File report

Archival description hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions
1 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS1-F1 Syllabus - The Sociology of Women: Sex Roles and Social Change 1975-1976 None
2 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS2-F1 Women's Press Conference, Saskatoon 1974-1976 Partially restricted
3 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F1 Women's Movement in the USA 1967-1970 None
4 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F2 British Women's Movement (1 of 2) 1969-1972 None
5 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F3 British Women's Movement (2 of 2) 1968-1971 None
6 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F4 Some working notes on the family 1972 None
7 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F5 Notebook and notes 1970 None
8 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F6 Film - "Women … are you satisfied with your life?" 1969-1971 None
9 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F7 Women's Liberation Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 2 1969 None
10 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F8 Female Liberation Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1 1969 None
11 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F9 Women's Liberation Workshop 1969-1972 None
12 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F10 Press clippings (1 of 2) 1971-1972 None
13 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F11 Press clippings (2 of 2) 1969-1970 None
14 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F12 Asimov, Isaac. "Uncertain, Coy, and Hard to Please" 1970 None
15 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F13 Monthly Review - An Independent Socialist Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 4 September 1969 None
16 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F14 Bernstein, J. , Morton, P., Seese, L., and Myrna Wood. "Sisters, Brothers, Lovers… Listen…" 1967 None
17 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F15 Dawson, Kipp et al. "Kate Millet's Sexual Politics - A Marxist Appreciation" 1971 None
18 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F16 Dixon, Marlene. "Why Women's Liberation?" 1969 None
19 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F17 Dunbar, Roxanne. "Female Liberation as the basis for social revolution" 1970 None
20 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F18 Dunbar, Roxanne. "Poor White Women" [1970] None
21 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F19 Engels, Friedrich. "The Origin of the Family" [1970] None
22 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F20 Gilbert, Dave. "Consumption: Domestic Imperialism" [1970] None
23 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F21 Gordon, Linda. "Families" 1970 None
24 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F22 Gough, Kathleen. "Women in Evolution" [197-] None
25 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F23 Griffin, Susan. "The Politics of Rape" 1971 None
26 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F24 Haber, Barbara and Al Haber. "Getting by with a little help from our friends" [1967] None
27 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F25 Hopper, Peggy and Steve Foldz. "I don't want to change my lifestyle - I want to change my life" [ca. 1972] None
28 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F26 Jones, Beverly and Judith Brown. "Toward a Female Liberation Movement" [ca. 1968] None
29 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F27 Jordan, Joan. "The Place of American Women" 1968 None
30 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F28 Koedt, Anne. "The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm" 1970 None
31 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F29 Kollantai, Alexandra. "Communism and the Family" 1971 None
32 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F30 Limpus, Laurel. "Liberation of Women - Sexual Repression and the Family" [197-] None
33 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F31 M. F. "Children and the Family" [197-] None
34 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F32 Mainardi, Pat. "The Politics of Housework" [197-] None
35 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F33 Mann, Nancy. "Fucked-up in America - a response to 'The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm'" [197-] None
36 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F34 Millet, Kate. "Sexual Politics" 1968 None
37 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F35 Mitchell, Juliet. "Women - The Longest Revolution" [1968] None
38 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F36 Piercy, Marge. "The Grand Coolie Damn" [1969] None
39 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F37 Reed, Evelyn. "The Myth of Women's Inferiority" [197-] None
40 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F38 Reed, Evelyn. "A Marxist Approach - Problems of Women's Liberation" 1969 None
41 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F39 Reich, Wilhelm. "What is Class-Consciousness?" 1971 None
42 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F40 Robinson, Patricia. "Poor Black Women" 1968 None
43 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F41 Rowbotham, Sheila. "Women's Liberation and the New Politics" 1971 None
44 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F42 Rowbotham, Sheila. "Alexandra Kollantai: Women's Liberation and Revolutionary Love" [197-] None
45 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F43 Rowntree, John and Margaret. "The Political Economy of Youth" [197-] None
46 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F44 Rowntree, John and Mickey. "More on the Political Economy of Women's Liberation" 1970 None
47 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F45 Tax, Meredith. "Woman and Her Mind: The Story of Daily Life" 1970 None
48 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F46 Vogel, Lise. "Women Workers: Some Basic Statistics" 1971 None
49 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F47 Warrior, Betsy. "Females and Welfare" [ca. 1970] None
