opening of Vanier College (CEGEP) in Montreal in 1970, she joined its faculty as an English and photography teacher. Greta Nemiroff was instrumental in hiring Judith Lermer Crawley to teach at Vanier College because of shared attitudes to education. Judith taught the course “Images: photographic and Poetic” which became the basis of the photography component of the Creative Arts program at Vanier. Along with her colleague Alanna Stalker, they brought feminist ideas, skills and teaching philosophy to a new Women’s Studies Programme at Vanier College. Judith worked on the Executive of the Teachers’ Union. Her concern over the conservative direction the government was taking in education led her to participate in the 1983 strikes and to edit the newsletter of the union local. Judith Lermer Crawley was also part of the Montreal Health Press Collective/Les Presses de la Santé de Montréal, a collective that produced and distributed handbooks on issues of health and sexuality. She was the photography coordinator for the collective but also participated also in the entire process of revising, publishing and distributing the publications. As a photographer, most of Judith’s work was based in Montreal, where she lived, worked and raised her two children on her own. Her photographic work took the point of view of the women’s community. Her main subject was women’s “private” daily life, which often showed a network of relationships. She placed intimate images within a cultural, political context and used her photography as part of a process of reflecting on and understanding her life as a woman. For Judith Lermer Crawley, photography was also a collaborative process between artist and subject, artist and community, and involved place, culture and voice: “My camera shoots not up, not down, but around.” The starting point of her image-making was the social reality of women’s experience and the need to challenge predominant stereotypes of women as either passive/subordinate (and in middle years, also invisible) or active/sexually provocative. She wanted to reflect her feminism in her engagement with art. Judith Lermer Crawley exhibited and published her photographs widely in Canada and the United States. She created her own exhibitions and also participated in group shows, the first held in Little Shop Gallery in 1980. In March 1982, she mounted a photographic exhibit entitled “Relations” at Galerie Dazibao in Montreal. In 1985, she realized the project titled “Giving Birth is just the beginnings: Women speak about mothering”. In this project, Judith Crawley presented black and white photographs of women with their children, co-parents and friends. The photographs were integrated with text, in English and French, drawn from conversations about mothering with the women she has been photographing for years. A book version of the project was produced. In 1986, she exhibited “You can’t hug kids with nuclear arms”. The photographs and texts in this exhibition questioned “how children can be raised in the face of a possible nuclear holocaust. It ended with a list of the names and phone numbers of disarmament groups in Montreal. In 1988, she participated in “Mexico/Canada: A photographic Exchange” and in 1993, she exhibited the project “One in Five…” which combined photographs of her children taken after the death of their father with their comments and her memories as a single parent. In 1997, she worked on the exhibition “The 50s/La Cinquantaine”. The project focused on issues that the women of her community faced in their middle years - as individuals, with partners, friends, colleagues, family and adult children. In 2001, she participated in the group exhibition “Urbanité” shown at the Centre de Creativité du Gesu. In 2002, Judith Lermer Crawley travelled to Poland with one of her friends and her brother, and a project based on this trip resulted. The project was shown for the first time at Vanier College in Montreal in 2003. In 2006, another exhibition “Women’s Daybook Series" was also hosted at Vanier College. / Née au Canada en 1945, de parents juifs-polonais ayant survécu à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Judith Lemer Crawley a grandi et a été scolarisée à Montréal. Elle obtient une maîtrise en littérature anglaise et enseigne ensuite la littérature anglaise. Elle achète son premier appareil photo durant l'été 1968. Elle passe la plus grande partie de l'été à San Francisco utilisant une chambre noire mise à disposition du public et financée par l'État. Elle y fait ses premières expériences en matière de photographie. Son apprentissage de la photographie est autodidacte. À son retour à Montréal, elle met en place sa propre chambre noire et continue d'explorer la photographie tout en enseignant la littérature anglaise au Collège Loyola. Lors de l’ouverture du Collège Vanier (CEGEP) à Montréal en 1970, elle se joint à la faculté en tant que professeure d'anglais et de