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Slovak Studies Association (SSA)

  • Corporate body
  • 1977-

The Slovak Studies Association (SSA) was founded in 1977 in Washington, D.C. during the National Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS). Attending this first meeting were Thaddeus Gromeda, Richard Liba, Thomas Marzik, Jozef and Renee Mikuš, Mark Stolárik, Anthony X. Sutherland and Edward Tuleya. The purpose of this first meeting was to discuss a tentative constitution, enabling the secretary-treasurer, Mark Stolárik, to write its first draft, and to elaborate the procedures for the election of SSA’s officers. Procedures pertaining to the election of SSA officers were also elaborated during this reunion.

The SSA promotes interdisciplinary research, publications and teaching relating to worldwide Slovak experience. This scholarly organization assists scholars interested in Slovak studies, sponsors panels on Slovak history and themes (i.e. “14 March and the Slovak State“ and “Slovak Literature as a Mirror of National Awakening“), and issues a bi-annual newsletter. In addition, the SSA “conducts all of its activities in accordance with academic freedom and completely devoid of partiality to any philosophical, political, or religious orientation“. The SSA is affiliated to the Association for Slovak, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEES) (formerly the Association for Advancement of Slovak Studies). In 1983, the SSA was incorporated to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a non-profit scholarly organization.

Gleiman family

  • Family
  • 1893-

Dr. Lubomir Gleiman (1923-2006), son of Dr. Jan Gleiman and Anna Urbanek, was born in Trnava, Czechoslovakia (now in Slovakia), on May 21, 1923. His grandfather Ferko Urbanek had been a famous Slovak playwright and poet. During World War II and the Slovak National Uprising, Lubomir and his family were removed from their home, and he was forced to work in labour camps. In a particular occasion, he and his colleagues from medical school were made to march across Austria in a defensive measure against the allies. After being freed when the 506th Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division liberated his camp, he became secretary at the displaced persons camp in Rauris (Austria). He became friends with the US Commander Al Hazzenzahl and Lt Gerald Evers. The latter gave him a letter of recommendation after the camp closed, which was invaluable to Lubomir during his subsequent months as a refugee.

Lubomir and his father later joined the movement to organize a resistance against the communists in Slovakia. They were also active participants in the attempts to resist the advances of communism and in the conservation of an independent democracy in their country. Father Tomislav Kolakovic (Father George), a Catholic priest who opposed communism, was among Lubomir’s anti-communist connections. In 1948, after the resistance movement failed, Lubomir and his family immigrated to Canada, where they worked in farms in the Glencoe/Alviston area. Later, they held several odd jobs to support themselves in Montreal. His father and his sisters Wanda and Zora worked in a chocolate factory while Lubomir was employed at various occupations, from janitor and hospital orderly to bookkeeper and graduate assistant. Despite their difficult life, Lubomir nevertheless managed to complete his bachelor’s degree in 1952 from the Thomas More Institute.

After earning his master’s degree in 1954 and PhD in philosophy in 1957, both from the University of Montreal, he moved to the United States, where he began his distinguished scholarly career. He was a professor of philosophy and political science until 1978 at Newton College of the Sacred Heart, which later became Boston College. In Boston College, Lubomir had been the Newton senior fellow in political science from 1975 to 1977. He was appointed professor of philosophy at Salve Regina University (Newport, RI) in 1978, where he taught until he retired at age 70. He continued his scholarly studies, however, even after his retirement. He was fluent in five languages, and wrote profusely. His writings included poetry, scholarly articles, essays and reviews. He also published two books: “Etudes D’Histoire Litteraire, Medieval Roots of Totalitarian Syndrome” and “Graham Green: Poet of Ambivalence and Transcendence.”

He married Nancy Waeber (1941-2018), one of his students, in 1963, and they had three children: Mary Melanie (Phelps), Cyril Gleiman, and Jan Kenneth Gleiman. Lubomir Gleiman died on May 22, 2006 at age 83.

Dr. Ján Gleiman (1893-1983) was born in Slovakia, on September 11, 1893. He served as a captain in the Austro-Hungarian army during WWI, but surrendered his unit to the Russians because they refused to fight against those they considered their “Slavic brothers”. He was then made a prisoner of war and was sent to Krasnojarsk. He learned to speak fluent Russian during this time.