50 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F48 Weisstein, Naomi. "Kinde, Kuche, Kirche as Scientific Law" [ca. 1970] None
51 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F49 Wells, Lyn. "American Women: Their Use and Abuse" 1969 None
52 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F50 Wood, Myrna and Kathy. "Bread and Roses" [ca. 1970] None
53 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F51 Wortis, Sheli. "Child-rearing and women's liberation" 1970 None
54 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F52 Goldfield, Evelyn, Sue Munaker and Naomi Weisstein. "A woman is a sometime thing. Or, cornering capitalism by removing 51 percent of its commodities" 1969 None
55 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F53 I am furious (female) 1969 None
56 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F54 The politics of sexuality in capitalism - Red collective pamphlet (Parts 1 and 2) 1978 None
57 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F55 Children's Community Centre - Our experiences of collective child care July 1974 None
58 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F56 Come Together - A gay liberation journal for the gay community (Issue 3) 1971 None
59 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F57 Hyde Park Socialist, Quarterly, Autumn 1970 1970 None
60 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F58 Women! Free our Sisters - Women's Liberation and the Black Panther Party of Connecticut [1969] None
61 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F59 SDS National Resolution on Women 1968 None
62 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS3-F60 An introduction to the Women's Liberation Workshop 1971-1972 None
63 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS4-F1 Abortion clinics and reproductive rights 1982-1988 None
64 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS4-F2 New Democratic Party 1984 None
65 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS4-F3 Canadian Women's Movement, events, talks, interview 1981-1989 None
66 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS4-F4 Branching Out - Lesbian Sexuality Conference 1984 None
67 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS4-F5 "Anthology" discussion June 1982 None
68 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS5-F1 Speech given by Ellen Agger (Wages Due Collective) March 1976 None
69 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS6-F1 All-party meeting on women's issues 1986 None
70 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS7-F1 Publicity - launch of Lillian Allen's "Why me?" and "Nothing but a hero" 1991 None
71 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F1 " The Economic Position of the Woman in the Family" - Conference April 26-28, 1974 None
72 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F2 "A Selection of Women Authors of the 19th and 20th Centuries" - The Women's Committee of the Winnipeg Art Gallery 1975 None
73 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F3 "The Working Sexes" - Symposium October 15-16, 1976 None
74 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F4 "Passage to the Great Adventure: A traveler's handbook for Counsellors and Educators of Women" 1979 None
75 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F5 " Women in Trade" - National Conference of Women in Trades, Winnipeg September 26-28, 1980 None
76 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F6 " Concern of Women in the Core Area of Winnipeg" June 1981 None
77 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F7 "Women's Alternatives for Negotiating Peace" - International Conference June 5-9, 1985 None
78 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F8 "Surviving as an organizer…" 1985 None
79 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F9 " Conference 85" - Women Health Education Network 1985 None
80 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F10 "Women in trades and apprenticeships in Manitoba. A Giant Step" [197-]-[198-] None
81 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F11 "The Wild Wimmin Don't Get the Blues" - Annual Retreat - Pictou County, Nova Scotia [198-], 1990 None
82 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F12 The Women's Building, Winnipeg 1981-1983 None
83 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F13 International Women's Year. It's your Year. How you can participate 1975 None
84 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F14 Abortion [198-] None
85 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F15 Rape and sexual harassment [198-] None
86 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS8-F16 Miscellaneaous Pamphlets and information sheets [197-]-[198-] None
87 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS9-F1 Arnup, Katherine. "The meaning of our love for women..." August 1981 None
88 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS9-F2 Arnup, Katherine. "Compulsory heterosexuality in capitalist society" [198-] None
89 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS9-F3 Arnup, Katherine. "What's in a name? The meaning of lesbianism" [198-] None
90 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS9-F4 Arnup, Katherine. "Lesbian mothers and child custody" January 1981 None
91 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS9-F5 Arnup, Katherine. "Lesbianism in history" January 1981 None
92 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F1 Notes, correspondence and pamphlets about Rosemary Barnes' involvement in the Lesbian Organization of Toronto (L.O.O.T.) 1976-1985 None
93 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F2 Everywoman's Almanacs 1978, 1979, 1980 1978-1980 None
94 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F3 Everywoman's Almanacs 1980, 1981, 1982 1981-1983 None
95 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F4 Gay Community Appeal - By-Law, definition, members 1979-1981 Partially restricted
96 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F5 Gay Community Appeal - Board Meetings Minutes and related documents 1979-1982 None
97 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F6 Gay Community Appeal - Notices to Members 1980-1982 None