photographie. Greta Nemiroff a joué un rôle déterminant dans l'embauche de Judith Lemer Crawley en tant qu’enseignante au collège. Leurs conceptions de l’éducation se rejoignent. Judith Lemer Crawley enseigne le cours "Images : photographique et poétique" qui est devenu la base du volet « Photographie » du programme d’Arts créatifs. Elle travaille en collaboration avec Alanna Stalker dont elle partage la philosophie, et les visions féministes. Elles contribuent au développement du programme d'études sur les femmes du Collège Vanier. Judith Lemer Crawley fait partie de l'exécutif du Syndicat des enseignantes et des enseignants. Elle est également membre du département d'études des femmes à Vanier. Inquiète de l’orientation conservatrice prise par l'État en matière d'éducation, elle participe aux grèves de 1983. Elle rédige le bulletin de sa section locale et collabore avec Alanna Stalker sur divers projets pendant cette période de grèves. Judith Lemer Crawley a fait partie du collectif Les Presses de la Santé de Montréal / Montreal Health Press Collective, un collectif qui a produit et distribué des manuels traitant de questions de santé et de sexualité. Elle a été photographe-coordonnatrice du collectif, et a également participé à l'ensemble du processus de révision, de publication et de distribution. La plupart de ses travaux photographiques se déroulent à Montréal, où elle a vécu, travaillé et a élevé seule ses deux enfants. Elle a travaillé à partir du point de vue de la communauté des femmes. Son sujet principal est la vie quotidienne et ""privée"" des femmes, souvent présentée comme un réseau de relations. Elle place ces images intimes dans un contexte social et politique qu’elle question. Elle utilise la photographie dans le cadre de son processus de réflexion et de compréhension de sa vie de femme. Pour Judith Lemer Crawley, la photographie est aussi un processus de collaboration entre l'artiste et le sujet, l'artiste et la communauté, impliquant le lieu, la culture et la vision du photographe. "" My camera shoots not up, not down, but around. "Le point de départ de sa création d'image est la réalité sociale de l'expérience des femmes et la nécessité de remettre en question les stéréotypes prédominants selon lesquels les femmes sont soit passives/subordonnées (voir invisibles) ou actives/sexuellement provocatrices. Elle utilise le médium photographique pour refléter ses perceptions et préoccupations concernant la place des femmes dans la société. Elle a exposé et publié ses photographies au Canada et aux États-Unis. Elle développe ses propres expositions et a également participé à d'autres expositions de groupe. Sa première participation à une exposition de groupe a eu lieu à la Little Shop Gallery en 1980. En mars 1982, elle monte une exposition photographique intitulée ""Relations"" qui est exposée pour la première fois à la Galerie Dazibao à Montréal. En 1985, elle réalise le projet intitulé "Donner naissance n'est qu'un début : Les femmes parlent de maternité’’. Dans ce projet, Judith Crawley présente des photographies en noir et blanc de femmes avec leurs enfants, issues de sa parenté ou de son cercle d’amis. Les prises de vue sont accompagnées de textes, en anglais et en français, tirés d’entrevues menées avec ses sujets abordant des questions relatives à la vie des femmes en tant que mères. Ce projet donna naissance à un ouvrage, pour la publication duquel elle recueilli des fonds et travailla en collaboration avec son proche entourage. En 1986, elle expose "You can’t hug kids with nuclear arms". Les photographies et les textes de cette exposition soulèvent des questionnements sur l’éducation des enfants face "à un éventuel holocauste nucléaire". L’exposition se termine par une liste de noms et de numéros de téléphone de groupes de désarmement présents à Montréal. En 1988, elle participe à ""Mexico/Canada : Un échange photographique"". En 1993 a été exposé pour la première fois le projet "One on Five...". Dans ce projet, des photographies de ses enfants sont accompagnées de leurs commentaires. Certains commentaires sont personnels à l’artiste et reliés à ses souvenirs de mère célibataire. En 1997, elle travaille à l'exposition "The 50s / La Cinquantaine". Le projet met l'accent sur les problèmes auxquels les femmes de sa communauté font face au milieu de leur vie. Il éclaire leur parcours en tant qu’individu, conjointe, mère, amie, collègue, etc. En 2001, elle participe à l'exposition collective "Urbanité" exposée au Centre de Créativité du Gesu. En 2002, Judith Crawley s'est rendue en Pologne avec une de ses amis et son frère. Ce voyage a donné lieu à des prises de vue dont certaines ont été utilisée pour le projet d’exposition "About Auschwitz / A Propos d'Auschwitz", présenté pour la première fois au Collège Vanier en 2003. Judith Lemer Crawley a également réalisé plus récemment l'exposition "Women's Daybook Series" présentée au Collège Vanier à Montréal en 2006.