Before World War II, Ján Gleiman had been a prominent lawyer, notary public and local judge in his country, and had enjoyed a comfortable upper middle class life with his family while living in Revuca, Banska Bystrica, Banovce, and Bratislava. He was also part of the Hlinka's Slovak People's Party, the Slovak right-wing nationalist party, and allegedly a confidant of Father Jozef Tiso, who was one of the party leaders and later president of the First Slovak Republic. Jan’s son Lubomir had been Tiso’s altar boy. Tiso was executed after World War II for having collaborated with Hitler and Nazism. With the advance of communism in Slovakia, Jan became worried that his political connections posed a threat to his and his family’s security, and so they sold their personal belongings and left Slovakia. They travelled throughout Europe before finally boarding a ship in Italy and immigrating to Canada in 1948.

The Gleiman family’s move to Canada after the war was not easy for any of them, but especially for Jan. Because of his age and poor knowledge of the English language, he was required to accept manual work in Canada as a condition for immigration, and could not be employed in his own field. According to his own diaries, he was very much dissatisfied with his new life and the difficulties he faced while trying to integrate in Canada. However, he continued to devote a lot of his time outside of working hours to intellectual activities such as reading and writing, mostly in relation to philosophy and politics. The family finally managed to save enough money to buy a house in the late 1950s, which had by then become Jan’s final goal in Canada. Ján died on March 13, 1983 in Montreal, at age 90.

Canadian Slovak League (CSL)

  • Corporate body
  • 1932-

The Canadian Slovak League (CSL) was founded in December 1932 by Andrej Kučera, Juraj Rodoš and Pavol A. Sabo, representatives of the Winnipeg Branch of the Slovak League of America. The founding members of the CSL wanted to create an organization catering to the needs of Slovak-Canadians and sought to broaden the social and financial support to their members. In 1934, this organization received a “Dominion Charter” therefore making the CSL a fraternal benefit society. For the remainder of the 1930s, this organization continued to support Slovakia’s independence as promised by the Pittsburg Agreement. It also paid death benefits according to the size of its treasury to deceased members’ family. The Oshawa and Hamilton branches of the CSL established the First District of the Assembly followed by the first Slovak Day in Oshawa. Slovak Days in cities such as Toronto, Hamilton, Welland, Montréal and Windsor would soon follow.

In the 1940s, the CSL was involved in the Canadian war effort. Members purchased war bonds and participated in the war effort. The CSL donated an ambulance to the Red Cross. During these years, the CSL established its organ newspaper Kanadský Slovak, edited respectively by Štefan Hreha, Konštantin Čuleň, Štefan Reištetter, Andrej Brazda and Julius Behul. Upon World War II’s and the beginning of Communist regime in Czechoslovakia, the CSL sent a delegation to Ottawa to persuade the Canadian government to accept Slovak refugees fleeing the Communist regime, a situation intensified by the Pact of Warsaw in 1968.

In 1954, the CSL was reorganized as an insurance company. Members now had to pay monthly fees according to their age. Due to this new policy, membership dropped making this organization return to its previous role as a fraternal organization. Culturally, the CSL continued to support Slovak Halls where plays and Slovak folk dance groups performed culminating in a performance at Expo ’67. CSL members also sponsored radio shows and television programs.

With the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1989, the CSL demanded that a full Canadian diplomatic post be created in Bratislava. To this day, the CSL continues to help Slovak immigrants arriving in Canada and promotes Slovak culture and heritage with activities in various branches.

Briskin, Linda

  • Person
Linda Briskin is a Professor Emeritus at York University (Toronto) at the School of Women' Studies. In addition to numerous articles, she has authored several books including Equity Bargaining/Bargaining Equity (2006); co-edited Women's Organizing and Public Policy in Canada and Sweden (1999); Women Challenging Unions: Feminism, Democracy and Militancy (1993); and Union Sisters: Women in the Labour Movement (1983); and co-authored Feminist Organizing for Change: the Contemporary Women's Movement in Canada (1988), and The Day the Fairies Went on Strike (for children) (1981). Her research focuses on union leadership, strategies for ensuring equity representation inside unions, women’s participation in collective bargaining and social dialogue, and worker militancy, with a special focus on gendering labour militancy and nurses on strike. She has been a union activist for many decades. In 2014, Linda Briskin received the Sefton Award for Contributions to Labour Relations, presented by Woodsworth College and the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, University of Toronto.
Linda Briskin est professeur émérite à l'Université York (Toronto) à la School of Women' Studies. Outre de nombreux articles, elle est l'auteur de plusieurs ouvrages, dont Equity Bargaining/Bargaining Equity (2006), Women's Organizing and Public Policy in Canada and Sweden (1999), Women Challenging Unions : Feminism, Democracy and Militancy (1993) ; et Union Sisters : Women in the Labour Movement (1983). Elle est également co-auteur de Feminist Organizing for Change : the Contemporary Women's Movement in Canada (1988) et de The Day the Fairies Went on Strike (pour les enfants) (1981). Ses recherches portent sur le leadership syndical, les stratégies visant à assurer une représentation équitable au sein des syndicats, la participation des femmes à la négociation collective et au dialogue social, et le militantisme des travailleurs, avec une attention particulière pour le militantisme des hommes et des femmes et les infirmières en grève. Elle est militante syndicale depuis plusieurs décennies. En 2014, Linda Briskin a reçu le Sefton Award for Contributions to Labour Relations, décerné par le Woodsworth College et le Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources de l'université de Toronto.