98 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F7 Gay Community Appeal - Correspondence 1979-1981 None
99 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F8 Gay Community Appeal - Project and Development Committee 1981-1982 None
100 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F9 Gay Community Appeal - Volunteering, Activities, Ressources 1980-1982 None
101 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F10 Gay Community Appeal - Casa Loma II 1981-1982 None
102 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F11 Gay Community Appeal - 1981-1982 Campaign 1981-1982 None
103 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F12 Gay Community Appeal - 1982 Campaign - Presenters and Workshops 1981-1982 None
104 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F13 Gay Community Appeal - 1982-1983 Campaign 1981-1982 Partially restricted
105 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F14 Gay Community Appeal - Fruit Cocktail - Souvenir Program [1982-1983] None
106 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F15 Gay Community Appeal - The People's Classifieds - Information May 1983 None
107 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F16 Gay Community Appeal - Pamphlets 1981-1983 None
108 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS12-F17 The Woman's Common 1987 None
109 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS13-F1 Deborah Bartlett - Resume [ca.1983] Restricted
110 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS14-F1 Reference material about women (1 of 3) 1972-1979 None
111 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS14-F2 Reference material about women (2 of 3) 1976-1981 None
112 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS14-F3 Reference material about women (3 of 3) 1975-1981 None
113 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS15-F1 Vote Barbara Beardsley! [ca.1975] None
114 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS16-F1 Notes and articles by Lois Bedard 1986 None
115 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS17-F1 Right Livelihood Awards 1985-1994 None
116 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS18-F1 Bolt, Carol. "My best friend is twelve feet high" 1974 None
117 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS19-F1 Boschman, Lorna. "Sara Blackstone joins a group" 1978 None
118 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS20-F1 Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associates (OCUFA) Newsletter (Vol. 8, Special Issue) 1975 None
119 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS20-F2 Briskin, Linda. "Hungry? Just look in the window and point" July 1984 None
120 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS20-F3 Sophie Bissonnette - Film proposal March 1979 None
121 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS20-F4 Heterodoxy II poster 1975 None
122 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS20-F5 Feminist Party of Canada newsletter 1981 None
123 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS20-F6 Red Moon Rising - a year long retrospect of the Women's Movement in Vancouver 1969-1975 1975 None
124 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS20-F7 History of Women course material - general outline and assignment 2 [197-] None
125 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS20-F8 Course outlines on Women's Studies 1975-1988 None
126 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS21-F1 Material related to women 1983 None
127 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS22-F1 Vote for Margaret Bryce 1973-1974 None
128 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS23-F1 Correspondence [198-]-[199-] None
129 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS23-F2 Biography, articles and drafts [198-]-[199-] None
130 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS23-F3 Health care and Osteoporosis [198-]-[199-] None
131 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F1 Transcript of an interview with Charlotte Bunch by Varda Burstyn 1982 None
132 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F2 Transcript of an interview with Carolyn Egan by Varda Burstyn 1982 None
133 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F3 Transcript of an interview with Michele Barrett by Varda Burstyn 1982 None
134 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F4 Transcript of an interview with Grace Hartman by Varda Burstyn 1982 None
135 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F5 Transcript of an interview with Val Wise by Varda Burstyn 1982 None
136 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F6 Transcript of an interview with Bella Abzug by Varda Burstyn 1982 None
137 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F7 Transcript of an interview with Linda Gordon by Varda Burstyn 1982 None
138 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F8 Kilian, Melody. "Women - Reform or Revolution?" [197-] None
139 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F9 Bell, Gay. "Angry at the state and nice to me" July 1977 None
140 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F10 Burstyn, Varda. "Sexual Repression, Patriarchal Ideology and Socialist Revolution" 1979 None
141 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F11 Kidd Varda. " Radical Feminism and Socialist Feminism" January 9th, 1977 None
142 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS24-F12 Feminism and the Rise of the New Right Fall 1981 None
143 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS25-F1 Pamphlets, posters, conference material 1976-1981 None
144 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS26-F1 Chase, Gillean. "First North American Serial Rights - Between Mythologies" manuscript [197-]-[198-] None
145 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS27-F1 Callwood, June. "Is there radicalization after 40?" 1973 None
146 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS28-F1 Cameron, Barb and Lesley Towers. "The case for universal day care" [197-]-[198-] None
147 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS29-F1 Invitation for birthday soiree 1984 None