Steven Gellman is a Canadian composer, pianist, and former professor of composition and theory at the University of Ottawa. Gellman was born in Toronto (1947) where he began studying piano and composition at an early age under the instruction of Dr. Samuel Dolin. He appeared frequently as a pianist and composer throughout his teens. At the age of 16, he appeared as a soloist with the CBC Symphony Orchestra in a performance of his own composition Concerto for Piano and Orchestra. Gellman won the International BMI award in 1964, making him the first Canadian to be awarded the accolade. Gellman studied at Juilliard in New York City under Vincent Persichetti, Luciano Berio and Roger Sessions from 1965 to 1968. He attended the Aspen Music Festival and School during the summers of 1965 and 1966 as a student of Darius Milhaud. In 1973, Gellman entered the Paris Conservatory where he studied with Olivier Messiaen from 1973 to 1976. During his time at the Conservatory, Gellman was awarded the Premier Prix. In 1970, Gellman’s piece Mythos for flute and string quartet won the UNESCO prize for the best work by a composer under the age of 25. In 1975, Gellman’s work Chori was premiered by the Toronto Symphony. Gellman returned to Canada in 1976 and began teaching composition and theory at the University of Ottawa. He composed several pieces in the late 70s, notably Poème for Angela Hewitt; Wind Music, commissioned by the Canadian Brass; and Deux Tapisseries, commissioned by the French Government in honor of Olivier Messiaen’s 70th birthday in 1978. Gellman received two commission from the Toronto Symphony in the 80s. The overture Awakening was premiered in 1983, and was featured during Toronto Symphony’s European tour of 1983. The second commission resulted in a five movement work for orchestra featuring the synthesizers of the Canadian Electronic Ensemble as soloists. The work was premiered in 1986, and was performed throughout Canada. Shortly after, Gellman received a commission from Jon Kimura Parker, which led to the composition Keyboard Triptych for Piano and Synthesizer. Gellman was named the Canada Council Composer of the Year in 1987. Gellman became an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa in 1984 and was promoted to Full Professor in 1994. While teaching, Gellman continued to compose many works that have been performed throughout Canada and internationally, by ensembles such as the National Arts Centre Orchestra, Musica Camerata, Société de musique contemporaine du Québec (SMCQ), the Ottawa Symphony, and the Gryphon Trio. Gellman retired from his position at the University of Ottawa in 2011 as Professor Emeritus. His most recent work was completed in 2014. Prior to his position at the University, Gellman travelled extensively throughout the world. In addition to his studies abroad, he spent time in places such as New Zealand, the Middle East, Greece, India, South Africa, Morocco, and Europe. In his early 20s, Gellman married Cheryl, a visual artist, with whom he had two children, Dana and Misha. Gellman remains a resident of Ottawa.