De Wolf, Teressa

Teressa (Terri) W. De Wolf lived in Toronto and then moved to British Columbia in 1984. She worked in Kelowna Status of Women’s Office, in the 1970’s.
Teressa (Terri) W. De Wolf a vécu à Toronto avant de s'installer en Colombie-Britannique en 1984. Elle a travaillé au bureau de la condition féminine de Kelowna dans les années 1970.

Turner, Ashley

  • Person

Ashley Turner completed a Master's Degree in criminology from the University of Ottawa in 1988. She was a founding member and director of JEWELS (Justice, Equality, and Equity for Women Everywhere, Legally, Lawlessly, and Shamelessly), a sanctuary organization for women and children. She is also the author of several articles on the history of sanctuaries.
Ashley Turner is a human rights activist and lobbied for support on many issues including anti-rape, anti-violence against women, rights for women in prison, and support for victims of abuse. She was also a front line worker in the anti-rape and battered women's movements and worked at organizations in the Ottawa area.
Ashley Turner a obtenu une maîtrise en criminologie à l'Université d'Ottawa en 1988. Elle est membre fondatrice et directrice de JEWELS (Justice, Equality, and Equity for Women Everywhere, Legally, Lawless, and Shamelessly), une organisation de sanctuaires pour les femmes et les enfants. Elle est également l'auteur de plusieurs articles sur l'histoire des sanctuaires.

Ashley Turner est une militante des droits humains et a fait pression pour obtenir un soutien sur de nombreuses questions, notamment la lutte contre le viol et la violence à l'égard des femmes, les droits des femmes en prison et le soutien aux victimes d'abus. Elle a également travaillé en première ligne dans les mouvements de lutte contre le viol et les femmes battues et a travaillé dans des organisations de la région d'Ottawa.

Böhm, Emanuel

  • Person
  • 1909-1990

Dr. Emanuel Böhm was born on February 1, 1909 in Vrútky, Slovakia. The former professor of chemistry and natural sciences earned his Bachelor's degree in 1928, followed by his Master's Degree in chemistry and natural sciences between 1931 and 1934. In 1934, he received his Doctoral Degree from Charles University in Prague in the areas of chemistry, plant physiology, bacteriology and genetics.

Between 1934 and 1936, Dr. Böhm served as a Lieutenant of Heavy Artillery in the Czechoslovak Army. From 1936 to 1939 he taught in various colleges and technical high schools. In September 1939, after the annexation of southern Slovakia by Hungary, the Royal Hungarian Ministry of Education dismissed Dr. Böhm from his post for proclaiming the national and human rights of his people. Dr. Böhm as President of the Slovak National Unity served as spokesman for the 750,000 Slovaks residing in Magyarország during the occupation. During the war years, he worked in journalism and editing. He was the founder and editor of the Slovak language daily, Slovak Unity - Slovenská Jednota in Budapest while being editor of a newly established book publishing affiliate, Edicia Slovenskej Jednoty/Editions of Slovak Unity. Editor of 24 books published by the Guild of Slovak Unity, he was also a member of the Magyar Press Agency.

Following the war, Dr. Böhm resumed his teaching duties in Bratislava. In May 1946, he was elected to the Czechoslovak Parliament as a representative from Eastern Slovakia for the Democratic Party. He eventually served as Deputy Speaker of the Parliament in Prague, later serving as Health Commissioner in Bratislava.

Dr. Böhm and his wife Dr. Mária Dziaková, whom he married in 1941, went into exile in London in 1948 where he became chief chemist at Newlands and Rutherford Brothers. In 1952, the Böhms immigrated to the United States where he worked as Director of Research and Development with the Hoffman Company and later with Corn Products Corporation International. He was honored for his contribution to the food and beverage industries as well as for his research in chemistry. He held a patent on a machine he invented to analyze the contents of beverages. Dr. Böhm was a prolific scientific writer having published 35 articles on flavor and sweetener chemistry.