148 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS30-F1 News - Peterborough Women's Place, June 1975 June 1975 None
149 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS30-F2 Material related to women 1973-1976 None
150 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS31-F1 Cole, Susan G. "The case against women against censorship" [198-] None
151 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS32-F1 Personal minutes - R.W.L. meetings [between 1970 and 1989] None
152 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS32-F2 Abortion [between 1970 and 1989] None
153 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS32-F3 International Women's Day Committee 1978 None
154 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS32-F4 National Revolutionary Marxist Group 1973-1976 None
155 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS32-F5 Revolutionary Marxist Group - Toronto 1973-1977 None
156 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS32-F6 History of the Women's Movement (1 of 2) [between 1970 and 1989] None
157 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS32-F7 History of the Women's Movement (2 of 2) [between 1970 and 1989] None
158 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS32-F8 Working women 1972-1977 None
159 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS32-F9 Miscellaneous - women's liberation 1972-1979 None
160 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS33-F1 Personal 1983-1988 None
161 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS34-F1 Crossman, Beverly. "Day care coalition raps gov't program" April 1981 None
162 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS34-F2 Shaver, Frances. "Farm and non farm women in rural Quebec - A preliminary analysis" June 1980 None
163 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS34-F3 Organizing in rural Saskatchewan [between 1970 and 1989] None
164 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS34-F4 RAE (Research, Action and Education Centre), Regina, Saskatchewan 1981-1982 None
165 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS34-F5 Welfare 1981 None
166 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS34-F6 Notes about women's groups in Saskatchewan [between 1970 and 1989] None
167 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS34-F7 CUPE - Library workers 1982 None
168 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS35-F1 Cunningham, Charnie and Laurel Limpus. "The Myth of Motherhood" [between 1970 and 1989] None
169 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS36-F1 Dempsey, Shawna. "I will not willfully consume marketed male culture" September 1985 None
170 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS37-F1 Thesis about lesbians 1986 None
171 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS37-F2 Thesis about lesbians - interviews material 1986 None
172 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS38-F1 Correspondence between Margo Dunn and Pat Leslie 1978-1981 None
173 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS39-F1 Manuscript of a speech given by Carolyn Egan 1984 None
174 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F1 Notes, articles, reference materials, outline of "The I Can Do Anything Girls' Annual" 1973-1976 None
175 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F2 Pamphlet: "Ladies Against Women!" 1985 None
176 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F3 The Listening Man - newsletter, no. 16 August 1976 None
177 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F4 True North Canadian Women - The Forgotten Woman 1974 None
178 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F5 Newtonbrook United Church - Contemporary Worship Service program - "Women's Liberation" 1973 None
179 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F6 Englander, Karen. "Women's role in production in the third world and the effect of western imperialism" 1975 None
180 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F7 Englander, Karen. "An analysis of guerrilla street theatre in America since 1960" 1975-1976 None
181 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F8 Ridge, Mary Thad. "On the relationship of feminism and socialism" [between 1970 and 1989] None
182 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F9 Songs [197-]-[198-] None
183 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F10 Hodges, Andrew and David Hutter. "With downcast gays" 1974 None
184 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F11 Women in Society course 1978 None
185 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS40-F12 The second national conference on men and masculinity [between 1970 and 1989] None
186 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS41-F1 Notes [between 1970 and 1989] None
187 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS42-F1 Manuscript [between 1970 and 1979] None
188 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F1 Meeting minutes, correspondence about abortion clinics 1982-1983 None
189 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F2 Notebook [197-]-[198-] None
190 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F3 The Women's Building, Winnipeg 1979 None
191 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F4 Grapevine - The newsletter of the lesbian mothers' defence fund 1979 None
192 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F5 Feminist Party of Canada 1979 None
193 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F6 Ozark Wimmin's Land Trust newsletter [197-]-[198-] None
194 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F7 A Woman's Place newsletter May-July 1980 None
195 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F8 A Woman's Haggadah - Pesach: season of our liberation [197-]-[198-] None
196 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F9 Women for Survival 1982 Partially restricted
197 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F10 Solidarity with Palestinian women 1982 None
198 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F11 Take Back the Night 1982 None
199 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F12 A Woman's Place - Forrest House - Halifax [1977] None