The Royal Commission on the Status of Women was a Canadian Royal Commission that examined the status of women and recommended steps that might be taken by the federal government to ensure equal opportunities with men and women in all aspects of Canadian society. The Commission commenced on 16 February 1967 as an initiative of Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson with Florence Bird as the chair. Public sessions were conducted the following year to accept public comment for the Commission to consider as it formulated its recommendations. The report tabled on 7 December 1970 included 167 recommendations for reducing gender inequality across the various spheres of Canadian society. --- La Commission royale d'enquête sur le statut de la femme était une commission royale canadienne chargée d'examiner le statut des femmes et de recommander des mesures que le gouvernement fédéral pourrait prendre pour garantir l'égalité des chances entre les hommes et les femmes dans tous les aspects de la société canadienne. La Commission a débuté ses travaux le 16 février 1967 à l'initiative du Premier ministre Lester B. Pearson, sous la présidence de Florence Bird. Des séances publiques ont été organisées l'année suivante afin de recueillir les commentaires du public que la Commission devait prendre en considération pour formuler ses recommandations. Le rapport présenté le 7 décembre 1970 comprenait 167 recommandations visant à réduire les inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes dans les différentes sphères de la société canadienne.
Wilbert B. Smith was a Canadian radio engineer and UFOlogist. Mr. Smith joined the Department of Transport in 1939 and was in charge of establishing a network of ionospheric measurement stations. Interested in UFOs since the 1940's, Mr. Smith eventually instituted Project Magnet with the Department of Transport in November 1950. The purpose of the project was to collect data on UFOs and to potentially use that data to inform human technology and engineering. Before the program dissolved in 1954, he concluded that flying saucers did exist and that they operate on magnetic principles. In 1952 he was also part of an interdepartmental government committee of scientists and military officers set up to investigate UFO reports, known as Project Second Story/Storey. The committee met five times.
Madeleine Gilchrist was born in Switzerland in 1942. She is married with two children and speaks French and English. She graduated as a Registered Nurse (RN) in 1964 in Switzerland. Madeleine moved to Toronto with her Canadian husband in 1968 where she worked as a part-time nurse at the Women’s College Hospital in downtown Toronto. In 1989, she obtained a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Women’s Studies from York University in Toronto. Throughout her life, Madeleine has been a feminist and peace activist. She was part of many feminist committees and organizations, including Women for Political Action (WPA), National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC), Voice of Women (VOW), Women for Mutual Security (WMS), Réseau des femmes de l’Ontario, and Féminin-pluriel. Between 1986 and 2002, Madeleine was heavily involved on the international scene. As a representative for VOW and WMS, she lobbied for peace and disarmament at the United Nation’s Disarmament Session in Geneva, at North-Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) headquarters in Brussels, at the Warsaw Pact Alliance meeting of foreign ministers in Sofia, Bulgaria, and at the United States’ Senate in Washington. She also lobbied at the UN in New York for a woman Secretary General. Before the Gulf War, Madeleine was the communication link for the delegation of women in Baghdad. In 2000, she participated in a fact-finding mission in Baghdad with a group of international NGOs concerning the sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the United States, and England. Madeleine was part of a mediation group meeting with women in areas of conflict, including Israel, Palestine, Greece, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Serbia, and Cyprus. As part of VOW, Madeleine was actively involved in demonstrations, writing proposals, and giving talks related to the Balkan war. It culminated into her 1997 trip to Belgrade and Zagreb to meet women on both sides of the conflict. On a personal level, Madeleine corresponded with an Israeli female journalist imprisoned in Israel in 1988. Between 1993 and March 1995, Madeleine was part of the Canadian-Beijing Facilitating Committee and she was the NGO representative on the official Canadian delegation for the UN’s Fourth Women Conference in Beijing (1995). Following the Conference, she was a consultant and observer at a dialogue between Greek and Turkish women which became an