His life-long love for Slovakia and its culture became even stronger in exile. He served as Vice-President of the Slovenská Národná Rada v Zahranií /Slovak National Council Abroad. Active in Slovak cultural and political affairs, Dr. Böhm was awarded the Stefanik Medal by the Slovak American Cultural Center in New York for his work on behalf of his homeland. He and his wife were co-founders of Múza Tatier (Muse of the Tatras), an award that honors the cultural, scientific and artistic accomplishments of Slovaks and Slovak-Americans. He directed Slovak plays, was the creator of a Slovak Puppet Theater for Slovak children, and was an expert on Slovak folklore and its heritage. He published numerous articles in the Slovak press (both in English and in Slovak) at home and abroad. Dr. Böhm passed away on December 24, 1990 at the age of 81.

Hreha, Štefan

  • Person
  • 1918-2015

Štefan Hreha was born in Čemerné (near Vránov nad Topľou, Zemplín county), Slovakia on March 25, 1918. He was the first of Štefan Hreha and Maria Sabo's four children. He has two brothers Arpád (Albert) and Gejka (Jim) and a sister, Stella. Štefan Hreha met his future wife, Paulina, around 1940, in Montréal. They got married on June 22, 1946, when he returned from the army. They have one son, Štefan Robert Hreha.
Mr. Hreha came to Canada two days before Christmas in 1936. He studied at St. Patrick School and the Olier Academy and enthusiastically involved himself in the life of the Slovak community in Montreal. As early as 1937, he founded the L'udovit Literary Society, because he wanted to "propagate Slovak thinking and feeling" among the young Slovak people in the community. The Society organized plays, lectures and parties and a school for the Slovak youth born in Canada.

As the beginning of 1938, while he was still in school, he started working as an administrator and editor of the publication of Slovák v Kanade and later for Slovenské Bratstvo.

In 1941, during the Fifth Congress, the Canadian Slovak League (CSL) decided to start publishing their own newspaper. Štefan Hreha, "a young, courageous newspaperman" (Kirschbaum, 294), was the founding editor of Kanadský Slovák, and published its first issue on March 5, 1942. This newspaper became the only Slovak weekly to be published without interruption for more than sixty-five years. In August 1942, Hreha was drafted and spent three and half years in the army. Upon his return from the army, he was hired as administrator of the newspaper, and at the Windsor Convention, was re-elected as editor. He continued to work as an editor for Kanadský Slovák until 1952, when the newspaper moved to Winnipeg. Subsequently, Hreha worked as an advertising manager for Crane Canada for 32 years.

Štefan Hreha was an active member of the Canadian Slovak League (CSL)'s Montreal branch for a number of years, as well as of the First Catholic Slovak Union of the United States and Canada, Jednota. He served in various functions for the Canadian Slovak League (CSL) such as president of the Montréal branch and in the Central Assembly, as chairman of the overseers, and as recording secretary.

His cultural and literary contributions to Slovak heritage in Canada include stage plays, musicals' librettos, a cycle of poems and epigrams and a manuscript on the origins of Slovak people in Canada, for Encyclopedia Canadiana. As Anthony Sutherland indicates, Hreha "was one of the outstanding educated members of the Canadian Slovak League. Besides his editorial work he helped write several of the League's resolutions, was a poet and served in various League offices. He edited several issues of Pamätnice (Souvenir Books) and the KSL Calendar which is of historical importance to the Canadian Slovak community. Hreha also authored the lyrics for the musical Ked' príde nedeľa (When Sunday comes) and wrote several plays, among others, Za chlebom (In search of bread) and Turkovčaty (The Turks are here) produced in Montréal. There is also an unpublished manuscript for the musical Ruže v snehu nekvitnú (Roses do not bloom in the snow)." (Sutherland, 50).

Štefan Hreha pleaded for a Slovak newspaper to represent the Canadian Slovak League and to unite all Slovaks in Canada. Štefan Hreha's dedicated work within the Slovak community in Canada has been recognized in Canada and in Slovakia. The Canadian Slovak League presented him with a Jubilee Trophy and the National Ethnic Press & Media Council of Canada awarded with a medal and the citation Honoris Causa, for his lifetime achievements in journalism. He also received an Honorary Recognition from Slovakia from his native Vránov nad Topľou. Štefan Hreha passed away at the Jewish Hospital in Montreal on August 15, 2015 at the age of 97.