200 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F13 Condition feminine Canada - Status of Women Canada March 1978 None
201 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F14 Press clippings 1983 None
202 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F15 Congress of Canadian Women newsletter June 1981 None
203 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F16 Panes of Glass by Batsheva [197-]-[198-] None
204 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F17 Women Against Nuclear Technology 1979-1980 None
205 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F18 Bryony House [1978] None
206 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F19 Kick It Over newspaper [1982] None
207 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F20 Finkler, Evelyn Lilith. "Feminism is alive and well in Israel" [between 1970-1989] None
208 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F21 Finkler, Evelyn Lilith. "Incest - myth vs. reality - a feminist perspective" [between 1970 and 1989] None
209 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F22 Finkler, Evelyn Lilith. "The same old story: classism in the women's movement" [198-] None
210 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F23 Correspondence 1978-1981 Partially restricted
211 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F24 Lesbian/Gay Pride Day, San Francisco 1984 None
212 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F25 Personal almanacs 1978-1979 Restricted
213 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F26 Personal almanacs 1980-1981 Restricted
214 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F27 Notes [between 1970 and 1989] None
215 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F28 Women's Bureau Newsletter (Vol. 4, No. 2) May 1979 None
216 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F29 Shehechiyatnu - a Jewish lesbian feminist newsletter (no. 1) October 1979 None
217 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F30 Introduction to socialist feminism February 1982 None
218 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F31 Women against violence against women 1980 None
219 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS43-F32 Leaflets, posters, conference material 1979-1983 None
220 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS44-F1 Interlock (nos. 4 and 5) 1976 None
221 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS44-F2 Course outline: INI 233Y Childhood, Family, and Community 1983-1984 None
222 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS44-F3 Posters, pamphlets, correspondence 1979-1984 None
223 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS45-F1 International Women's Day Committee, Toronto [197-]-[198-] None
224 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS45-F2 Agreement - Women's Movement Archives April 1984 None
225 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS45-F3 Personal notes [between 1970 and 1989] None
226 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS45-F4 Union (pamphlet draft) [197-]-[198-] None
227 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS45-F5 The New Democrat May 1983 None
228 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS45-F6 SSAP - NDP - Newsletter March 1984 None
229 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS45-F7 Correspondence January 1984 None
230 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS46-F1 Notebooks 1981-1983 None
231 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS46-F2 Pogrebin, Letty Cottin. "Anti-Semitism in the Women's Movement" June 1982 None
232 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS46-F3 Publications 1971, 1977 None
233 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS46-F4 Notes 1985-1987 None
234 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS47-F1 Notes [between 1970-1989] None
235 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS48-F1 Notes and articles about feminism [between 1970 and 1989] None
236 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS49-F1 Poster [between 1970 and 1989] None
237 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS50-F1 Daycare card [197-]-[198-] None
238 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS51-F1 Amy Gottlieb - Miscellaneous 1979-1982 None
239 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS51-F2 American material 1980 None
240 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS51-F3 Press clippings 1973-1983 None
241 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS51-F4 Event posters 1983 None
242 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS51-F5 Papers, essays 1974-1977 None
243 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS51-F6 Abortion, choice 1979-1983 None
244 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS51-F7 Pornography 1980-1983 None
245 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS51-F8 Gay and lesbian movements 1978-1979 None
246 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS52-F1 Essays [between 1970-1989] None
247 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS53-F1 Publications and pamphlets 1968-1980 None
248 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS53-F2 Redstockings of the Women's Liberation Movement [between 1970 and 1989] None
249 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS54-F1 Travelogue, poem, film outline 1983 None
250 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS55-F1 Promotional material [between 1970 and 1989] None
251 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS56-F1 Kingston Sexual Assault Crisis Centre - Membership lists 1987 Restricted
252 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS56-F2 Resources and Referral Lists for Kingston Women [1985] None
253 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS56-F3 Kingston Sexual Assault Crisis Centre - Fundraising May 1987 None
254 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS56-F4 Kingston Sexual Assault Crisis Centre - Volunteering 1983-1984 None
255 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS56-F5 Kingston Sexual Assault Crisis Centre - Portfolio of responsabilities [198-] None