organization called WINPEACE. In 2000, Madeleine was involved as a mentor in Beijing+5 at the UN in New York during a session on the status of women. Madeleine participated in many national and international conferences and workshops either as a coordinator, facilitator, or speaker, including at the First International Minoan Celebration of Partnership (FIMCOP) in Crete, Greece (1992), the Refugee & Displaced Women in Times of Conflict: International NGO Dialogue in Athens (1994), the International Court of Justice World Court Project in the Hague (1995), and the Situation of Women Fourth Canadian Conference on International Health in Ottawa (1997). In 1995, Madeleine received the Muriel Duckworth Award from the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW). In early 2000, she was awarded the Women’s College Hospital Award for Outstanding Nurse. She also received Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee medal in 2012. Madeleine is now living in Toronto where she continues her activities as a mentor. --- Madeleine Gilchrist est née en Suisse en 1942. Elle est mariée et a deux enfants. Elle parle français et anglais. Elle a obtenu son diplôme d'infirmière diplômée en 1964 en Suisse. Madeleine s'est installée à Toronto avec son mari canadien en 1968, où elle a travaillé comme infirmière à temps partiel au Women's College Hospital, dans le centre-ville de Toronto. En 1989, elle a obtenu une licence en études féminines à l'université York de Toronto. Tout au long de sa vie, Madeleine a été une militante féministe et pacifiste. Elle a fait partie de nombreux comités et organisations féministes, notamment Women for Political Action (WPA), National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC), Voice of Women (VOW), Women for Mutual Security (WMS), Réseau des femmes de l'Ontario et Féminin-pluriel. Entre 1986 et 2002, Madeleine s'est fortement impliquée sur la scène internationale. En tant que représentante de la VOW et de la WMS, elle a fait pression en faveur de la paix et du désarmement lors de la session des Nations Unies sur le désarmement à Genève, au siège de l'Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord (OTAN) à Bruxelles, lors de la réunion des ministres des affaires étrangères de l'Alliance du Pacte de Varsovie à Sofia, en Bulgarie, et au Sénat des États-Unis à Washington. Elle a également fait pression sur les Nations unies à New York pour obtenir la nomination d'une femme au poste de secrétaire général. Avant la guerre du Golfe, Madeleine était le lien de communication de la délégation de femmes à Bagdad. En 2000, elle a participé à une mission d'enquête à Bagdad avec un groupe d'ONG internationales concernant les sanctions imposées par les Nations unies, les États-Unis et l'Angleterre. Madeleine a fait partie d'un groupe de médiation qui a rencontré des femmes dans des zones de conflit, notamment en Israël, en Palestine, en Grèce, en Turquie, en Azerbaïdjan, en Croatie, en Serbie et à Chypre. Dans le cadre de VOW, Madeleine a participé activement à des manifestations, à la rédaction de propositions et à des conférences sur la guerre des Balkans. Le point culminant a été son voyage de 1997 à Belgrade et à Zagreb pour rencontrer des femmes des deux côtés du conflit. Sur le plan personnel, Madeleine a correspondu avec une journaliste israélienne emprisonnée en Israël en 1988. Entre 1993 et mars 1995, Madeleine a fait partie du comité de facilitation Canada-Beijing et a été la représentante des ONG au sein de la délégation canadienne officielle pour la quatrième conférence des Nations unies sur les femmes à Beijing (1995). Après la conférence, elle a été consultante et observatrice d'un dialogue entre des femmes grecques et turques qui est devenu une organisation appelée WINPEACE. En 2000, Madeleine a participé en tant que mentor à Pékin+5 à l'ONU à New York lors d'une session sur le statut des femmes. Madeleine a participé à de nombreuses conférences et ateliers nationaux et internationaux en tant que coordinatrice, facilitatrice ou oratrice, notamment à la première célébration internationale du partenariat minoen (FIMCOP) en Crète, en Grèce (1992), à la conférence Refugee & Displaced Women in Times of Conflict : International NGO Dialogue à Athènes (1994), au World Court Project de la Cour internationale de justice à La Haye (1995) et à la quatrième conférence canadienne sur la santé internationale consacrée à la situation des femmes, à Ottawa (1997). En 1995, Madeleine a reçu le prix Muriel Duckworth de l'Institut canadien de recherche sur les femmes (ICREF). Au début de l'année 2000, elle a reçu le Women's College Hospital Award for Outstanding Nurse. Elle a également reçu la médaille du jubilé de diamant de la reine Elizabeth II en 2012. Madeleine vit aujourd'hui à Toronto où elle poursuit ses activités de mentor.