Kona, Martha

  • Person
  • 1930-2014
Martha Kona (nee Mistina) was born in Bánovce nad Bebrazou in Slovakia on May 12th, the daughter of Albert and Ann (née Kubican) Mistina. The family fled to Austria where Martha attended high school and a semester at the University of Salzburg. In the early 1950s, she received a scholarship to attend Rosary College at River Forrest in Illinois (USA).
She earned a B.A. in economics and German from Rosary College and met her future husband, Villiam Kona, a librarian, there. In 1955, the couple wed. In 1958 Martha Kona completed a Master's in Library Science and later completed an MBA at Roosevelt University (USA).
As a librarian, Martha Kona worked as the Assistant Director of Technical Services at Rush University Library (USA). From 1958 to 1963, she worked as a cataloguer-librarian at the University of Illinois Library of Medicine and Science (USA). She also published reference books and articles on various subjects such as soybean protein, multi-media cataloguing and Slovak Americans and Canadians.
Both Martha and Viliam Kona were committed to the Slovak community and the preservation of Slovak culture in exile. Martha Kona was part of the Slovak League of America, Slovak Catholic Sokol and the Slovak Institute in Rome (Italy). In 1990, Martha Kona held the position of Chair of Heritage and Communication at the Slovak World Congress, a position previously held by Ján Okáľ.
Over the years, Martha Kona has received several awards of distinctions. She has been the recipient of the Imperial and Sovereign Order of Saint Constantin the Great, the Imperial Byzantine Order of Constantin the Great and St. Helen and the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, etc.
Martha Kona died in 2014.

Kandra, L’udovít

  • Person
  • 1904-1993
L’udovít Kandra (pseudonym: Peter Klas), was born in Banská Štiavnica, on July 6, 1904. Between 1914 and 1922, he completed his primary and secondary education in his local community. Between 1922 and 1924, he studied in Banská Bystrica where he obtained his teaching certificate from the Institute of Pedagogy. In 1928, he married Paula Päták. While working as a teacher, and later, as a school director, Mr. Kandra was already interested, and much involved, in Slovak cultural and literary life. In the Spring of 1945, Mr. Kandra and his family left Slovakia and emigrated to Austria where they lived until 1949. In 1949, the Kandras emigrated to Canada; with their two daughters, Dana and Olga. They lived in various Ontarian cities: Oil City, Glencoe and Kitchener.
After his arrival in Canada, Mr. Kandra worked for different employers including Electrohome Limited but he also began to write and publish his work. Most of his fiction work was published under the pen name of Peter Klas. He is the author of two published novels (“Satan proti Bohmu”and “Svetlo pod halenou”), a collection of short stories (“Na strome života) and hundreds of individual short stories published in various almanacs, calendars and newspapers. He became one of the prolific prose writers among Slovak immigrant.
L’udovít Kandra was also an author “on a political mission.” A determined activist, he used his talent as a great communicator to bring forth the horrors of the occupation of Slovakia and the hard life of Slovaks under communism. He published hundreds of articles on these issues in newspapers such as Kanadský Slovák, Slovák v Amerike, Kalendar Kandaskej Slovenskej Ligy, Slovenská Obrana and other Slovak periodicals abroad. In addition to his prose and poetry, L’udovit Kandra maintained an exchange of correspondence with members of the Slovak intelligentsia abroad, among others, Imrich Kružliak (pseudonym: Marian Žiar), Ernest Žatko (pseudonym: Ján E. Bor), Ignác Zelenka (Eugen Vesnin) and Michal Lošonsky (pseudonym: Michal Želiar).
Throughout his writing career, Mr. Kandra was also involved as a lobbyist and political activist in a number of nationalist organizations. Of particular significance were his extensive work and significant influence as vice-president and president of the Slovak National Council Abroad (Slovenská Národná Rada v Zahraniči. SNRvZ).
A devout Lutheran, Mr. Kandra also had a long and generous involvement with the “Ustredna Rada Martina Razus”, where he served as president.
In Slovakia, as well as in Canada, L’udovít Kandra was a very humble citizen. An elementary school teacher by profession, he took on blue-collar work as an immigrant living in Canada. He was not a member of the Slovak “intellegencia,” nor did he hold an elected political office. He lived as a man of limited financial means throughout his life, yet through his prolific work as poet, author and freelance writer, and through his extraordinary personal contribution as a member of the Slovak diaspora, L’udovít Kandra made a significant contribution to Slovak literature and has had a long-lasting impact on the cultural and social conditions of Slovaks living in exile. He died in Belleville, Ontario, in 1993, at the age of 89.
Results 61 to 70 of 248