256 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS56-F6 Kingston Sexual Assault Crisis Centre - Personnel Policy: Staff Evaluation Procedures [198-] None
257 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS56-F7 Kingston Sexual Assault Crisis Centre - Forms [198-] None
258 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS57-F1 Paper clippings 1984-1988 None
259 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS57-F2 Danger : Anger poster [197-]-[198-] None
260 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS57-F3 Press clipping - "Obscene" poetry causes storm over NDP picnic site [197-]-[198-] None
261 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS58-F1 Campaign material 1993 None
262 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS59-F1 Women and Unions Workshop 1988-1989 None
263 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS60-F1 Sex education 1983-1985 None
264 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS61-F1 Press clippings 1984 None
265 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS62-F1 Kealey, Linda. "Canadian Socialism and the Woman Question, 1900-1914" 1984 None
266 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS63-F1 Homosexuality Studies 1970-1971 None
267 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS63-F2 Report on abortion 1969-1970 None
268 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS63-F3 Sexual Harassment and Sex Discrimination in Employment 198- None
269 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS64-F1 Knight, Andrea. "Some questions about women's history, feminist history and 'woman-centred' history" [between 1970 and 1989] None
270 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS65-F1 Response from Canada Post about the position of women in the Post Office 1974 None
271 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS66-F1 NDP Women 1978 1978 None
272 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS66-F2 NDP Women 1977 1977 None
273 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS66-F3 NDP Women 1976 1976 None
274 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS66-F4 Women and Labour 1973-1978 None
275 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS66-F5 Feminist Theory 1974-1976 None
276 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS66-F6 Koehler, Marlene: correspondence, pamphlets, campaign materials 1975-1983 None
277 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS66-F7 Koehler, Marlene: North York women 1975 None
278 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS66-F8 Koehler, Marlene: Law Union 1974-1980 None
279 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS66-F9 Koehler, Marlene: NDP Women 1979 1979 None
280 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS67-F1 British Columbia Federation of Women Constitution and Handbook, conference schedule 1977-1980 None
281 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS68-F1 Exhibition poster 1979 None
282 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS69-F1 University, employment, correspondence 1975-1983 Partially restricted
283 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS69-F2 Speech notes, personal notes 1983 None
284 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS70-F1 Kostash, Myrna. "Power and Control: a feminist view of pornography" 1978 None
285 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS71-F1 Kreps, Bonnie. "Radical Feminism 1" [between 1970 and 1989] None
286 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS72-F1 Lambert, Zoe. "Woman Calendar 1985 1985 None
287 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS73-F1 Correspondence, clippings 1985 None
288 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS74-F1 Willis, Ellen. "Consumerism and Women" [between 1970 and 1989] None
289 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS75-F1 Resume [between 1970 and 1989] None
290 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS76-F1 Speech notes [1982] None
291 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS77-F1 Transcript for "Women Communicating" show on prostitution, correspondence 1987-1988 None
292 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS77-F2 Order form for "Dreams and Tricksters" by Tanya Lester [between 1970 and 1980] None
293 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS77-F3 Consulting Committee on the Status of Women with Disabilities 1990-1991 None
294 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS77-F4 Manitoba Women's Organisations - Pamphlets 1990-1991 None
295 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS78-F1 Essays on the family [between 1970 and 1989] None
296 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS79-F1 Resume, employment correspondence, written notes on lesbian writing 1983 None
297 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS79-F2 Jewish feminism 1982 None
298 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS79-F3 International Parents FLAG Convention 1983 None
299 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS80-F1 CUPE material, pamphlets, correspondence, course outline 1977-1982 None
300 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS81-F1 Notes, correspondence and pamphlets 1981-1984 None
301 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS81-F2 Women's Press Critique of its collective 1982-1988 None
302 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS81-F3 1985-1986 Toronto Pamphlets 1985-1986 None
303 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS81-F4 McClard, Judy - Guatemala March 1987 None
304 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS81-F5 Beth McAuley's 1986 Calendar 1986 None
305 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS81-F6 Jam Today-Stereotyping 1981 None
306 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS81-F7 Bombs Over Heaven / The Infinite Edge 1983 None
307 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS81-F8 Miscellaneous records [198-] None
308 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS82-F1 Correspondence, articles, essays, notes 1971-1980 None
309 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS82-F2 News clipping: "Lynn McDonald a tough fighter" 1984 None