Arthur Bray, who was born in Ottawa and graduated from Lisgar Collegiate, began his flying career as a pilot in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War II, later transferring to the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. He was serving as a pilot in the Royal Canadian Navy in 1947 when there were frequent reports of Flying Saucers, later to become known as Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs. He became curious about these reports, wondering what strange things may be flying about the same sky he was. The more he read, the more interested he became, and the study became his hobby, and, eventually, an avocation. This study inevitably resulted in the accumulation of a large collection of research material over the period to 1993. He completed his first book, Science, the Public and the UFO, (Bray Book Service, Ottawa) in 1967. It was written, after twenty years of research, as a challenge to the U.S. Air Force. He frequently appeared on radio and TV, was a guest speaker at many meetings of clubs and associations, including, on occasion, sharing the podium with noted scientists. He also presented papers to international UFO conferences and taught a course on Ufology at Algonquin College in Ottawa. Articles about Bray and his work appeared in newspapers across Canada as well as in the U.S.A. In 1967 he was awarded the Centennial Medal in recognition of his service to Canada in the Navy. In 1968, he began a lengthy correspondence with U. Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and with the UN Outer Space Affairs Division, to get the UN to set up a full-time study of UFOs. Eventually, after supporting a proposal by the Prime Minister of Grenada, the UN asked all member nations to conduct UFO investigations on a national level and report back to the UN. Bray asked Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau to support this action, but nothing came of it. Then in 1969, he presented a detailed outline of the UFO problem, in the form of a brief, to The Senate Committee on Science Policy, titled Science, Society and the UFO (The Queen’s Printer, Ottawa). In addition to numerous articles in UFO research journals and magazines, he contributed four articles to the Encyclopaedia of UFOs, (Doubleday & Co. Inc., Garden City, N.Y. 1980). In 1979, he wrote his second book, The UFO Connection, (Jupiter Publishing, Ottawa, 1979). Bray, through his published work, gradually became recognized around the world as a thorough researcher. One of the leading UFO investigative organizations, the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) based in the U.S.A., described Bray as “... one of the most respected UFO investigator - researchers in the world...”. (The APRO Bulletin, vol. 31, no. 2, January 1983). To keep current on scientific and technical matters, he held membership in various organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, The New York Academy of Sciences, the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, and The Society of American Military Engineers. The Society of Technical Writers and Publishers and the academy of Independent Scholars also admitted him in membership based on his writing and research abilities. Through a thorough and detailed study of the evidence, Bray became convinced of the reality of UFOs in that something which remains unidentified is intruding into our airspace. After thorough investigation, only about ten percent of reported sightings remain unidentified. The remaining ninety percent can be identified as man-made objects, known natural phenomenon or hoaxes. It is the ten percent that are the true UFOs, the others being IFOs (Identified Flying Objects). The answers to the questions of what these objects are and where they come from remain unknown to the world in general. Bray, however, is convinced that many governments have the answers, and these remain under top-secret wraps for whatever reasons. He, as well as other researchers, have discovered and published much proof of this secrecy. When he retired from the Navy in 1971, Bray embarked on a second career as a manager with the Canada Safety Council, a non-government, non-profit organization. He retired from the Council in 1987 in the position of Director of Corporate Affairs. Since then, he continued researching and writing, but also in a new field, financial planning, and has two books published on that topic by the largest financial publishing house in Canada. He is now engaged on another major project of research and writing unrelated to his previous topic areas. Bray retired from active UFO research after forty-six years of thorough study because no amount of private research had produced any final answers due to the cover-up, which continues, and he had other interests to pursue which had been set aside for many years due to his active involvement in Ufology.