310 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS83-F1 Promotional material for Ellen McIlwaine 1979 None
311 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS84-F1 Kay Macpherson campaign material 1972 None
312 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS85-F1 Women and Politics project 1977 None
313 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS86-F1 Women and unemployment: notes and reference material 1976-1979 None
314 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS86-F2 International women: Central America, Latin America, South Africa 1972-1982 None
315 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS87-F1 Short bio and goals for NAC 1975 None
316 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS88-F1 Meredith, Diana. "The Professor" 1986 None
317 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS89-F1 ONDP Left Caucus 1979-1982 None
318 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS90-F1 Notes, pamphlets, essays, events info 1975-1979 None
319 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS90-F2 Resumes [197-] None
320 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS91-F1 Correspondence, personal notes 1982-1985 None
321 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS92-F1 Invitation to celebrate Kathryn Morgan's tenure 1983 None
322 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS93-F1 Dora: A Case of Hysteria 1987-1988 None
323 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS94-F1 Peggy Morton: essays [between 1970 and 1989] None
324 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS95-F1 Personal [1985] None
325 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS95-F2 Windsor women's liberation pamphlets 1969-1976 None
326 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS96-F1 "The Struggle for Choice" 1985-1987 None
327 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS97-F1 U of T Coalition for Responsible Choice: a media log 1983-1984 None
328 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS98-F1 Oikawa, Mona 1980-1992 None
329 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS98-F2 Physical and Verbal attack by Police officer a lone black woman in a car on an isolated section of Markham road April 19th, 1990 None
330 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS98-F3 Wives, Battered Wives & Battered Immigrant Women: A Progressive Silence January 22nd, 1988 None
331 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS98-F4 Pamphlets, Articles, Clippings [198-] None
332 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS98-F5 The Future is Ours! Parade 90 - San Francisco - Lesbian/Gay Freedom Day Parade & Celebration June 24 th, 1990 None
333 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS98-F6 Sisterfire! 88 - 6th Anniversary July 2-3rd, 1988 None
334 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS99-F1 Essays 1979 None
335 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS100-F1 Tickets, pamphlets, information sheets, articles [198-] None
336 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS101-F1 Meeting agenda for lower mainland feminists to discuss Vancouver Rape Relief/WAVAW Rape Crisis Group 1982 None
337 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS102-F1 Pollock, Sheryl. "A lifetime of decisions: Alice Haug Cooley 1987-_" 1980 None
338 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS103-F1 Prentice, Alison. "The feminization of teaching in British North America and Canada 1845-1875" [197-]-[198-] None
339 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS104-F1 Toronto Disarmament Network (TDN) 1983-1984 None
340 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS104-F2 Press clippings 1982-1983 None
341 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS104-F3 Personal 1984 None
342 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS104-F4 U of Toronto TOIKE 1979-1980 None
343 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS105-F1 Poem, untitled 27 September 1979 None
344 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS105-F2 Correspondence and personal records 1981-1983 Partially restricted
345 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS106-F1 Judith Quinlan 1981 None
346 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS107-F1 "From Three Worlds" exhibition flyer 1984 None
347 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS108-F1 Repo, Satu. "Are women necessary?" [between 1970 and 1989] None
348 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS109-F1 "The lady in off white" press release 1986 None
349 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS110-F1 Rosenberg, Harriet. "Motherwork, depression and stress: post-partum depression as a symptom of on the job stress" 1981 None
350 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS111-F1 Poetry 1973-1975 None
351 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS112-F1 Jane Rule [between 1970 and 1989] None
352 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS113-F1 Etchings 1974 None
353 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS114-F1 Seacombe, Wally. "The housewife and her labour under capitalism" 1973 None
354 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS115-F1 Reports 1973 None
355 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS116-F1 Sky, Laura. "Notes on Tomorrow's Children" 1976 None
356 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS117-F1 Flyers, leaflets 1977-1984 None
357 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS118-F1 Report on the full-time mother 1983 None
358 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS119-F1 "Children's Shiatsu By Parents" flyer [between 1970 and 1989] None
359 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS120-F1 Papers, articles, essays 1974-1977 None
360 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS121-F1 Leaflet with poem in memory of Pat Smith [1985] None
361 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS122-F1 Posters, flyers, theatre scripts, song lyrics 1981-1986 None
362 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS122-F2 Draft letter 1984 None
363 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS123-F1 Betsy Spalding 1975 None
364 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS124-F1 "Sugar 'N' Spice: The socialization of girl children" [between 1970 and 1989] None
365 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS125-F1 Sandra (Sandy) Stienecker 1974-1978 None
366 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS125-F2 Sandra (Sandy) Stienecker: Women's Programme seminar (Citizenship Branch), Women for Political Action, Women's Place, personal notes, leaflets 1972-1973 None
367 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS126-F1 Jini Stolk 1975-1976 None
368 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS127-F1 Stone, Sharon. "Lesbian/Feminist Protest: A Case Study" [between 1970 and 1989] None
369 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS128-F1 Johanna H. Stuckey: correspondence 1974-1981 None
370 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS129-F1 Taillon, Ruth. "Wages for Housework - A Critique" 1975 None
371 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS130-F1 Alderwoman campaign press clippings (photocopies) 1974 None
372 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS131-F1 Women and imperialism 1977-1980 None
373 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS131-F2 Western Regional Conference on the International Situation 1977 None
374 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS131-F3 Committee against Bill C-24 (immigration) 1977 None
375 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS131-F4 International women 1976-1981 None
376 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS131-F5 Women and work, "In Struggle!" 1977-[1978] None
377 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS131-F6 Women and health 1975-1976 None
378 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS131-F7 "Learn from practice: the draft summary of the IWD coalition's work", notes 1977 None
379 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS131-F8 Personal 1974-1982 None
380 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS131-F9 Sociology of Knowledge course notes and reading materials 1976 None
381 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS132-F1 Press article, poster for talk, speech for panel on pornography 1984-1986 None
382 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS133-F1 Research material on sexual abuse of children 1977-1985 None
383 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS133-F2 Research material on sexual abuse 1972-1978 None
384 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS134-F1 Notes and lobbying material 1971-1986 None
385 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS134-F2 Curriculum Vitae - biography [197?] None
386 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS135-F1 Discussion paper on social and economic opression of women [1990] None
387 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS136-F1 Lesbians Against the Right : Lesbians are Everywhere - Fighting the Right 1981 None
388 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS136-F2 Gay Men and Feminism - A Discussion [between 1970-1989] None
389 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS136-F3 Notes [between 1970-1989] None
390 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS137-F1 Womb with a View - Female Reproduction Past and Future April 1975 None
391 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS138-F1 Willick, Liz. "If I could turn you on […]" - Reprint 1971 None
392 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS139-F1 Willis, Ellen. "Consumerism and Women" [between 1970-1989] None
393 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS139-F2 Willis, Ellen. "Whatever happened to women? […]" [between 1970-1989] None
394 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS140-F1 Ontario Association for Continuing Education (OACE) - Public Policy May 1977-December 1977 None
395 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS140-F2 Ontario Association for Continuing Education (OACE) - Conference 1977 1976-1977 None
396 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS140-F3 Mount Saint Vincent University Conference - "Research on Women: Current Projects and Future Directions" 1976 None
397 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS140-F4 Notes on various topics 1977-1978 None
398 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS141-F1 "We may not have much, but there's a lot of us!" [197?] None
399 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS142-F1 Herstory 1979 - A Canadian Women's Calendar 1979-1984 None
400 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS143-F1 Grant applications, correspondence, papers 1976-1984 None
401 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS144-F1 Eve Zaremba 1975-1985 None
402 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS144-F2 Articles, pamphlets 1977-1983 None
403 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS144-F3 Posters, flyers, leaflets 1978-1982 None
404 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS145-F1 The League of Canadian Poets : newsletters and AGM report 1980-1982 None
405 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS145-F2 Publications 1976-1978 None
406 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS145-F3 Clippings 1977-1982 None
407 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS145-F4 C.V.s, Canadian publishing information 1973-1975 None
408 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS145-F5 Teaching 1975-1976 None
409 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS145-F6 Personal notebooks and correspondence, publishing correspondence, and literary material for publishing 1973-1982 None
410 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS145-F7 American material 1972-1978 None
411 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS145-F8 Writings (1 of 2) 1977-1981 None
412 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS145-F9 Writings (2 of 2) 1977-1981 None
413 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS145-F10 Paper on Self as Woman 1978 None
414 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS146-F1 Pyke, Sandra (1 of 2) 1969-1971 None
415 CA ON0034 10-001-S2-SS146-F2 Pyke, Sandra (2 of 2) 1971-1973 None