The Ottawa Women’s Lobby (OWL) was a feminist advocacy organization founded as a member group of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) by Shirley Greenberg in 1977. OWL lobbied the municipal, provincial and federal governments to fight for equality for women in all aspects of Canadian life. The organization consisted of women from various occupations and backgrounds. In addition to Shirley Greenberg, the members of OWL throughout the group's founding/early years (1970s) consisted of: Kay Marshall, Lynn Kaye, Rosemary Billings, Diana Pepall, Mary Ambrose, Pat Hacker, John Baglow, Carole Swan, Helene Doyon, Sheila Klein, and Monica Townson. OWL remained active until the 1990's, but past members continue to hold semi-annual social meetings, which facilitate spirited debates. --- Le Lobby des femmes d'Ottawa (FLO) est une organisation féministe de défense des droits fondée en 1977 par Shirley Greenberg en tant que groupe membre du Comité national d'action sur le statut de la femme (CNA). L'OWL a fait pression sur les gouvernements municipaux, provinciaux et fédéral pour lutter en faveur de l'égalité des femmes dans tous les aspects de la vie canadienne. L'organisation est composée de femmes issues de professions et d'horizons divers. Outre Shirley Greenberg, les membres de l'OWL au cours de ses premières années d'existence (années 1970) étaient les suivants : Kay Marshall, Lynn Kaye, Rosemary Billings, Diana Pepall, Mary Ambrose, Pat Hacker, John Baglow, Carole Swan, Helene Doyon, Sheila Klein et Monica Townson. L'OWL est resté actif jusque dans les années 1990, mais les anciens membres continuent d'organiser des réunions sociales semestrielles, qui donnent lieu à des débats animés.
The Women's Employment Centre (WEC), located in Toronto, operated as part of the Canada Employment and immigration Commission (CEIC) and began under the launch of the Women's Employment Counselling Centre (WECC) Pilot Program in 1981. In this pilot program, seven employment centres with a particular focus on women's employment were opened in seven different cities across Canada as part of regular Canada Employment Centres in each city—Halifax, Chicoutimi, Toronto, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg and Calgary. WEC was created to assist women in entering the labour market and/or making major occupational changes, especially in non-traditional occupations (occupations that are predominantly male), such as trades, technology and operations (TTO). The Women's Employment Counselling Centre (WECC) Pilot Program was evaluated in 1984 by Employment and Immigration Canada (the Program Evaluation Branch) and continued to operate throughout the 1990's. Many women who received advice and guidance from the WEC in Toronto were subsequently hired at various companies and organizations throughout Ontario including CP Rail, the Ministry of Transportation, CN, Toronto Transit Commission, the Toronto Star, and more. WEC eventually closed down in 1997 due to minimal support and a difficult political and economic climate within the Human Resource Development Canada (HRDC). --- Le Centre d'emploi des femmes (CEF), situé à Toronto, faisait partie de la Commission de l'emploi et de l'immigration du Canada (CEIC) et a vu le jour dans le cadre du programme pilote du Centre de conseil en emploi des femmes (CCEF) en 1981. Dans le cadre de ce programme pilote, sept centres d'emploi axés sur l'emploi des femmes ont été ouverts dans sept villes différentes du Canada, dans le cadre des Centres d'emploi du Canada habituels de chaque ville : Halifax, Chicoutimi, Toronto, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg et Calgary. Le WEC a été créé pour aider les femmes à entrer sur le marché du travail et/ou à opérer des changements professionnels majeurs, en particulier dans les professions non traditionnelles (professions à prédominance masculine), telles que les métiers, la technologie et les opérations (TTO). Le programme pilote du Women's Employment Counselling Centre (WECC) a été évalué en 1984 par Emploi et Immigration Canada (Direction générale de l'évaluation des programmes) et s'est poursuivi tout au long des années 1990. De nombreuses femmes ayant bénéficié des conseils et de l'orientation du WEC à Toronto ont par la suite été embauchées dans diverses entreprises et organisations de l'Ontario, notamment CP Rail, le ministère des Transports, le CN, la Toronto Transit Commission, le Toronto Star, et bien d'autres encore. Le WEC a finalement fermé ses portes en 1997 en raison d'un manque de soutien et d'un climat politique et économique difficile au sein de Développement des ressources humaines Canada (DRHC).